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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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12 hours ago, misteraven said:

What does the red represent here? Deaths, infection, quarantine? Also, what density does the red area represent. 

Indeed, disingenuous. Precisely the click bait bullshit MSM loves. Seeing shit like this, in an era where society has forgotten how to be skeptical, how to think through problems with logic as a general position, makes shit like this much more a problem, than them just “reporting” news. Worse is it then gets cropped and posted, usually as a meme, further stripped of context and then will be reposted over and over again as the bases for whatever “fact” is being argued. 

Just need to take a moment to acknowledge how rad it is to get all my irl “media literacy” extra credit outta this forum. What a time to be in school for multi media design. You guys are making my homework sound awesome lol! Respect!

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On 3/27/2020 at 9:08 AM, KILZ FILLZ said:

Up by 77 overnight. They removed the non county resident block.... military personnel who are stationed here but don’t call SD home? Cruise ships who were quarantined in harbor? Folk detained crossing border illegally/legally?















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On 3/27/2020 at 8:31 AM, Fist 666 said:

I worked for one of the largest corporations in America several years ago, and during corporate meetings our "leadership" team would critique the color choices of our data points and completely ignore what our data said. 

"Maybe next time you could show the lifespan in green instead of red?"

"Maybe a bright blue instead of that dark blue?"

"It is really negative looking..."

Completely missing the point that there new product was underperforming in every metric. We would talk about the color choices for hours, and how to fix the core problem for like 20 minutes.


Charts and graphs are inherently confusing. Showing a nation as large as the US, with issues in each state, will wind up with blurred data. Seriously, if you have a better idea on how to demonstrate/show information at that scale you can make money doing it. 


Here is a diagram that is sort of held as the pinnacle of graphic representation of data by Charles Minard.

Minard: Napoleon's Retreat From Moscow (Russian Campaign 1812-1813)

Edward Tufte does a lot of work pushing these ideas.


So while there is total validity to your complaints with the above map @Dirty_habiTand @misteraven,  the data remains relevant--however poorly shown. Clearly a screen shot missing a key, it shows the US compared to Canada and Mexico pretty clearly, whether it is deaths, confirmed infections, or fucking clown sightings, the US has done a piss poor job of responding compared to our immediate neighbors. 



(see the irony)

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For those that still don’t think you government lies to you. Putting your life on the line because they have an agenda. The MSM complicit in spreading the message. It always is, right up until it isn’t. 

CDC is now changing positions and recommending everyone wear masks. MSM now doing an about face on the topic. 

Might be a small topic in the grand scheme, but so blatantly obvious it’s crazy. Reminds me of the recent comment from @Hua Guofangabout how they can’t lie because it would be too obvious and people won’t stand for it. 



Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired. To help manage the shortage, the authorities sent a message that made them untrustworthy.




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I been arguing the mask thing with my nurse practitioner wifey for weeks. Especially the good ones i have from painting/spraying cabinets. We had legit arguments on the subject and her stance along with all her nerd doctor co-workers is that they barely work unless you wore a papr mask (powered air purifying respirator) because of the way you end up touching it anyways or just the lack of fit. I said well what if you washed your hands before and after touching the damn thing. Idfk. Hospital people are weird. I’ll be a mask wearing glove wearin motherfucker just because it makes sense. 

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On 3/27/2020 at 6:27 AM, Hua Guofang said:

How does this happen to the most advanced country in the world?




Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 3.25.26 PM.png


This other map popped up into my feed. Same information, presented with an entirely different tone.


Again, unsure how either is communicating the specifics as neither provides a legend to allow for the interpretation of what we're seeing, but clearly coming at it with different tones.


As an interesting comparison I googled zombie map and saw these in the results. Obviously red Is a significant color choice. According to https://www.colormatters.com/the-meanings-of-colors/red is symbolizes...




Red is the color of extremes. It’s the color of passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, and adventure. Our prehistoric ancestors saw red as the color of fire and blood – energy and primal life forces – and most of red’s symbolism today arises from its powerful associations in the past.

Red is also a magical and religious color. It symbolized super-human heroism to the Greeks and is the color of the Christian crucifixion. Red was almost as rare and as expensive as purple in ancient days – a fact that may explain its magic and power. Paradoxically, today’s intense red dyes come from crushed insects (the lac beetle and the cochineal).


Obviously its often used to call attention and is often used in medical contexts. I think where the first map skewed the context was their choice to go with the dark palette along with red. As previously noted by you guys, combined with teh choice to blanket entire regions in red as well, its hard to ignore it as not being sensationalist. Then again we're living in unreal times as well, so there is that. It's still my position, however, that choices like these in presenting "facts" or "news" undermines the objectivity that their position is supposed to encapsulate. In an era when less and less people have trust in MSM, its stuff like this that further erodes public trust in them.












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I just realized that hurricane season starts in just 2 months and this years season is predicted to be above normal in activity. Generally I love seeing hurricane season come and tear things up because it means more work for me. This year; I dont know. If the covid virus is not under control and a large enough storm tears up the east coat, we could all be done for.

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For those who thought this wasn't a big deal and a joke are you taking it serious now? 


Funny POTUS talks about having to "quarantine" NYC/regions and people start uprising and the governor says it would be "illegal "then POTUS back pedals fast. Like a "travel advisory" has stopped this virus at all 🙈😅


By friday (probably even Tuesday at the earliest with the way they're doubling) we will have surpassed world influenze deaths by yearly averages and deaths by gunshot wounds.


We are doomed with this virus. Our lack of taking it serious and the selfishness of this country will be our unravelling and take down. America will never be the same, especially with the levels of death and unemployment and businesses collapsing that we will see.  Even if China lied about their data and deaths, we will still overtake their casualty rate by a long shot.


Crazy times. But maybe I'm wrong or melodramatic 🤷‍♂️


Edited by WorldBench
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26 minutes ago, Kults said:

No, it’s a flu for most people. 


I think you might be a little. 

I agree, I feel like I am except the data shows otherwise. it is barely 3 months into this outbreak and we will pass a 12 month influenza death rate. A bit more than the flu 🤷‍♂️and this is woth extreme measure being taken place


Italy has a 10% death rate, 7% in Spain and Iran as well, influenza has a 0.7% at worse case?




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1 hour ago, where said:

@SMdoubleXLhow you feeling?

Thank you  for checkin 


im well. I assume i had a mere cold..?  Still not able to go to work because of the uncertainty of one of the houseguests.  My insurance doesn’t go into effect until the 1st so we are playing it day by day and trying to determine if I can get tested after that or if I’m waiting it out. 

he is coughing so bad that even the other gentleman here (who tried to ease my concerns) asked him “you ok man? You’re still coughing a lot” 

he insists allergies still. 
Neither one of us come out of our room unless we know we can completely avoid any area Sir coughs a lot has been In (basically when he leaves the house)  then I leave my room with a Clorox wipe in hand  to handle anything I need to.  

he is still out shopping. Working and even fucking goin on dates. How do I know? Because he is that LOUD about everything. I shouldn’t know this much about the next person. He knocked on my door a few days ago and I didn’t respond.  He proceeded to march up and down the stairs like a child throwing a tantrum and then sat in his door way about 4 ft from mine -door open-FaceTiming  (even after telling him I can hear every word and that when it’s that close, its very disturbing) 

he is needing  attention or something like an ass whoopin. 

however I think his reservation is up in the 31st. 
crosses fingers. 
End rant  

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19 hours ago, misteraven said:

For those that still don’t think you government lies to you. Putting your life on the line because they have an agenda. The MSM complicit in spreading the message. It always is, right up until it isn’t. 

CDC is now changing positions and recommending everyone wear masks. MSM now doing an about face on the topic. 

Might be a small topic in the grand scheme, but so blatantly obvious it’s crazy. Reminds me of the recent comment from @Hua Guofangabout how they can’t lie because it would be too obvious and people won’t stand for it. 



Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired. To help manage the shortage, the authorities sent a message that made them untrustworthy.




All that all government officials tell us are Career Advancement Statements. News sources are just opinions that will change sometimes. First responders violate the 6ft distance by testing and treating a sick person. They can be in contact with saliva and sweat etc. They need masks. I learned this by working service lines at soup kitchens. They would ask me why I was so quiet and didn't talk to anyone when I was at the counter. I told them so I wouldn't spit in the food that I was about to scoop onto their plates.


If GP stays home or goes out but maintains distancing then frequent hand washing and don't touch your own face and mucus membrane should be good enough unless something new is discovered about this virus. If it's discovered that the virus has now saturated the entire breathable atmosphere then we will need PAPR systems like @NightmareOnElmStreetdescribes or mobile modified Supplied Air Respirators that auto painters use in addition to wearing ear plugs or ear muffs.


BTW, if anyone is looking to wear an effective mask but can't find N95 grade products. I hear vacuum bag filters are the next best thing if modified to wear on your face.





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2 hours ago, WorldBench said:

I agree, I feel like I am except the data shows otherwise. it is barely 3 months into this outbreak and we will pass a 12 month influenza death rate. A bit more than the flu 🤷‍♂️and this is woth extreme measure being taken place


Italy has a 10% death rate, 7% in Spain and Iran as well, influenza has a 0.7% at worse case?


I mentioned it way back in this thread, but the flu comparison is a poor one. It seems the virus comes on like a flu, but causes pneumonia in the more susceptible, then some leading to organ failures.  

Pneumonia kills roughly 2.6 million people every year, and about 450 million people contract pneumonia every year.

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