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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. 2022 i believe. also in North Carolina and Washington. edit: i think i got my timeline out of whack for the rest of the comment i made, i’ll be back, ha.
  2. https://apnews.com/article/conspiracy-white-supremacist-power-grid-sentencing-375fc2961d378cf091df8b78f7e4f2e2
  3. MFers out there in Ohio being like a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl no exceptions and then being like boneless can have bones.. suck my dick.
  4. Edit: dawg, if Richard Spencer is telling you that you’re being a bit much, you go some shit going on.
  5. https://apnews.com/article/boneless-chicken-wings-lawsuit-ohio-supreme-court-231002ea50d8157aeadf093223d539f8 In a 4-3 ruling, the Supreme Court said Thursday that “boneless wings” refers to a cooking style, and that Berkheimer should’ve been on guard against bones since it’s common knowledge that chickens have bones. The high court sided with lower courts that had dismissed Berkheimer’s suit.
  6. https://www.newsweek.com/same-sex-marraige-kim-davis-kentucky-federal-court-obergefell-1929498 A federal court is being asked to overturn same-sex marriage by Kim Davis, a former Kentucky county clerk who refused marriage licenses to gay couples.
  7. Decided to start this for stories that are worthy of seeing and discussing, but may not necessarily be new thread worthy, specifically for matters of U.S. politics.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/jd-vance-kevin-roberts-project-2025-book-foreword-1929753
  9. It’s been driving me nuts trying to think of the main example that came to mind but i finally got it… Derek Carr. Dude always looks like he has the eyeliner on as well.
  10. i think he’s just one of those fools born with it.
  11. https://archive.is/2024.07.23-145653/https://www.ft.com/content/be6fda7e-6ec5-494a-a8ea-fa57a7a1c9f5
  12. Ya i think that’s a combination of his age and simply not giving a fuck because accuracy means little to nothing in Trump camp.
  13. It reminds me of someone who is black out drunk. In their mind they’re forming the thoughts but what’s coming out of their mouth isn’t the thought in its entirety. Like whatever that situation was recently where he said he’s proud to be the first black woman President or something.. Out of context it’s like “damn, gramps is fucking gone”, but when you hear the audio you can surmise that he’s trying to say he’s proud to serve with the first black President and first black woman VP.. but obviously the out of context clips make the headlines.
  14. He is, that’s why i think sliding him only into VP would be the move. Also, listen to recent Biden speeches, and then listen to recent Sanders speeches, they’re not even close. It’s not going to happen, but my comments are just to point out if the DNC wanted to ensure a victory, that’s the only combo that i see where it would be, in my opinion, a done deal.
  15. Around 2020 Harvard did a national study of a few thousands folks and Sanders was above every Democrat by 10%, especially with folks 19-38 or some shit like that, and that’s who could swing this election. Edit: below is a Pew Research study about age range in voting stats. Sanders was equal to Biden and Beto combined.. That said, Sanders is old, and pushing him for President isn’t the move, but sliding him in with someone else..
  16. Toe to toe, absolutely not, Harris would get annihilated. Pushing Harris is proof that their heads are buried up their own asses. Facts are nobody that’s going to swing this election gives a shit about any of the cookie cutter Dems like Beto and Harris. Here’s why i think Harris/Sanders would bury Trump though: Harris brings in expected votes; She’ll draw the blue no matter who, and the classic liberals, standard stuff. She’ll also get some degree of first woman President voters, as well as first black woman voters. Sanders will fill the gaps, and bring in a lot of voters that have been wanting that fucking guy in office for almost 2 decades now. I think that folks voting for Sanders would come out of the forests like the Ents attacking Isengard. Many of whom haven’t voted, don’t vote, or vote third parties like Jill Stein. You can make the argument that Harris will largely maintain status quo, and Sanders will help push at least SOME progress. It appeals to damn near anyone that would ever vote Democrat. Just my 2 cents.
  17. Nah, but i’d be willing to bet that the covid hiatus was bullshit. They won’t address that, they’ll just keep moving forward. They definitely just understood that Joe Biden is not winning any new votes between now and Nov. Best they’r getting is the “blue no matter who” folks.
  18. Seen speculation that it could be Harris/Cooper. Roy Cooper is the current Governor of North Carolina, can’t run for re-election after this term, and is apparently very tight with Harris.. seems possible. Harris/Sanders would bury Trump in my opinion. Covers every base the Democratic party could be looking for. AOC is still only 34, she turns 35 in October. Not sure what the technicality of her being on paper prior to be of age could be but i have to assume it’d be a no-go, even if she would be of age after election. But i have a hard time believing they’d choose AOC anyway. Harris is status quo liberal democrat, and that’s what they want. If they have half a brain they’ll understand they need to get people who otherwise aren't going to vote on board, instead of trying to swing a state by pushing center-left.. but what do i know.
  19. I just scrolled all the way down on my phone, tried to zoom in on a panel and the whole shit reset. wanted to throw my god damn phone.
  20. While i fucking hate Harris because of her history as a prosecutor, i’d prefer that over risking another term of Biden. At least Harris will have a chance to get someone else in there.. i’d literally take anyone else at the moment. I mean Biden is 81 fucking years old. I wouldn’t trust an 81 year old to plan a birthday party never mind run this country any longer. My 2 cents is he is going to lose to Trump if he stays, because as of right now he reaally only has the “blue no matter who” vote.. i would t and wont be voting for him, but, if they replace him, i’d consider a blue no matter who for the first time in my damn life.
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