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12ozProphet Spotlights

Top content from across the 12ozProphet community, hand picked by the brothers behind the struggle.

New Forum - Features worth checking out, tips and tricks
Hello everyone and welcome to the new 12ozProphet Forum. Almost hard to call it a forum since it has so many features that extend well beyond the typical forum system most people know. In any case, I'm pretty pumped about this and see it as a huge step forward.
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Burners and Style!
At the end of the day, it all comes down to style. After years of experience and true dedication to the craft, the history and the legacy of writers that came before them, some writers will be fortunate enough to eventually develop true style. Some will create an entirely original style, others will help evolve a style founded by the crew they are a part of. A special few will create entire new chapters in the history of graffiti style. This thread is dedicated to that pursuit.
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N   E   W      Y   O   R   K      C   I   T   Y
New York City... The city that never sleeps and arguably the center of the graffiti universe. This thread is a 12ozProphet Forum classic and big enough as a thread to be larger than most other forums, standing tall at almost 200,000 comments and well over 15 million page views. Photo by Martha Cooper.
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The Unofficial History of 12ozProphet
Worldwide Graffiti Scholarship™ - Since 1993. A detailed look at the history of 12ozProphet told by the people that were there. The good, the bad, the ugly... How we went from obscure forum to a massive community in the early days of the internet, why it fell off and through years of languishing (the 12oz Dark Ages) and what compels us to bring it all back.
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Has Social Media cheapened our relationships and all but killed off online discussions?
I've been noticing, for what I feel a fair while now, that most people don't seem quite as satisfied by social as they once did. Its mature enough as an idea and technology that the novelty has certainly worn off and its just another facet of modern life. Everyone and their mother is on social, but I've noted the behavior is much different...
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