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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. https://www.fox13news.com/news/self-proclaimed-neo-nazi-arrested-for-plotting-to-blow-up-maryland-power-grid.amp Atonwaffen Division member arrested for plotting to blow up a power grid in Maryland while on probation following 5 years in prison.
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/two-men-whose-deaths-may-connected-escaped-idaho-prisoner-accomplice-i-rcna144726 Aryan Knight member escapes from prison custody after fellow member shoots prison guards, all guards survived. They have been caught and charged with 2 murders that occurred while on the run.
  3. You want Dhabz back for his political discourse. I want Dhabz back to immediately call him a dolt and get banned again. We are not the same.
  4. PS: the cars at Cadillac Ranch are buried.
  5. Was gonna ask if you stopped at the Crown Railroad Cafe in Flag.. but apparently it’s permanently closed. Major bummer. Flag is the gnarliest, literal bench that i’ve ever experienced. The trains through there are nonstop.
  6. I have like 7 Photobucket accounts that i’m forever locked out of. I lost so many old flicks in those. I tried to get Photobucket to reset them but they won’t.
  7. Imagine having a Back to the Future moment and going back in time to talk to Biff (yourself in 2010) and being like.. hey you stupid cunt, listen to that fool on 12oz and buy $100 worth of Bitcoin and don’t touch it until like March of 2024 or i’m gonna come back in time again and beat the absolute piss out of you. edit: maybe use it to buy a burrito 1 time for the meme.
  8. To be fair, from what I’ve seen, the two posters that I had next to no constructive conversations with seem to be MIA. I realized it was time to step away from all that when dudes were deleting messages I had made and then responding to other messages so it looked like I was being flagrantly ridiculous; I started taking, and had screen shots to prove it at the time.. but at that point I had to ask myself, what the fuck am I doing? While Mercer and I certainly disagree about some matters, our conversations mostly remained civil, at least in my memory, and I’ll own the responsibility for when things got out of hand and childish on my end. Shit happens.
  9. I very specifically remember 12oz being the first place i heard of Bitcoin around 2010, and someone was in Ch.0 telling everyone to drop $10, $20, whatever they wanted.. and we were all like, “ya ok nerd fuck off with your internet money.”
  10. I poke my head in every few weeks/months, largely to scroll through Metal Heads. The News section and any sort of political discourse is far from anything i’m interested in engaging in.
  11. At times throughout my absence over the past couple years i’ve wondered, “i wonder what fools on 12oz have to say about this..” Then i come back and see shit like this, and i remember why i stopped coming around here, ha. The situation and circumstances involving AZOV, Ukraine, and Russia are far, far more complicated than that Lil Wayne edit you produced as evidence to your point. So you’re either not as educated on the matter as you’re portraying, or you’re willfully choosing to omit information to further your opinion on the matter. ..and it’s for these reasons, i’m out, again.
  12. I wrote a similar post to that one above when i was posting the other day, and the page refreshed and deleted it. I re-wrote it on my phone and came back to post it. I have not read any current @‘s, posts or threads. Due to the current state of things around here, i’m checking out of 12oz for a little while. Have fun, take care. edit: by “the state of things” i mean that some people here have their ideas, and are unwilling to question them. They take any criticism of these ideas personally, and counter with personal insults instead of counter arguing with ideas because their identity seems to be attached to these beliefs. If a discussion does take place and meets a stalemate, the personal attacks start flying. I’m simply uninterested at the moment. I’m certainly not perfect, and not above hypocrisy. I understand and accept that. I don’t think some of y’all are willing or ready to do the same. I have learned and even changed opinions through the years due to discussions here, through exploration of ideas in my life by reading and educating myself, and so on. I just don’t see that happening here anymore. The objective simply seems to be “win the argument at all costs”. I’m not saying i’m not guilty of this as well, i’m acknowledging it. I’m sure i’ll be back at some point. We all seem to find our way back here in some manner. But for now y’all can fucking think what you want about me. Enjoy.
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