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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I mean, water filtration isn’t exactly natural. While natural elements are used to make filters, there are synthetic compounds used to break down those elements to be repurposed for the construction of filters to be used in water filtration, etc. etc. I see this ban as nothing more than probable cronyism, and the lobbying for the preservation of existing industries, with probable conservative and religious ideological undertones. I will also take this moment to point to the fact that the root cause of all of the aforementioned issues is profit incentives. Pharmaceutical industries, food industries, tech industries, governments.. Pick your favorite flavor of institution to blame, but the root cause will always be the economic system that champions profits over all. (I gon’ done and broked my no politics rule i made on my return, but at least i didn’t do it in the News section!)
  2. Thats so much cornier.
  3. I had a dream a couple months ago that i bought a beer and was carrying it around at a social gathering. I never drank it, but when i woke up i was so mad at myself.
  4. 3+ years of no alcohol. I generally say “recreational” alcohol because i’m not as hard line as to say i won’t drink like Kombucha or use vanilla extract because it has alcohol. May steer away from that bourbon ice cream though, haha.
  5. Haven’t started reading any of these, but they came in the mail from a nice little 70% off sale because they were “dinged”.
  6. I personally enjoy the plant-based alternatives like Impossible and Gardein. I feel like they absorb and hold seasoning and sauces better. edit: not a big fan of Beyond.
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