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KILZ FILLZ last won the day on April 9

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15,034 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. that’s a bit of a loaded question isn’t it? So many countries have a form of a capitalist economy, but blended with stricter regulation. In this list I would probably say Spain Non capitalist, Vietnam
  2. McKinsey is evil. They’ve been entrenched in multiple controversies so I don’t doubt this at all. They had a tour around my company last year and I was much more worried than any of my colleagues seemed to be. I don’t know how many of them have even heard of the group… this book has been suggested to me but I haven’t got it yet…
  3. That video makes me feel genuine disgust. It does a great job supporting your point @Mercer
  4. I think Occam’s Razor would tell us these chemicals are being added to: 1) reduce spoilage 2) lower production costs yeah, there should be more regulation, but how well does that usually go in the US? We still have too much cowboy in us as country and can’t stand anyone telling us what we can and can’t do
  5. Are these companies being directed to add these chemicals? Or doing it on their own? I think they are doing it on their own.
  6. It’s not uninterrupted pursuit of profit by privately owned entities?
  7. I’d suggest these are results of unfettered capitalism and corporate greed. a coworker told me the company McDonald’s sources their patties from is named “100% real beef”, so when they list their patties as such it’s technically true. I have not fact checked this…
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