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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. That has been on my list for a while
  2. Verse 3] Gotta take the good with the bad, smile with the sad Love what you got and remember what you had Messin' with the ones who help me in the times When I was flat broke didn't even have a dime My family they was there, my niggas they was there The rest of ya'll left me for dead didn't care I use to have dreams livin' large in this thang And by the grace of God I'm still alive in this thang I strive in this game to get all that I can Never said I'm the man, respect me as a man To you ones think I owe you somethin', now that's a joke Think you bad come and get you somethin' how low to dope Either treal either fake, you can love you can hate Either go and get your own or you can't sit and wait On the next man to come up you can peep this You can do what I do, handle your business
  3. I don’t think newsome touches this. I bet he waits til 2028
  4. https://www.sanfranchronicle.com/biden-withdraws-from-the-presidential-race-nzubyc
  5. They’re all jellyfish…. No fuckin SPINE!!
  6. I… did not fulfill my end of the bargain lol @Schnitzel
  7. Came upon a very fruitful “Take a book/Leave a book”
  8. religious people believe heaven is where they will ultimately find fulfillment and peace, then death has purpose but life is meaningless. if you don’t believe in heaven, then death is meaningless, as well as life being meaningless. if life and death are both meaningless, then we might as well laugh and enjoy ourselves - because none of this shit matters anyway.
  9. My mom had a rotator cuff surgery on monday and opted for a repair instead of a shoulder replacement, against her doctor’s and family’s wishes. my sister is the biggest bleeding heart lib, blue no matter who, ally, person you can envision. Her Obama bumper sticker is still riding next to her Hillary bumper sticker, next to her Bernie bumper sticker , next to her Biden bumper sticker … on her Prius of all whips My mom’s application for state provided home nursing was denied. I’m up here for week 1 for transport to/from surgery and initial care for the rough week right after surgery. since claim denial, I have extended my leave from work into week 2. She will be in a sling 8 weeks total. Dominant hand is disabled in the sling, so she is unable to open pill bottles, cook, wash dishes, change her sheets, bath properly, empty/change colostomy bag (yep) etc…. im trying to get sis to do a rotation of care and help out. And today she threw out “she should’ve just got the shoulder replaced” I bit my tongue and kept rolling. just a silly fucking thing I needed to type out somewhere to maintain my frame. seeing your parent get old is tough.
  10. If possible I’d like to request one with a locomotive 😊
  11. Prison Song is pretty good and I think the other hit on this album besides the title track was Chop Suey. I have no experience with any of their other albums lol
  12. I have an uncle who talks about carbon footprint this, carbon footprint that, but is also addicted to ordering shit off Amazon
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