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morton last won the day on January 13 2019

morton had the most liked content!


3,564 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. this Olympic opening ceremony shoes that people do not know how to party anymore
  2. art-alone-in-the-dark-film-cigarettes-Gene-Kelly-s-Cigarette-Kiss-Scene-Pirate-1948.mp4
  3. Dig the title lettering on an otherwise not so great poster.
  4. Long film with some phenomenal location shots and camera work. The plot etc, who cares when the footage is this good.
  5. Thursday is produce delivery day
  6. no, if I had been at a keyboard I could have composed a better sentence lol phones make us stupid
  7. showed your pic to my wife, she replied" that is one meat bowl"
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