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Everything posted by NightmareOnElmStreet

  1. I stay out of pho cause cilantro. Don’t come at me brOs.
  2. Holy wtf. Kind of awesome he offered that shit though if true. Super retarded they went on a suicide mission instead lol.
  3. I watched a whole ass documentary about that but do not remember anything about Tesla guy perhaps I’m trippin or sleeping idk.
  4. I bet he already has one of those invisible black panther type suits and he’s wearing it right now.
  5. You right on that but this thing sealed our fate🤣🤦🏽‍♂️
  6. Can any conspiracy theorist homies shed light on how in tf this could possibly be one🤣🤔 I’m generally curious about it.
  7. Pretty sure the don just won with that unsuccessful jfk shit. 1000%. The way your boy was fist bumping after almost having his head blown off is enough to change even the last little bit of undecideds minds lol. Regardless of how you feel about the guy that shit was fucking legendary.
  8. I didn’t know it was like that over there aren’t those dudes supposed to be generally really intelligent 🤣🤔 idk though other cultures over seas are just that to me but it sounds disturbing regardless.
  9. Raise you, two New England solids.
  10. I don’t know about yall but when I see mf’s straight up throw shit on the ground that isn’t maybe a piece of food I envision the most violent death to them. It’s super unnecessary and fucked up actually.
  11. She is for sure. I fucking hate the wrong spelling though. Wasn’t for years someone (a chick) finally pointed out. Don’t get hammered and let your drunk illiterate buddy tattoo you. No excuses on myself being also illiterate. Lesson learned.
  12. Lines from a good buddy’s band. I’ll have to find a link.
  13. Well known guy laced me with this one many moons ago back when bros were still out the crib. Lines still gooder but we both dropped the ball on the grammar 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️. I’ve thought about getting around it for well over 10 years but don’t gaf anymore. “Mom your* so rad.”
  14. They’re good grills but I’m going straight to Craigslist before ever buying one of those things new.
  15. Dang this must be one of your boat owner buddies lol fucking xl’s like 2k.
  16. What size egg does your homie have? Them things are pricey. Even the small which is smaller than a Webber is like 8 bills I think.
  17. @One Man Bannedtoo much slayer is too much. And yes. I’ve reached a point in life with big 40 right around the bend where I am interested in thread count🤣. @fat ralphyyour old lady sounds like she knows what’s up @mortontoo. Hit me with them good brands yo!
  18. On another note I was going to make a thread about thread counts aka old mf prolems but decided ol general discussion is the perfect place to consult. Old heads…..How do we feel about thread counts on fancy sheets? Do they actually matter? Do you care? Do you have fancy thread count sheets and should I invest…? I have to buy a lot of new shit for my crib pretty soon here and new bed/sheets all of that are first up.
  19. I heard some of guy reading off one or two alleged “leaked” comments from cheeto man and I’m not sure if there is any way to corroborate that shit whatsoever but holy fuckin gnarrrrly pizza hate shit. If that shit is even half true……wow.
  20. What am I looking at here fam?? Looks to be one very heavily sauced rack and then maybe another one strategically missing all of the middle and end? Did you do these in the oven?
  21. What in the goddamned hell is going on in here rn🤣
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