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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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Fucking twerp


South Australia decided to enter a state-wide lockdown based on a lie told by a man with Covid-19 about his link to a pizza shop, police say.

The strict lockdown began on Wednesday after the state detected 36 infections, including its first locally acquired cases since April.

But this would have been avoided if the man had told the truth, that he worked shifts at the shop, officials said.

He said he only went there to buy a pizza.

This misinformation prompted health officials to assume the man had caught the virus during a very brief exposure and that the strain must be a highly contagious one.

"To say I am fuming is an understatement," state Premier Steven Marshall told reporters on Friday.

Australia has relied on lockdowns, widespread testing and aggressive contact tracing to push daily infections close to zero.

How Melbourne's lockdown crushed a second wave
"We are absolutely livid with the actions of this individual and we will be looking very carefully at what consequences there [are] going to be," Mr Marshall added.

South Australia Police Commissioner Grant Stevens initially said the man was unlikely to face charges because there was "no penalty associated with telling lies".

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My question is and always has been, "where are these numbers coming from?"  It would be incredibly easy to engage in fear mongering by just telling everyone that cases are just magically spiking despite everyone doing the right thing. 

This isn't because some bars opened or people went to the dog park. If numbers are indeed spiking it further instills my thoughts that this is a weaponized virus that is being used in that exact way. 

how is it that numbers are just all of the sudden spiking now?  Who has the solid irrefutable evidence/source on this?



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The last time you went on about doubting the numbers I put forward information from the State Of Texas. After being confused about what the term "state" implied you went on to attach the makers of software used to convey geospatial data.


I think at this point the onus is on you to put forward a source that you would trust.







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5 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

My question is and always has been, "where are these numbers coming from?"  It would be incredibly easy to engage in fear mongering by just telling everyone that cases are just magically spiking despite everyone doing the right thing. 

This isn't because some bars opened or people went to the dog park. If numbers are indeed spiking it further instills my thoughts that this is a weaponized virus that is being used in that exact way. 

how is it that numbers are just all of the sudden spiking now?  Who has the solid irrefutable evidence/source on this?



I see a spike in cases due to testing, but the virus seems to be weakening. The mortality rates are quite low while the cases are pretty high. I assume cases rising because more people are getting tested and discovering that they have it instead of a cold or sinuses. 

*no deaths are good. I lost my grandmother to it,

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Forgot to follow up so here’s a update. I never went for said test. I had my normal yearlyish sick for around a day and a half. Sniffles, soarish throat, light cough, gone. Mostly due to impatience the test didn’t pan out but I went to several different places, tried making appts online, and even pulled up to the government testing facility here in my city. Nothing. The earliest test I could get was 8/10 days away. Fuckin pointless. Sincerely sorry to whoever got sick and died. 

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Lol. My man folded his rag backwards and then smeared his boogers all in his mouth, across his forehead, and into his eyes. How did he not get this shit sooner. How does Rudy 'Booger Boy' Giuliani not walk around with his eyes crusted shut from a permanent case of pink eye?

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  • 2 weeks later...
13 hours ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Watching select friends in health care get this vaccine last couple days. All is nod and say "fuckin a" which is equivalent to me basically saying just about anything but in this particular light it means good fuckin luck. I'm not touching that shit for at LEAST a year. Maybe never. 



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On 12/20/2020 at 8:51 PM, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Watching select friends in health care get this vaccine last couple days. All is nod and say "fuckin a" which is equivalent to me basically saying just about anything but in this particular light it means good fuckin luck. I'm not touching that shit for at LEAST a year. Maybe never. 


I won't be getting vaccinated.  I don't get flu shots and I don't even know if I've ever had the flu. 


Next thing for someone to try is to play the "you don't care about other people if you don't vaccinate yourself" card.


They're going to push it just like the masks have been pushed on everyone.  If you don't wear a mask you don't care about other people... etc.


Cuck up America, your fear depends upon it.



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3 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I won't be getting vaccinated.  I don't get flu shots and I don't even know if I've ever had the flu. 


Next thing for someone to try is to play the "you don't care about other people if you don't vaccinate yourself" card.


They're going to push it just like the masks have been pushed on everyone.  If you don't wear a mask you don't care about other people... etc.


Cuck up America, your fear depends upon it.



So we know that masks don't stop the spread of COVID, but they help. N95s help a lot more than surgical masks. We should just all not wear masks because... why?


Is saying "please put a piece of cloth over your face to reduce the spread of a disease that kills vulnerable people" too much to ask? Help me understand this point of view, because from where I'm sitting it seems absolutely ridiculous. This will die down in little while, maybe a year, maybe two, and we can get back to normal, no masks, go and do what you want, not have to avoid crowds, etc. Should we not try to get to that point quicker by asking that everyone help out, rather than drag this out because some people feel their rights are being violated by being told to mask up? It's not about fear, it's about getting. the. fuck. past. this. as a group, because that's the only way it'll get done. United we stand, divided we fall. And we're pretty damn divided right now.


The "my body, my choice!" republicans that I have heard about sure as hell aren't pro-choice, so that argument kind of falls apart.

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