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12oz Crew
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Schnitzel last won the day on July 24

Schnitzel had the most liked content!


10,873 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods


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  1. one of these but takeaway. also had the coffee also takeaway.
  2. millions of rappers out the wazooo. kind of wish there was a couple of solo tracks from Rakim but it's pretty fucking good!
  3. why is it always my login?
  4. On the pool sex topic I will never go in a hotel hot tub again after seeing the filth in the bottom of one that had not yet started for the day. Must have been about a foot of grey slime and god knows what else at the bottom.. Was vomit inducing.
  5. This bad boy has been running for years I reckon you pressure wash the dirt off and it would look good again.
  6. @misteravengoing to do some searching from your kindle list for a few new reads!
  7. I am struggling to get through this in book form I bought the whole trilogy for $18.00 at the second hand bookshop
  8. I use Audible but since I read lots of zombie/ post apocalyptic stuff I tend to buy collected editions so it's like 4 books for one credit. Books in Australia are pricey so $16.95 a month is cheap. never really thought much about spotifiy but my son listens to wimpy kid books sometime. also if you search audiobooks on youtube sometimes you can find some gold.
  9. Ayo @Classifiedcome back sometime.
  10. don't you love when people get into the spirit of things while benching? always makes my day
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