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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. It's a sort of inside joke on Twitter, a rumor people who like to bully politicians online are spreading that's become a meme. Where it started: Where it went: Most people on Twitter now believe the rumor to be true and are making pretty awesome memes about it. We're hoping this works it's way into the mainstream news.
  2. Mercer

    Hawk Tuah

    She'll make someone a lovely wife one day.
  3. Mercer

    Hawk Tuah

    It's easy on a PC/Mac, just click the three dots for the menu in the bottom right hand side of the video, but I still haven't figured out how to save videos from here on a phone. Might be a nice premium/bonus feature @misteravencan add sometime in the future.
  4. Xd99ig_GfP5raJTU.mp4 Felt like this fits in right here.
  5. Skinny, but somehow I felt like she qualified. lSKEEcjKvDbSN9Ej.mp4
  6. Mercer

    Hawk Tuah

  7. Preserve the sperm swimming in the pool until it gets a bitch pregnant later.
  8. I don't think Harris has any better chance of beating Trump than keeping Biden in. In fact, I think she has a worse chance than Biden but I could be wrong since I haven't been a Democrat now for almost a decade, and have no idea what they're thinking nominating her. With that said, everyone that I thought would be a challenge to Kamala for the Dem nominee has already endorsed her, minus the Obamas which is why I find that interesting. This is their only opportunity to get someone in who stands a better chance at winning.
  9. Just gonna complain about a dude lasting too long here hope nobody puts 2 & 2 together. b0n4Qey78iCRt9zK.mp4
  10. The Clintons & Bidens endorse Kamala, the Obamas don't. Shits getting weird. htX3GpoQ2Xd6eukV.mp4
  11. They're already dropping Harris for President Commercials. I bet the time between the Debate and now was spent shoring up the clout for this. aw7VqXTdsJMAVv6x.mp4
  12. Either way The DNC is August 19th -24th giving anyone who wants to exactly 1 month to gain political clout by teaming up with Kamala or promoting their own ticket. This should be interesting to watch.
  13. I think the main problems with the DNC in the 2016 race was they fucked over Bernie who was wildly popular with their far left base. Personally never liked anything remotely socialist having lived near the iron curtain so them fucking over Bernie never really effected me. The other problem the Democratic party started back in 2013 when they repealed important parts of the Smith Mund act, nullifying the parts that prevented the government itself from lying through mass media domestically. This was when most people like myself started noticing the official propaganda & lies. Most likely they repealed the anti-propaganda portion as a response to occupy wallstreet, followed by the left sort of "waking up" after Obama didn't even try to accomplish a single part of his platform during his first term, and instead backed all the banking/military industrial ruling class heavy. This is basically what snapped me out of believing in/trusting Democrats. Especially Obama's continuation/expansion of the Bush wars. My hope is that Trump 2 will be so terrible most of the non-right wing, higher end of the IQ bell curve Republicans will defect from the Republicans. I'd eventually like to see more than two parties in the U.S. and I don't think the Socialists have the clout needed to split the democrats. I also think Libertarians don't have the clout to split the Republicans, but if Trump does as poorly in his 2nd term as I'm sure he'll do, that might change.
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