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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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6 hours ago, ndv said:

So we have been social distancing and wearing masks since may and covid is on the rise again.   So clearly these non medical grade face coverings are senseless, social distancing is a joke, our workplace is where the spread is happening.  


I am banking on all three aforementioned not effective, MSM is bs, or the health industry is forging cases to collect.   


Anyone of you have an opinion on this second rise?  




You want to hear my wild speculation?


Strap your dicks on and let's go..... WHAT IF .... the group administering this biological warfare agent known to the public as COVID is capable of artificially creating and predicting spikes?  Consider that a liquid holding bazillions of viral cells is spritzed on the self checkout at a walmart ensuring transmission and further infection of family members by every person that uses that lane.


Is it far fetched?  Sure.  Is it 100% impossible?  Fuck no.  I wouldn't even put this in the less than 10% improbable category at this point.

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15 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


Man, that sucks, I thought it was just the other day that @Hua Guofangwas trying to drag his nuts all over the place here talking about how things were going great over there "because of the fantastic leadership".


I hope you and the fam are ok, you know sideways shit w/ Hua aside. 😉


Got an email notification I was mentioned and thought I'd pop my head back in as I'm waiting for my ride.


I have basically stopped coming here...., posted once in a number of months. But I see it was enough to get my nuts instantly back in your mouth, because I matter so much to you!


I see you and @Kults are going about being tough guys on a dead website, banning the few people left here when they disagree with you. But, if that's the only way you sensitive little things can get off, then you do what you gotta do (lol at @Kultsone minute he wants this to be a quasi-8Chan where anything goes and the next he's the school prefect trying to tell everyone what to do! fucking lol!!.)


So, yeah, Australia had 17 new cases recorded and you, in a country that is recording close to 200,000 cases a day, think that's some kind of big deal. Kid, we got less cases in our country than you have in the fucking White House, where your saggy old messiah sits and cries because he lost the popularity contest.


Good job playing the fool, fool.


And no, I won't be reading your response, plus I'll be turning off the email notifications for the account.




PS - my fav line from you will always be "Don't tell me about war, I would have joined the army if I didn't chicken out at the last minute". Remember that? Hahahhaaha, fucking child.



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1 hour ago, Dirty_habiT said:


Man, that sucks, I thought it was just the other day that @Hua Guofangwas trying to drag his nuts all over the place here talking about how things were going great over there "because of the fantastic leadership".


I hope you and the fam are ok, you know sideways shit w/ Hua aside. 😉


At my end all is well barring  the christmas party no longer being an option.

I live in south australia and we had no form of lockdown barring easter when we were instructed not to leave the city to avoid slamming country hospitals.

Was hoping that we'd go into summer holidays without the spectre of it hanging over our heads. At least this summer all I can afford to do is take the kids to the beach which is pretty low risk for transmission especially on a 100 degree day.

I do think the government has handled it pretty well here but it's a bit easier in our island location miles from anywhere.


 Hope all is well at your end @Dirty_habiT

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2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:


Got an email notification I was mentioned and thought I'd pop my head back in as I'm waiting for my ride.


I have basically stopped coming here...., posted once in a number of months. But I see it was enough to get my nuts instantly back in your mouth, because I matter so much to you!


I see you and @Kults are going about being tough guys on a dead website, banning the few people left here when they disagree with you. But, if that's the only way you sensitive little things can get off, then you do what you gotta do (lol at @Kultsone minute he wants this to be a quasi-8Chan where anything goes and the next he's the school prefect trying to tell everyone what to do! fucking lol!!.)


So, yeah, Australia had 17 new cases recorded and you, in a country that is recording close to 200,000 cases a day, think that's some kind of big deal. Kid, we got less cases in our country than you have in the fucking White House, where your saggy old messiah sits and cries because he lost the popularity contest.


Good job playing the fool, fool.


And no, I won't be reading your response, plus I'll be turning off the email notifications for the account.




PS - my fav line from you will always be "Don't tell me about war, I would have joined the army if I didn't chicken out at the last minute". Remember that? Hahahhaaha, fucking child.




Sure smells like soggy vagina to me.  I'll help you understand about your pal that can't keep from calling names here.  Your pal, who can't keep from calling names here, got his 2nd vacation because the 1st didn't teach help him to understand respect very well.  I hope that is easier for you to understand.


I think your crusty ass memory might be having a problem.  I never chickened out of joining the service or told anyone I did.  It would have been a lie if I said that.


See you next week, can't wait to hear more about cucktatorship from you and the merits of socialism.

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1 hour ago, Schnitzel said:


At my end all is well barring  the christmas party no longer being an option.

I live in south australia and we had no form of lockdown barring easter when we were instructed not to leave the city to avoid slamming country hospitals.

Was hoping that we'd go into summer holidays without the spectre of it hanging over our heads. At least this summer all I can afford to do is take the kids to the beach which is pretty low risk for transmission especially on a 100 degree day.

I do think the government has handled it pretty well here but it's a bit easier in our island location miles from anywhere.


 Hope all is well at your end @Dirty_habiT


Yes sir things are doing well over here in Texas afaik.  I'm super worn out on all this covid shit though.  It's making the planet feel too small in a way that it didn't before.

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It must just depend on how you define doing well.

I recall the flu comparison which was something like 30,000 deaths per year USA total.

Looks like Texas alone is at 20,000 so far, and climbing.


On the interesting side it looks like inmates are helping out in the morgue until the National Guard can show up, totally fine and normal.






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3 hours ago, morton said:



It must just depend on how you define doing well.

I recall the flu comparison which was something like 30,000 deaths per year USA total.

Looks like Texas alone is at 20,000 so far, and climbing.


On the interesting side it looks like inmates are helping out in the morgue until the National Guard can show up, totally fine and normal.







I don't know anyone that has been sick local to me or heard any stories from any friends.  Believe what you want, but I actually live here.  I'm fine, my family is fine, my friends and their families are fine.  That's the experience I have to share, regardless of the numbers that were posted by yolo.com.


Who owns texastribune.org, arcgis.com, and esri.com?
What is their political affiliation if they are not unbiased 100%?

Are you willing to sign your name on what these people have said as legitimate?


I just think there are better hills to die on than this one.  I don't know how to express it to you in a way without getting it on your boob tube's favorite news station.

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35 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


I don't know anyone that has been sick local to me or heard any stories from any friends.  Believe what you want, but I actually live here.  I'm fine, my family is fine, my friends and their families are fine.  That's the experience I have to share, regardless of the numbers that were posted by yolo.com.


Who owns texastribune.org, arcgis.com, and esri.com?
What is their political affiliation if they are not unbiased 100%?

Are you willing to sign your name on what these people have said as legitimate?


I just think there are better hills to die on than this one.  I don't know how to express it to you in a way without getting it on your boob tube's favorite news station.

I JUST came in here to ask if anybody has had or known anyone who’s gotten covid sick. Seems my general outspoken hatred of this garbage and disbelief in the possibility of receptiveness among a certain demographic has possibly caught me off guard. Managed to stand firm against getting a test this whole time but I reckon I’m going today. Will report back. 

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And regardless of how much fake news is out there in the subject or not. Regardless of how much I fucking hate the sheepleness of it all. I’ve stayed within the common sense safe zone the whole time. Sanitize sanitizer wash your fucking hands and wear a mask around lots of people. Ain’t feeling the greatest now. 

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1 hour ago, morton said:

It is the state of Texas who you should call a liar, attacking ArcGis is like saying that you do not believe a document because it was prepared with Microsoft word.


I do actually know people who have been hospitalized, they came out believers. 


I don't know what "the state of Texas" is "saying"?


You do... somehow, and I suspect that you don't live in the state of Texas.  So what is your LEGITIMATE source of this "legit" information you've been willing to sign "Morton" on as "true"?


I'm trying to point you in the direction of you're listening to people that don't know wtf they're talking about or are purposefully trying to deceive you.


I know some people online that have had problems w/ the virus too, but not anyone I know local to me.... or anyone that lives in Dallas or San Antonio or Houston.... since i know people personally in those cities too.


So I'm going off my perception from living here and knowing people, which is my reality.... and you're going off some numbers from yolo.com and what "you heard".


Seems legit.

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As mentioned in my last post, there really is no straight answer on this and once again, that is part of what I have a problem with. We're almost a year into this and we're still arguing if the shit is real. We can keep spinning our wheels on this, but reality is that this was sensationalized significantly by the mainstream media, in the USA at least, we've been given bogus information... First it was for our own good and to protect the PPE for the medical staff when we were told that wearing a mask is actually more harmful than good, and then repeatedly at every step when both sides of the partisan debate latched on to aspects to drive their own talking points and agenda.


Not to dead this thread cause it seems to have spawned endless dialogue and a few laughs, but I have to admit that its a bummer to see yet another example of a core member ( @Hua Guofang ) drop off because shit has become partisan, petty and or personal. It's just another example of the world / country at large and how its hard to have any sort of confidence that we can bridge these divides. We now live in a world where contentious topics are hurdled at us faster than we can process and certainly faster than we're able to properly address. Pretty incredible actually... How we went from a pandemic, to race war, to defund police to climate change, to whatever fuckin genocide is popping off wherever to the most important election of a lifetime that ends up being a race between a turd and a wet noodle.


I guess shit has to run its course, but it truly is sad to see and a real shame for me personally to see that even our beloved community here on 12oz is not immune to it. I guess I'm a dick for still haven't gotten around to creating forum noodles and a debate guideline so we have some sort of framework to self regulate on here.


In any case, I sincerely hope you guys can occasionally pause and think of all the members that have passed, including even this year, and remember to treat each other decently. It's not about winning arguments on the internet. Learn to focus on you and what you need to be doing to engineer the best possible life for yourself. Bulldozing discussions and "winning" arguments on the internet is certainly not that. In fact, neither is jumping on a soap box and preaching to an echo chamber.


I'm all for exploring ideas and topics and the first to rally for coming at everything from the point of view of skepticism, logic and reason. But at the end of the day, these are just interesting explorations or entertaining discussions. Once it gets past that, it really starts to suck for everyone, so please do me and yourselves a solid and remember that with the interactions on here and else where in your lives.


Yeah, there's a lot of suspect shit in regards to Covid. Who the fuck knows what the truth is and how its going to affect yourself of the world long term. Makes sense to wash your hands and we'd all probably benefit from being more selective by who we surround ourselves with. Personally, I like the idea of masking my face, assuming I go out in public at all. Don't trust the media or anyone else for that matter, nobody will look at for your best interests as well as you will. 


Be safe. Try to not be stupid.

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35 minutes ago, nicklesndimes said:

236 new cases reported here as of sun/mon. that's 135 new cases reported sunday alone, and then another 101 new cases reported today. just reporting the numbers here, they are skyrocketing.


lol i know...some people are sceptics of this stuff even being real and i hope they are right, b/c but these numbers are staggering compared to the beginning of the year when it first became an issue.

The crazy thing is there are only 2 metrics being reported positive cases and deaths. Of those 236 cases, 200 of these people might just be shrugging their shoulders and saying "thats weird" and going about their lives.


Another thing that's not being reported to people with their positives is their cycle number. The lower the cycle number the higher the viral load and the more infectious the individual. The higher the number the less infectious to the point where the test could just be picking up dead covid fragments. 


I dont know why everyone is being lumped into an all or nothing category.

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29 minutes ago, nicklesndimes said:

all good points. i just reallydon't want to catch that shit.

100. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Also, you may have already had it. My aunt had it and she wasnt even sure if she was infected. I have a buddy that's my age who got it and he was in the icu for 9 days. He's still fucked up. He gets winded walking up a half flight of stairs. Its fucking crazy. Id rather just not.

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I haven’t been watching numbers AT ALL. or that’s all I would think about.  I questioned a while back -about knowing someone who had had it or even 6 degrees of  covid. And for a while it was a no. I know of a relative in utah (late 30s) a client in Vegas (late 30s-asthmatic) and a friends two sons (early twenties). And now my daughters bf has tested positive and she just went for her test today.  All are asymptotic except the asthmatic-and she was hospitalized and slow recovery. 
I don’t go around people anyway. When I do I mask up. We mask up at work because why the fuck not. I don’t know what my co workers do or their hygiene habits outside of work. I usually work in a room, By myself so I just slip  my mask up when I’m working with someone.  When I did nails for a living and a client would come in with even a simple cold I would send em away because I don’t want any ones fucking germs normally and I wash my hands any fucking way and (I do all of that for me and respect for others. The same respect I would want them to give me.)  
Just because there is a part In My head WHAT IF.

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At work dude I share an office with got it - 40yro said he was flu like for 4 days or so.


Two other guys in office next to us got it - one hospitalized, had some health issues prior but said it felt like he was “on deaths doorstep”.


His office partner said he stayed home but did have some respiratory issues that he didn’t particularly enjoy. 


Like @SMdoubleXL said I try and avoid the headlines and numbers because it fucks with my head. I credit that to all the extra curricular activities I had as a young kid - but regardless I do my best to avoid unneeded interactions. Growing lonesome and missing a bunch of my routine - but I am on the better safe than sorry team here. 


I have to go into work - we are required to mask up. 


Stay safe ooontz.

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I'm masking up all day. Typically at work I'll be in hospitals, retirement homes, factories, grocery stores, and homes. I'm not risking getting sick or spreading rona to others. I don't get angry when I see others not wearing a mask, it's your life. But I'm definitely keeping my distance and respecting others the way I want to be respected.


On a side note, if there's one positive I can take from this fucked up situation is I've become good friends with all my neighbors. 

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My dad had symptoms on saturday but nothing since then, hes currently waiting on test results, I saw him 5 days prior to that so planning on going to a testing site tomorrow to get tested, but I just saw a video of a local testing site which looked fucking crazy, people standing mad close to each other and a dude with his mask pulled around his chin, if shit looks like that when i get there i'll just try and go with one of the mail order options. 

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17 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:


I don't know what "the state of Texas" is "saying"?




When I said "state" I was referring the government.


The source is directly from a State of Texas website. They have their physical address on the page and I bet if you headed on over they would be there, in all their lifer behind the desk fill out these three forms glory.




And sure, I will take their word for it.


If you want to discount all media and governmental sources then the burden is on you to provide some evidence for doing so. 




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