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My profile pic is the "Crossbuster" logo of the band Bad Religion.


My intent for using this is in line with that which is described by the band's singer Dr. Greg Graffin in this video clip but with a few added addendums that are personal to me which I will describe below.


If you have read any of my recent posts, you would understand that I have used what most would describe as a "mid life crisis" to investigate and study the belief systems, be it philosophy or religion, which have profound effects on the nature of how humans act and exist in the society we share. I have done this after dropping out of "the rat race" of corporate society in the hope of finding some way of helping reconcile the differences which separate the various religious and cultural belief systems which the mainstream religious leaders use as a means to both financially profit and intellectually divide us as they espouse that their specific system and the associated lexicon and terminologies they use to define what is fundamentally the same thing - the belief in a higher power that spawned the "reality" we exist within - as their means through which war and suppression of people in various negative ways can be justified.


As Greg has stated they originally created the logo as a way of protesting "prosperity preaching" which I agree with, but I also personally see it as being the singular icon which is attributable to the collective failings of mankind to manifest a world i  which "Equality of opportunity and access to education and the freedom to travel the globe to explore and experience the environment of Earth without financial impediments restricting such activities to the 10% of society whom have the financial freedoms to do so" in the two millenium that have passed since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Consider it a more appropriate display of what those who wear, hang or display a crucifix on their body or clothes intends to indicate to the "audience" of people who are not them, as rather than celebrate the murder of God in human form, the slash represents my adversity to the acts of those humans whom preceded us in the timeline as my means through which I promote evolution.


Even though this seems to be an anti-Christian sentiment, given that Jesus is a character in all religions, either by directly naming the character as such or otherwise as effectively it is all God. And think about it, if you were Jesus and were to be alive and resurrected in today's society, you think that the standard crucifix or the crossed out logo would be His preferred way of having his message of unity and promotion of love distributed throughout society? The crucifix he was tortured and hung upon by those who feared the love of God he represented, or the crossbuster which is the icon of being "anti" such an act?


I can go on but this is the condensed version of someone who sought to reconnect with the inner rebel, atheist, adamant non-believer I was as a teenager when I was looking back for unfulfilled life desires I had almost forgotten about as a means through which I could find inspiration for the present and future after I had reached the peak of ultimate material reality as I had dreamed about as a young child from the age of 5 and after remembering and detailing this reality as a 30 year old man writing down a dream in my corporate staff profile which was disseminated to my colleagues in 2011 prior to me realising it in three distinct instances and circumstances in 2016 as a 35 year old. A Man who at 35 almost reverted to suicide as a way of feeling incapable of conveying my gratitude for having been blessed with the ability to have realised said experiences after the initial instance of these 3 seperate occassions occurring in non other than "Sin City" itself - Las Vegas, which was strangely enough the first place I had ever visited a church for a purpose that wasn't involved with someone I knew or was related to having recently died prior. Whilst said visitation to churchvwas still the result of being influenced by "My Mermaid" (she knows what this means), it was the following months that lead to me finding the curtain of reality peeled back fo where I not only needed to make peace with myself and my foilbles and fetishes and other things individuals may feel scared of putting out into the world fearlessly as opposed to the social mask many of us adorn in society out of fear of being judged or at worst "persecuted" for (modern terminology would be "getting cancelled") if the acts we indulge in within the privacy of one's bedroom were to become public knowledge and then you get discriminated against for making your male peers feel emasculated as happened to me after a sex tape of mine was leaked after I had already committed to leaving corporate life behind for an artistic one due to realising money is never going to make me as happy as I am from inducing waves of orgasmic pleasurable bliss within the woman I view and love as my female self.


While I can still elaborate further, I can essentially sum up this period through the use of 3 seperate still photographic images of Hell, Heaven, and the final one which represented the point beyond which it no longer mattered what I do for myself in my life, as if I was unable to help educate and share my experience in a way that could benefit everyone via showing them what is truly of value to me in life (as someone who has literally experienced everything money can buy and has experienced the ultimate natural and chemically assisted "Highs" and "Lows" along the emotional and physical spectrums) so that others can potentially avoid even taking a single step "Down the path to Hell" before they can ever find themselves on the brink of suicide due to becoming conscoously aware of how blessed we are to be gifted the present and future moments that is this thing we call "living life".

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TLDR version - I still seek to retain and emit "Hope" in a world that does it's best to portray itself as being completely exhausted of it. My primary "Hope" being that I am not the sole individual I encounter who is able to lay their cards on the table, my two being contained on my iphone 7 and my iphone 14 displaying both Heaven and Hell with my iphone 11 being the card I let go of as I already had the perfect BlackJack hand of "21" in that I gave the 21 year old female "Me", the Maria to Me as Matthew, so to speak, the gift of learning from a Man who would give it all away in the name of love and saving Her (and potentially others) from encountering death only to realise they lived a life of selfishness to where they never experience the freedom that came to me in manifesting, realising and giving away the love I wish to be given in the ultimate form I could define it as being contained within as per the restraints imposed via the laws of physics and those within the physical, and material domains.


As until someone else is willing to give away everything in the name of love, from their friends, family, job, qualifications, job title, house, car, instruments, country, hemisphere, continent, and ultimately - their entire bank account - to a singular one person they entrust to reciprocate the love, faith and ability to give back that which they have been given in the form of "God's Gift of Love", then I will always be able to assert that other men will remain ensconsed within the light and shadows of my love going forward to where I can answer to any of them "Can I laugh in your face" just like Steven Seagal as my way of deriving value and laughter from life at the expense of exposing other's fears and inability to have obeyed the Golden Rule of "Loving as you wish to be loved" in it's ultimate form.


Whilst this text may be read as an egocentric diatribe of a madman, consider it the actual opposite as you need to realise the only thing I "Hate" is having nobody who is able to relate to the freedom that comes from having no concerns of feeling I "coulda, shoulda, or woulda" done a single thing different in my life to that which I have chosen to do in this lifetime as my life is perfect, I live in the clouds with my woman experiencing my perfect love as she remains "Forever 21" and the science which is audibly contained in my name in "Math" proves it.

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