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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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9 hours ago, Drue_Down said:

Thanks @Schnitzel.


We went to the grocery store today once we realized we’re home for the week and shit is kinda going sideways. A couple hours later I booked a staycation for the next six days.


I go on Facebook two hours ago and saw my friends posting what’s happening in stores in Cali, Chicago, Pacific NW, etc.


I told my wife and kids I’m not a panicked idiot as I tucked them in tonight, but everyone else is so we need to react to their stupidity. Before our road trip tomorrow, we’re going in two cars to two stores. Buy up everything we’d need in every day life for two months. Other than toilet paper, everything is in stock locally here, but we live in a nice bubble. By the time we get home Thursday, all sorts of shit might have broken loose once the school closures come out.


Maybe not. Who knows. But other cities are in hurricane mode. I saw helicopter shots of insane Costco lines in the parking lots to get into what is basically a cruise ship on land. Good luck with all that 👍


Panicky idiot, or good father/husband ensuring my family is safe and taken care of?


I’d rather look a fool than be foolish and not prepared for what might be the oddest shit to happen in our lifetime. (Not alive for WW2 or 

Its not a bad thing to stock up. You can take this opportunity to get a good base of supplies. Replace as you use your inventory and you will be prepared for any disaster in the future.

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23 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

Its not a bad thing to stock up. You can take this opportunity to get a good base of supplies. Replace as you use your inventory and you will be prepared for any disaster in the future.

Plus wait in less lines, plus save money, plus not depend on shit or be at the mercy of all the rest of the here that’s in panic mode. 

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So over here we are 3 days in to the closing-of-society and 8 ours into all borders closed. The closed society means that all public employees are sent home, and everything non-essential for society is also on hold. The closed borders means that no foreigners without a legitimate reason can enter, meaning no tourists or family visits. All this is to stop the spreading of the virus and you do that by stopping the non-important movement of people, not goods. All our supermarkets are still well stocked, and thats after the first retarded panic-run on toilet paper etc. There is loads of foods for everyone. All the big supermarket chains are coordinating with the authorities to keep goods flowing and warehouses full, and its working fine. People in general are staying at home, no one is socializing in large groups and people keep their distance on the streets and when they do necessary things. Many business are hurting, shut down, people fired etc. No one goes to hotels, restaurants, bars, entertainment, culture, anything with physical contact like massage, gyms, hairdressers, all out of business from one day to the other basically, many of friends fired or without any income whatsoever.

Our positive numbers are still rising, and today our first death of an old, weak person. We are not testing and quarentening every potential person any longer, if you feel ill you simply stay at home until its over. There is not capacity to hospitalize everyone, only the ones that get real sick or are old/weak.

Moral in society is high, and people back our female leader and her goverment and all authorities highly, People are organizing help locally, shop for each other, take care of kids for each other, we will get through this together.


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Where I'm at panic and impulse have led to outbreaks of moronavirus and colonavirus.  


The supermarket has produced some superb people watching.  Lot of people grabbing stuff because other people grabbed stuff.  Lot of people grabbing things they don't need.  All the disinfectant and hand sanitizer gone but not the soap, laundry detergent, etc.  Also surprised that I don't see more people stocking up on beer/liquor, it must not be that bad.


With so many people staying home from things it's only natural that with man and woman getting bored in close quarters some fucking is going to happen, think we'll see a boom of coronavirus babies lol?

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10 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:

Where I'm at panic and impulse have led to outbreaks of moronavirus and colonavirus. 

Moronavirus.... I'm glad someone else thought of that.  I thought of it earlier today when I was driving to Lockhart, TX trying to get one of them sweet Animal Crossing Nintendo Switches..... no luck, they're sold out everywhere and people online are trying to charge double for them.

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33 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:

With so many people staying home from things it's only natural that with man and woman getting bored in close quarters some fucking is going to happen, think we'll see a boom of coronavirus babies lol?

Good thing I can’t self procreate 


id be the old woman who lived in a shoe 

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Woke up to the power being out. I go outside to walk the dog thinking it was going to be deathly silent and eerie. I hwsr people talking everywhere and one kid yells “WOO! Block party in the dark!” I made it about half a block and the power kicked back on and everyone just turned around and went back inside, hah.

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Hours/pay got cut as of Friday. Supposed to be until things pick back up as businesses get back to business. Thankful to have a decent savings but would rather not dig into it, though I suppose things like this is why I have a savings to begin with. 

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Maaaaaaaaan. Rhode Island is trashed. CT’s trashed. Country done gone crazy. Everything Is all fucked up and a brotha ain’t got a one ass gun😒. I left work Friday after listening to my homeboy get a phone call from his old lady about her whole hair salon getting quarantined. 🤣 Right the fuck after I just hung doors with that motherfucker (We’re painters). 

I went out and stocked up pretty good and could give two thousand fucks about who cares about it. Personally I know how underprepared my home is and with my daughter being home from school the next couple weeks I’m not trying to be assed out. It’s a bit of a odd situation for me on that front because me and her mother live 45/50 minutes away from each other. I tried to make executive decisions for her dumb ass to come stay with me and my old lady 🤣🤣

Idk. My fiancé is a nurse practitioner and we been bickering for the last week about the cautionary moves and how I feel about respirators. advanced health care providers are just automatically exposed with no options of not going to work so well I’m just out here livin. Ain’t shit much we can do but stay the fuck out of places with a bunch of people and wash wash wash. But we all already gon be sick. Just wish I felt a little more solid outside of all my basic camping/hiking edc bags and shit like that. I got hatchets🤣 but no “REAL” protection. 14 day turn around for pistols around here

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I work for a water company and people are losing their minds. Ordering up to 40 5gal bottles lol, yeah thats no gonna happen. We only have so many bottles and we have to keep a reserve for cities and hospitals if the water supply gets disrupted. Anyway I was making deliveries to the walmarts, home depots, etc. And people we swarming all around me when I was stocking water in the racks. I even got up early to deliver before the stores opened and people were camped out in the parking lots. Reminded me of Christmas black friday sales when people would storm the doors. 


Yesterday I talked with my neighbors, one couple just had their first child 3 months ago so they are pretty nervous. The mexican family next door to me has shit on lock, which is cool. I honestly think this will blow over but it's good to know the everyone on my block has each others back

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Daughters' school closed indefinitely after Spring Break.  We still took our spring break trip to Joshua Tree NP. Of course our family was very socially distanced. The park was rather empty and our Air BnB was remote sitting on 5 acres.  We are fully stocked on supplies to a level we are comfortable with.  Though I did have some trouble re-upping on TP (seriously we were getting low, not trying to stock reserves). Finally found/bought 8 single rolls at the local Water & Ice Store.  There were 25 total and the cashier was shocked I didn't by them all. 


My family can be packed and ready to camp out in the desert within 2 hours. We have enough supplies to camp fat for about 14 days or so.

March 30th Rage Against the Machine concert postponed until mid-August


John Fogerty concert tonight is still scheduled to happen.  My wife and I are still planning on attending......

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Rock on. 

I’m less and less concerned by this as time is going on because these reports seem to be more and more misleading. The news says a state has X amount of cases, these seem to be presumptive positives, and not necessarily confirmed by the CDC.


Just read a headline that “New York Announces First Deaths Linked To Coronavirus.” It was an 82 year old woman with emphysema and a 65 year old dude with “significant health issues.” 

Pardon my coldness, but, bitch they were already dead. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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11 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

Rock on. 

I’m less and less concerned by this as time is going on because these reports seem to be more and more misleading. The news says a state has X amount of cases, these seem to be presumptive positives, and not necessarily confirmed by the CDC.


Just read a headline that “New York Announces First Deaths Linked To Coronavirus.” It was an 82 year old woman with emphysema and a 65 year old dude with “significant health issues.” 

Parson my coldness, but, bitch they were already dead. 

We feel like we almost have to keep it secret bc people and "friends" will judge us.  But.....

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19 minutes ago, 6Pennies said:

We feel like we almost have to keep it secret bc people and "friends" will judge us.  But.....

You will absolutely be judged. I’ve seen quite a few people basically say that by going out in public you are actively participating in someone else's death. Pretty nonsensical. 

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I have agree that stocking up on water is rediculous. Water isn't gonna cure a virus, and there's plenty coming out of your faucet at home. Even if water was to get contaminated, just boil it or use a form of filtration. Either way it's not making my job any easier, and stocking up isn't going to make you safer.

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