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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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46 minutes ago, Kults said:

assuming gallon. it’s currently 0.90/litre here in CAN 

$1.20/Litre here, which looks not too far off the same for the CAD/AUD conversion

is fuel price dropping anywhere else? seems to be getting cheaper here which is the opposite of what I though would happen

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We just got hit with a case or two, Updates as follow:


Restaurants are limiting 10 people at a time

Walmart (all) closes at 11pm now

Long Horn (Steak House) closed until further notice

Schools closed

Fuel  Prices Drops

My Job might be slow, less Income

Noticed shortage of TP just a few days ago

Edited by T4M*
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This is just plain stupid.  I am beginning to get really agitated with all of this lockdown covid crap.  Houston has now closed bars/clubs for 14 days.  Restaurants can still serve but only via drive thru and delivery.   


**paints face blue and stands on the front porch yelling with an Irish accent, "YOU MAY TAKE OUR TOILET PAPER!  BUT YOU CANT TAKE OUR FREEDOM!"

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32 minutes ago, aimer said:

$1.20/Litre here, which looks not too far off the same for the CAD/AUD conversion

is fuel price dropping anywhere else? seems to be getting cheaper here which is the opposite of what I though would happen

Russia and Saudi are in a price war and they’ve both increased production.

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11 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

Sucks for you on Fogerty.  100% hillarious about the rest if you consider the history of Native Americans, white people, and germs.  

Right?  But, they're like fuck it we "making our money until we forced to stop!"  Heard he played to a crowd that was half of the tickets sold....

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3 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

With everyone wearing masks I'm waiting for someone to rob a bank...

A few years ago my buddy was in a bank in Boston during a bad snow storm and apparently a dude walked in with a beanie, snowboard goggles, and a scarf around his neck and slid a note. He had no idea until the dude left and the workers started freaking out, haha. 

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6 hours ago, misteraven said:

***********12ozProphet PSA***********


Love all you motherfuckers... Will certainly be one for the books.


Just sent this out to the new list. Might export the forum member list and sent to them as well, but not sure what a hundred thousand bounced messages will do to the forum.


*@Dirty_habiTany idea?




At worst it will cause the reputation of the email domain to take a dump but I doubt that will happen. It happens way quicker if people mark delivered messages as spam. Mxtoolbox.com will tell if anything is messed up in that regard. 

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Everything getting worse here in Europe, people dying and getting infected.  
Stop complaining on this board!

Learn something! Learn from us, please. We are a few days ahead of you. What YOU today, will save people tomorrow! 

Isolate yourself, stay the fuck at home,  and start right now! 

Edited by Europe
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3 hours ago, Europe said:

Stop complaining on this board!

Learn something! Learn from us, please. We are a few days ahead of you. What YOU today, will save people tomorrow! 

Isolate yourself, stay the fuck at home,  and start right now! 

Letting you know you are being heard and would encourage you to continue as someone a little more "in the know" with the current situation.  At the same time, don't drive yourself crazy either.  It's a hefty task to try to change the collective conscience on any topic.  Also have to figure there's going to be some grumbling about unexpected major life changes, sure your country people have done some too.  


I don't see you in a lot of threads so you might have missed an ongoing discussion/debate by which most members on here have their own personal elements of what is necessary for a disaster, emergency, and such, with each person arguing the importance of their element(s) over others.  Some of that has bled over into this thread in spite of what you and a few others are indicating.

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The hospital i’m at, (and i’ve heard similar things from friends in other parts of the country,) is taking everyone’s temperature at the main entrance. All other entrances are locked down and mostly guarded. Word is if you aren't in need of immediate healthcare or an employee you aren’t getting in. Some have set up pop-up triage tents in the parking lots. 

I’ve also heard through the grapevine that they’re having issues in ER departments in other hospitals because people are calling ambulances because they’re having mild symptoms and freaking out causing issues with already limited resources.

The panic surrounding this situation caused by doom and gloom news coverage is making this worse. People refusing to listen to the advice of the CDC and medical professionals, are making this worse. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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1 hour ago, One Man Banned said:

Letting you know you are being heard and would encourage you to continue as someone a little more "in the know" with the current situation.  At the same time, don't drive yourself crazy either.  It's a hefty task to try to change the collective conscience on any topic.  Also have to figure there's going to be some grumbling about unexpected major life changes, sure your country people have done some too.  


I don't see you in a lot of threads so you might have missed an ongoing discussion/debate by which most members on here have their own personal elements of what is necessary for a disaster, emergency, and such, with each person arguing the importance of their element(s) over others.  Some of that has bled over into this thread in spite of what you and a few others are indicating.

Thank you, and sorry. Waking up after too little sleep, checking the news and then going on the board here, its literally like watching a train-wreck in slowmotion, you know its gonna be an absolutely horrible crash that the worlds never seen the like of before, and everyone here is just playing on the train tracks...

People are dying, societies are crumbling, nations are shutting down.

All you can do to stop this is: Stay (the fuck) at home! Starting right now!

This was my Ted talk, thank you.

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Just now, Europe said:

All you can do to stop this is: Stay (the fuck) at home! Starting right now!

I honestly wish I could. I have to go to doctors appointments and chemotherapy.

The medical offices I visit are full of people aged 50-80+ who are prime candidates for this virus (among others easily communicable diseases). Some of these people seem to not care nor understand the gravity of the situation, while others are taking protective measures (masks / gloves). In some lame attempt in warding off the virus most offices are only allowing patients beyond the waiting rooms, and no guests.

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I just wanna say, I've been through alot of stuff with 12ozprophet. From 9/11, The North East Power Outage of 2003 where we had no power or food for a week, Major Hurricanes and other disasters and Deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and so forth. This is probably the craziest I've seen stuff get, and it's only getting worse. No Meats, No TP, No Water, No Pasta, No Food, and guess what the Government isn't there to help anyone (who'd a thunk 😉 ). This morning all the stores had Black Friday lines waiting to get in, just to find out the stores only stocked things nobody needs. Glad I saw this coming in January and got a good stock of supplies.


Crazy times guys. I wish you all the best. Rage hang in there bud, rooting and praying for you man.

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11 minutes ago, -Rage- said:

I honestly wish I could. I have to go to doctors appointments and chemotherapy.

The medical offices I visit are full of people aged 50-80+ who are prime candidates for this virus (among others easily communicable diseases). Some of these people seem to not care nor understand the gravity of the situation, while others are taking protective measures (masks / gloves). In some lame attempt in warding off the virus most offices are only allowing patients beyond the waiting rooms, and no guests.

Rage, all normal people need to do this, in order for you and many others to make, thats the whole point! Wish you all the best, take care!

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EU closing it’s borders for 30 days starting at noon




macron on new restrictions in France:


He said people will no longer be able to have family get togethers and "meeting your friends in the park, the street will no longer be possible".



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Let me elaborate on my thought process on why i think the panic from the news coverage is making this worse..


Other ailments, injuries, and illnesses have not all the sudden stopped happening because COVID-19 sat in the driver seat of our minds. Like @-Rage- said, when you go to a hospital on an average day, you have people there for routine appointments, surgeries, treatments, and so on. What you also have is sickly and elderly folk, which are the people reported to be the most susceptible to this virus, especially in terms of death rate.

So say you have an elderly woman, much like the one i just watched get wheeled in on a stretcher. She’s there for whatever reason, non coronavirus related. Now here comes Joe or Jane strolling in, freaking the fuck out because they have a cough and a runny nose. They are in fairly healthy condition, and by what seems to be being reported, they will be able to push through this virus with some TLC at home, if they actually have it. They are in the same waiting room or same department as that elderly woman and have now potentially exposed her. Worst cases scenario, she catches the virus and dies..

..All because they have been sold potential outcomes, statistics and impending doom from whatever news outlet they’re following. They panicked, fearing worst case scenario of death because that’s largely what we’re seeing being covered. They didn’t adhere to what the CDC and medical professionals have suggested for healthy folk with minor symptoms, and went and got medical attention needlessly. Thus, spreading the virus to the more susceptible, increasing the fear which will increase the panic, and make this worse. 

This is why i’m assuming i’m seeing and hearing about our hospitals nationwide beginning to cancel non emergent appointments and surgeries, and are turning people away. They need the resources right now, for people who might actually fucking need it. It’s not just about supplies, but staff as well. Supplies can be made, and are still being made. Trained medical staff cant be whipped up in a factory. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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1 hour ago, abrasivesaint said:

Now here comes Joe or Jane strolling in, freaking the fuck out because they have a cough and a runny nose. They are in fairly healthy condition, and by what seems to be being reported, they will be able to push through this virus with some TLC at home, if they actually have it. 

This is why you Stay at Home! If you have it, or if you dont have it! 

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46 minutes ago, glorydays said:

the regular ass flu, the flu we get every year, has killed 10,000 people annually


this covid shit ain't even reach those numbers yet...a few months of a weird, dumb ass flu and everyone thinks zombies are gonna pop out

panic and consuuuuuuume

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32 minutes ago, Kults said:

panic and consuuuuuuume

Fools are buying mad household shit but overall consuming is way down. People identified the weakness in healthcare, manufactured a panic and short sold the DOW. This was in the works for a while.

Edited by where
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1 hour ago, glorydays said:

the regular ass flu, the flu we get every year, has killed 10,000 people annually


this covid shit ain't even reach those numbers yet...a few months of a weird, dumb ass flu and everyone thinks zombies are gonna pop out

Yeah thats what Italy said 1 month ago...


Mark my words, the US will be hit the hardest of all countries, and this will be bigger than 9-11 and all the hurricanes combined, plus give and take a few wars.


But go ahead, listen to this guy instead of the worlds medical establishment... 


Stay at home, now!


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