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dear crazy friend and crazy brother,


stop being such fucking idiots and get your heads out of your asses. you both married crazy women and made babies. twice. learn to not stick your dick places where you wouldn't want a baby. also, please stop making me feel like there's something i should do to make you act like sane people. you're both nuts and i can't fix that.






dear normally above average sushi joint,


the service tonight sucked and the food was lackluster. i come specifically for the fatty tuna and you did not have it. fuckers. also, the bill was outrageous. the ginger and jame-o i ordered musta been at least 6 bucks and it was weak as fuck. the leftovers were good though and went well with this budweiser tallboy. i will not be going back to your establishment any time soon.


yours truly,



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dear internet



you really truly still amaze the fuck out of me sometimes.

thank you so much for being the source of solutions to not one, but TWO incredibly fucking frustrating and incomprehensible problems.. weird shit that thankfully, someone out there had figured out for me and gloriously, graciously, posted on the internet in details i could understand.

i'll never be able to thank these people personally, so damn.. mad props for helping to boost my faith in humanity.


with :heartbeat:



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Dear friends,

Its my birthday..and im having the greatest week of bday celebrations!

I usually am low key about my birthday but this year is different.

I also had an awesome rap letter cake made by a co- worker that is wonderfully hilarious, I will share pics a soon as i can.


Luv you all..and thank you for the well wishes this year.

-sm double bubble

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Dear Employer


Thanks a fucking bunch you fucking cunts, your fucking bullshit training led to the mistake that cost me my job even though I told you the training fucking sucked. Screw you thanks for leaving me in this situation where no one in my house is working, I have a family to feed you assholes. Also thanks for the great anniversary present - fire me on my wedding anniversary


Dear Wife


Thanks for the 9 years of marriage, not always been easy, and after today probably wont be easy going forward either, but love you and our son with all my heart.



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Dear Decy,


Welcome to the ranks of the unemployed. I don't know how it works over there, but if it's anything remotely close to the system here I wish you the best of luck dealing with the red tape and bullshit involved in the unemployment/dole(?) system. I been laid off for almost 3 months and due to the hamster wheel of incompetence I still haven't gotten paid yet.





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Dear Evil


That fucking sucks 3 months I would beok if it was just me but I got a wife and kid as well ssoo that would fuck me up royally, but I spoke to the employment people and have interview with them on thursday (great fucking birthday present hanging around the dole office) but just did a calculation online to see what would be eligible for and I am eligible for more in benefits than I actually earned in a month anyway - no wonder so many people just fucking sit on the dole.


Good luck with everything tho Evil, hope it turns round for you soon!



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dear decy...


just take full advantage of our fucked up benefits system as if you were a minoirty... /noracist


my mate just had a bairn... he's been paid off. he just does occasional homers and makes his hoose bra and tidy for the bairns mum and the bairn. he still has his beloved rice tin, and seems pretty happy to me...


it also seems oor birthdays are a day apart...


dear ehrums... (arms)


stop fuckin' hurtin'...


i'm not gonna be able to see a doctor for a good few fuckin' days but this pish is beyond a fuckin' joke... i've still got ovens and ah that shite to lift tomorrow... fuck aff...



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condolences man, shit sounds rough. Best of luck on the unemployment tip, going without a paycheck is strugs. I got a wife but no kid (yet... knock on wood) and just the two of us would be tight gettin by on one salary. I truly hope it works out for you.




Dear adderall,


I missed you, you improve my perormance levels, but decrease my life enjoyment. You'll be leaving my life again soon. Thanks for the short visit though, it was a nice reminder of where i used to be in life versus where i am now. Peace bitch. You won't be missed as badly this time (once you clear my system).



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Dear College


you are great. giving me a full quarters worth of credit (16) for a course im writing for myself that involves studying what i want to study and a month of hanging out in europe with friends, including my bestest friend?





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Dear dear people,


you know you have awesome taste in friends when you're meant to be cheering them up but...they cook you an amazing meal, let you drink all their expensive red wine, make your favourite desert from scratch, let you rifle through their vinyl and book collections and take what you want, and then text you when you're home to thank you for your "superb company".




Dear pain,

stop it now, thanks



Dear me,

please don't forget to get your scrip filled tomorrow, it's your own fault you're in pain



Dear knowledgeable oontz folk,

how long after expiration are drugs really good for?


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dear thread viewers and new englanders..


people in mass dead from tornados!? tornados of notable size!?...... the fuck is this?

the lightning was going nuts too, shit was cracking 3-4 times every 3-4 seconds...


the rapture is coming, it just got held up in traffic.. we're doomed



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most drugs will stay good for a long time past posted expiry date. exceptions might be insulin and antibiotics (which you should always take all of anyway.)

pain killers for example, will prolly still work after the next ice age



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Dear SM,

I have a chronic pain condition, I have so many different pain killers/benzos that get changed up regularly I sometimes lose track and some slip through the net. Had I known they were here my buddies would have had them off me a long time ago. It's nice that I have my uses innit.



Dear Miss Symbols,

I found a mess of Zolpidem, Tramadol and Temazepam in a the back of a drawer, all at least 2 years past their BB date. You think they're good still?


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dear Directv satelite dish,



stop being such a fag, im trying to watch pawn stars and i'll be goddamned if i miss the part where they reveal whether that 17th century sword is a fake or not.



also, almighty, sucks to hear about your friend/gf/whoever this chick is.. hope shit works out. but if not feel free to send me pics of her vag if you have any.jk.butseriouslybr0.





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