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Everything posted by suca

  1. symbols, link to article with that info? i can only find articles that are still being vague.
  2. suca

    Dear ________,

    dear bank account since december i have done miami once, sf 3 times, idaho twice, denver/boulder, a road trip from sacramento to sf la sd and tijuana, and am going back to sac in a month. 7 plane trips and 3 road trips in 9 months... no wonder im broke as a joke. stayputforonce edogggggggggggggy
  3. suca

    Dear ________,

    dear felix long live the king marinersfanforlife edogggggggggggggggy
  4. suca

    Dear ________,

    REA Sorry for your loss :( RIP momma'sgirloner edogggggggggggy
  5. finally. so far- its great.
  6. suca

    Dear ________,

    dear painting you just cost $145 to ship- you better fucking sell. backtobrokeoner edoggggggggggggggy
  7. dope! makes me want to hit denmark. i had painted a piece here back in... 09? i checked up on it last summer but they had buffed the whole wall :(
  8. whoa talk about "rushing to type out a defense of yourself" and i didnt think we were arguing...
  9. easy tiger, its just MY opinion (and apparently the opinion of a few people who agree with me) i adjust my carbon footprint in other ways. nobody is perfect, everyone has vices or tendencies that fuck up the environment. yes,even you. i walk/bike whenever possible, shop locally, recycle/compost and have significantly decreased my meat consumption. so guess what- if i want to support printed word, i think i am entitled to that. most of my vacations have me toting around one large backpack filled half with books and half with clothes and i wouldn't have it any other way. and i really feel bad for you that you cant appreciate a beautifully stocked library/bookshelf. feel free to send the books my way!
  10. fuck reading anything longer than this post on a computer. i will never own an e-reader, and i too print out documents. id rather waste some paper and kill trees to keep printed word alive. i have this fear that eventually in my lifetime, or even by the time i have children, we will see the end of books. everything will be published only in e-version. there is something so much more personal about holding a tangible book... the anticipation of turning the page, being able to see and feel how close you are to the end, which allows the suspense to grow, i dunno. call me corny. feeling the paper even adds to the experience, and i know many of you will agree that there are few better smells in the world than a really really old book. in a weird way. being able to physically own the book, and have a library which takes up a whole fucking wall or whole room even, instead of just being on a 64g thumb drive sitting on the kitchen counter. being able to give books to others to enjoy, in hopes that they pass it off when they are done too. these are all things i love about books, and hate about e-readers. and besides, reading too much on a computer gives me a migrane, and probably cancer. /endrant to show that im not all serious and grouchy, i read this yesterday.
  11. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. Still havent read that one. shame on me so i just started teaching middle school and after much persuasion from my students i went out and bought this. 5pm, told myself id read one chapter. that came and went. told myself i'd read 100 pages. done and gone. next thing i know its 11pm and i havent moved the book is dome and the only time i got out of bed was to eat a trader joes ice cream sandwich (if you know, you know.) i will start and finish the other two ASAP
  13. read this. it was good but somewhat uneventful. wasnt really a book i 'just couldnt put down'
  14. suca

    Dear ________,

    decy due to the destruction posted, i bet your dog really is awesome. on a side note, sorry he ate your house. dogloveroner edoggggggggggggy
  15. suca

    Dear ________,

    dear all the wrong words interesting day to check this thread for the first time in forever. we clearly never met- im not the 'cute girls list' type. sorry. i watch football and rarely dress all girly. dont know why you thought that. sorrytoburstyourbubbleoner edogggggggggggggggggggggggy also, aim? really? MUST have been years ago. jeez.
  16. true. many times. professionalphonebreaker tpbm played in snow today
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