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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear Oontz Fam, Hope ya'll been safe. Love, Seyer McMaskon
  2. Dear Cali, I came across my old photo bucket account and found this. Thought it would make your day. ? "Cali faps to fatties"
  3. Dear ya'll, I'm going to try and make it habit to pop in more often. Whats going on ? What's new? Life is funny. Sincerely, M.S.
  4. Being a lazy house bum planning out a few vacations.
  5. Hola everyone! I second Cali with this ?
  6. Fresh out the shower ? about to slowly fold laundry
  7. Hey Decy, glad things ended up looking up for you. I've been super MIA from this place, but I can relate. Not the same situation but I've definitely been down that same trench.
  8. False. I'm a dog person, and hate cats. TPBM is still going strong.
  9. Finally checking your thread Cali! Ton's of awesome flicks!!!
  10. Dear 12oz, Hi. -$eyer Dear CaliG, I finally signed on again, pimpin. Now I'll take time to look for your thread. I kept my promise. Word is bond right? lol -$eyer
  11. I like how we can "like" the posts. Everything looks new to me again, but its better.
  12. Dear INJ, Text me nuggu. -seys Dear Dad, You're the biggest asshole in the world. Always conniving. FU, Seyer
  13. Dear bboatshoes, Happy Belated Birthday! I texted you but thought I'd write you on here too. Cheers to hoping that you got "uncled" ":lol: -seyoyayo Dear men, Yall drive me crazy all the time. Don't need you but really like you,but a lot of you are wack as fuck these days. -seyerupset
  14. Dear Cali, Thanks! It was nice catching up with you a couple weeks ago! -Seyseysey Dear brackboatshoeski, Now that you mentioned your letter on 12oz I had to log on for myself. Since you're probably busy chasing away snakes like a drunk Steve Irwin away from your properties we'll catch up soon again. Till then I hope you've been well. -Seyeryayerchasingdrunksnakesoutthecaversoner Dear my irish man friend, Don't even think about making out with a random tonight or you'll pay for it. *cracks knuckles* -Your interracial partner
  15. Dear 12oz, I kinda missed you. -$eyer
  16. Dear CIL, If I was into anal the dude would marry me. -sey
  17. Dear liver, Sorry for the abuse you'll be going through this weekend. It's all for the love of my best friend. -seyseysorry Dear dude, You're so gonna get it when this is done. -ms.firstname ps: just the tip is cool too. please and thank you.
  18. Dear Cali, My peoples! :lol: -seyseysey
  19. Dear Cali, It IS Biggie's birthday! -sey sey sey Dear today, Stop sucking so much dick! -sey
  20. Dear Cali- I missed out on the pic! -sey Dear everyone, Let's survive monday...eh this week alone. It's my best friend's birthday this saturday and I plan on getting white girl wasted. -seymorebutts
  21. Dear Cilone, I'm into chubby dudes, not super chubby, I guess you can say- husky/thick? Basically no sharp edges. -seyer
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