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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear TBD, Thanks for the sexual dildo hugs, I kinda needed that. :D -seyoyayo Dear Calicaliguuulaaa, I'll take the hip thrusting hugs from you without fear. I ain't mad at ya! *tupac voice* -seyseysey Dear inj, Promise me that you won't kill your dog. I'd seriously would pay 10k to keep my dog alive. -MS14 Dear everyone at work, Fuck yall -me Dear dude, For an about to be 30 yr old you seem to need to get your shit together soon. And fast. I also wish you'd recognize how much shit I've done and do for you. "Aint no one gonna love you better!" *insert ghey singing here* -seyyobiatch
  2. Dear Cali, I sexy hug thats not just friendly. Sometimes involves ass grabbing? :lol: -seyer
  3. Dear everyone, Thanks for the support- you really don't know how much I appreciate it <3 Still standing and breathing, and keeping my brother and sister in check and it's doing good. Non sexual hugs for everyone, I love you guys. -Seyer Dear fathers day, Not really a fan of you cause I don't have that great of a father. However, I hope you GOOD dads had a great time celebrating fathers day! -Seyer Dear person who hit my car this morning, Stop texting while driving! Learn the rules damnit. Konichiwah motherfucker! -seyangryatazndrivers
  4. Dear everyone, I just got some bad news today that my brother and sister's mom (same dad, different moms) has just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She's one of the nicest ladies I know. She doesn't deserve this illness, nor does she deserve to feel the fear that she's facing. I don't know what to say to my brother and sister, because I've never came across this with anyone close to me. These things also scare the living shit out of me for the fear of it happening to my own mother,sister or myself. I lost my grandma right before christmas in '12 and I don't think I could handle another family loss within any few upcoming years. Things kinda suck right now =/ -seyer
  5. I'd consider going lesbo for a day for her. Tpbm would put it in her mouth.
  6. True. Tpbm is looking for a new job.
  7. False. Tpbm lives in the state/region/county whatever that they were born in.
  8. Fug yeah. Tpbm likes Milky Way over Three Musketeers.
  9. True. Rapsprays during work too. jk. Tpbm is FUBAR.
  10. False. I need ears to hold my earrings. Tpbm has no dick.
  11. Fuck yeah, you dont know bout it. Tpbm got a car thats clean on the inside with an ice cream paint job.
  12. Dear CG, Let me know when it cools down to around 40-50ish and we'll plan a day for lunch lol but fuck that heat! -seyerrrr
  13. False. I have a bughetto name for an azn. Tpbm's name is John.
  14. False. Tpbm expels children on the daily.
  15. False. It's tough already. Tpbm is too hard for the fuckin' radio.
  16. More like brown on brown magic. Tpbm is in the buildin' and feelin' themselves.
  17. Elementary jail. Tpbm is a douche.
  18. Practicing my uppercut, cause I'm about to knock all these hoes at work.
  19. Being lazy on my day off. Getting ready to go to the cemetery.
  20. False. Tpbm wants a fat one in their mouth.
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