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publicenemyno.3 last won the day on April 9 2013

publicenemyno.3 had the most liked content!


266 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods
  1. Last day of real work at current job. Trying not to do to much.
  2. i like coffee because you can put liquor in it and get morning-drunk. you can't put whiskey in your green tea. that sounds scusting.
  3. If your company's website starts playing some bullshit rap-rock from 8 years ago when I go to "learn more" about current job openings, I am not interested.
  4. I have twice. We've had the pitcher for 2 years. Every once in a while I ask my wife to buy a new one and she ignores me.
  5. this season looks a lot better than the last 3.
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