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Everything posted by AllTheWrongWords

  1. mY drunk enly intial reaction was and is and will foever be w WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE BABY. I HOPE THEY FUCK YOU AMBER ALLERT FAGGOT
  2. Word me too man. I lost my job and started doing alot more unproductive pot smoking and illicit drugs.... KEEP GOING tho man. Stay on the course the cuz goal comes with obstacles and setbacks. You got twitter? It's a huge convenient comedy outlet for me and I think a lot more "modern/coming up" comics should embrace it
  3. THAT LIL NIGGA KID IS TOOOOOO COOL! Like fuck if you weren't screaming or trying to form a ball of light between your fucking hands in early 2000s you're either too old, too young or fuck you you fucking fuck. Shit. I almost believed he could do it. I'M ABOUT DROP A COUPLE SENZU BEANS AND ROLLS BALLS. FUCK YA'LL
  4. Hahahahhhahhah Perfect post for this thread. That's not even a real crowd in that video MAD HIP HOP YO /RAP LETTERS
  5. Dear Steezy, Whoa I don't even need 3d glasses for that one! Haha Making dat lil gamer girl baby... Born with a 6 pack n shiiiit - ATWW Dear heart, Quit being a faggot. - ATWW
  6. Posting this as per requested by Ski Mask Boris. Not nonsense but damn I love this, really, hearing it each time
  7. Wishing VAN would pack me in the VAN and take me to an all night n day WENDY'S for three orders of a chicken nuggets and bacon burgers
  8. Getting drunk and tweeting people and facebooking people with shit I wanna say fuck you And listening to Kid Cudi, ya know shit fuckkc
  9. Food is girl..... Your logic is flawless
  10. Aye really tho besides the fuck ass letters the color schemes and patterns are def on hit and balanced.. #creditwherecreditisapplicable
  11. I love Snooki. I would marry Snooki.
  12. Dear self, mind and stomach, Quit staying troubled. That stage will take care of itself. You got this. Just bomb, look like a dumbass asshole and walk away. - ATWW PS You're a stupid asshole enjoy the weekend and get yourself very, very drunk faggot.
  13. This isn't nonsense. Just trying to help my fellow broke asses out: Good ass pillow for $3 and some change plus free store pickup http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/67948/sears.com-cannon-supersize-jumbo-fiber-pillow Shit lord knows I needed one #couchlife
  15. Aye I'm tryna follow my regular #Channelzero heads on this twitter thang? Props me with the @ and get that follow. If you ain't a regular tho I can't fucks with ya.... Strictly TeamHandsome, TMFA etc etc blah blah blahh
  16. Playing MW3 for the first time in about a month... Getting my ass whooped, chopped and handed back to me... Shit is brutal right now.
  17. Dear Edoggg, Firstly, glad you're not dead and all that. Welcome home. Nope. Never in person buuuuut I may be just basing all this off rumors and tinychat talks.... Yea years back like when premium membership was just announced.... Fuck dressing girly tho. - ATWW ___________________________________ Dear Twitter, You're always more fun to be around than facebook. Fb isn't as loving or understanding as you. Let's keep this between ourselves. -ATWW
  18. http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1326786076620.gif
  19. LINK RELATED http://boards.4chan.org/b/res/374720727#374729018
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