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Dear Rolf,


hah I know, right? To be fair, my year thus far has been REALLY fucking shitty. And if I can't have a whine to strangers on the internet I'm going to have to start paying for therapy and frankly all my extra money is ear marked for shoes and summer festivals :)



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dear oontz,


where's my green name? This is the second time, not sure if my privacy settins/virus protection might be causing it, just want to clear things up. I'll do a screengrab of the paypal screen if needed... Please be in touch soon, i want the vipS.




Dear new 'responsibilities',


easy money for the fucking win.



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dear trix cerial ,

why the fuck did you take away the good trix they used to make with all the sugar and make these lil colored balls with 50% less sugar and calories and taste ... its tastes like shit and i stopped eating them years ago.. i hope you fuckers go bankrupt and out of buisness .. and im sure buisness plummetted since u made the healthcrap ones .. i dont know what year iT changed but im guessing 5-6 years ago... kids these days will never know how good trix used to taste , they just eating on low sugar colored balls... ha

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Dear dada,


you are all kinds of awesome, happy fathers day!!





Dear Fathers of 12oz,


happy fathers day to you, I hope you all got breakfast in bed, an abundance of socks and liquor.



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Dear algebra,

You are my sworn enemy, and you are giving me hell this summer.



Dear cousin,

You're a total bitch, if you don't want people to see what's on your mind,

then DON'T PUT IT ON FACEBOOK. Don't get all hurt because I read it

and your step mom found out. Deleting me from your friend list isn't gonna

do a thing. Try to re-add me, I dare you I'll block you from that shit. You're

like 32 years old anyways, what the fuck are you doing on a facebook?!

Shouldn't you be taking care of your daughter that you raised to be an asshole

like yourself? Fuck you bitch I never liked you in the first place you fake boobed

ass nigga.



Dear LA trip,

PLEEEEEASE take all these problems away from my mind for the weekend!

I really need you to, you have no idea.



Dear Luis,

Where the hell are you? :(


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dear seyseysey


haha i HATED algebra and did not do well in it at all. imagine my surprise when i eventually completed Calculus II. keep your head up and let me know if you're got ??s


haha that fbook rant is funny. aren't people dumb?



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Dear !@#$%,


Yes, math is my worst enemy. This is why I can't graduate yet, it's pretty sad. This is like the 3rd time I'm taking the same class, and with the help of the professor, and with tutoring, nothing seems to do the trick. I am pretty certain that I have a learning disability when it comes to numbers.


And yes... people and especially my family are that dumb. This rowdy ass cousin of mine needs to know her place and when to shut the fuck up.



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Dear Sey-

Red has a point, algebra has nothing to do with numbers really, its logic type shit.

If im wrong, I dont mind someone correcting me, because I barely passed that shit either. I could always come up with the answer, but had the hardest time showing my work on how I got there. This is why I wasn't able to really help my kid with it, but she made it through pre-calc last year with a B, so something clicked.

good luck-yiou deserve a trip.


ps-does that make me to old for FB as well?


S+M {X3 - L}

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Dear red,

That makes sense. Maybe I should try doing that more often, it would probably make me more interested. I am the total opposite, I'm pretty good with Geometry, I have no clue why but it just is easier for some reason.



Dear SM,

This is why I graduated highschool after taking two years of math. Geometry was my last stop, and algebra would have kept me there.

Oh and you're not too old for FB since you're raising your child well! My cousin is something else. She rather pick getting shit faced on a random monday night with a man she met on craiglist rather than take care of her 13 year old daughter who is starting to become just like her.

On that note, I can't wait to leave for LA Friday!


Ps: I'm not on fb for now, I will be back once the craziness goes away =)

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sey, i failed pre-calculus, which is just glorified algebra, so i know where you are coming from. i had to beat my head against a wall to get it

physics really helped me with calculus bc as redeye says, substituting the numbers for more practical things while you're thinking about it in the abstract really can help a lot.


this guy's calculus book also really helped me immensely, there is no way i can go off about all the things i could help with here, so i will recommend this inexpensive book since you are already taking tutoring help




it's only $11 or steal if from somewhere, and let me know if it helped.






dear facebook


i used to think you were some bullshit timewaster and stauts update crap!

i was on there but never sure if i liked it


then, i stumbled onto the dogs

since discovering the myriad ways i can help dogs; find homes for them dontae to causes, help sick ones, spread the word about em etc

i feel much better about using you as a tool

rather than a way to fuckoff

guess you aren't total crap


that said, it's taking time away from other shit i'd like to be doing, like learning to quilt, making clothes, crocheting and painting. oh well.


!@#$%/never too old to help animals

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Dear Freak


Happy Birthday mate, I'm tthe same only my family and 1 or 2 friends knew it was my birthday at the start of the month.




Dear Self


You need a kick up the ass but for what I'm not quite sure, possibly a new job (well any job but not something based in Customer Fucking Service) maybe paint more you been doing a bit of that recently. Lets just hope some of the better jobs you applied for come through. Get outta that rut.



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Dear James Cagney,




I mean don't get me wrong, Joel Shoehornmaker has done some great movies. Falling down, Tigerland, Flatliners, DC Cab, but this was just one big turd full of corn. I mean when 50 Cent delivers the best performance in a movie --that says something! And not something good. It says something that sounds more like "I'm sorry, but you're fat and smell like your homeless." Maybe I'm just too old to look past all the bullshit cliches and marketing strategy behind this film. "The edgy teen movie for teens to watch." It is far from edgy. Old people can't relate to kids, especially in today's society. So they shouldn't try and make films about them. Sorry, but it's true. If you let some NYU graduate with a couple good shorts on his/her reel work with the budget that Old Man Shoehornmaker, you'd probably have a much better film to represent that script. It's because they are YOUNG!


But honestly, the script isn't even solid. I understand it has to be dummed down to probably reach the 15-21 year old market, but this shit is just sad.


I won't even get started on the acting. If this movie ended with rabid coyotes raping and eating the cast, I'd probably say the coyotes were the best part of this film.



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