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I was looking at moving to Texas 5yrs ago, but ended up moving to northern Illinois instead. nothing against Texas, I love it down there and the people are legit, but I found a good deal on a hopuse and I'm not to far from my friends and family in Chicago. 


My Neighbors are cool as fuck, I'm not spending all my money "just to pay the bills", and I have a big ass garage.


Honestly I can't stand Illinois politics, but Madigan is on his way out so hopefully we can get away from rubberstamp policies and get this state back on track. 



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1 hour ago, fat ralphy said:

@mr.yuckHoly fuck man - look at that spread next door!!!!


That place you posted would go for easily 2 million here in the Bay Area - probably more.


Yeah thats insane. I was getting ready to talk mad shit about shooting marbles in Iowa or what ever it is they do there but apparently its a really good place to live.


If you like zillow old house porn heres one a couple blocks from me. If I could afford this one, Id be in there in a heartbeat.

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I just watched this on the California exodus, lots of it is focused on California to Texas (mostly Austin): 





Really interesting and I mean... I don't see why people are surprised. You tax businesses and workers up the ass, cost of living is fucking ridiculous, and you wonder why you can't hold on to residents.


Then, surprise! Everyone is leaving.


All for what? I've been to SF before and while the cityscape itself is beautiful (hills, that blue water reflection off the buildings when you're coming in off the Bay Bridge), the place seems disastrous. Entire blocks lined with tents, people smoking crack and shooting up in the open with zero fucks given, crazies running up to you and screaming nonsense, etc. 


Nothing like walking out of your million dollar house only to have to make sure you don't step on a needle.

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I can't remember who said it. But a couple days ago someone had mentioned California is working a a bill that will still impose taxes on people who move out of California. .


Basically the tax works like this.  For the first year 90% tax, second year 80%, eventually declining to 0% after the tens years is up.  


Anyone know if this is true?

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10 hours ago, Kalashnikov said:

You tax businesses and workers up the ass, cost of living is fucking ridiculous, and you wonder why you can't hold on to residents.


On the surface this seems pretty simple, but please do not forget how the people ("You") that decide state taxes got to be where they could decide state taxes.  The leaders are a representation of the people.


In Austin, TX we have a cuck mayor from California.  His/her (don't want to be offensive) name is Steve Adler.


This is how dumb he looks:




Also, who architected foxtv in Austin's directory structure for their website, what a freaking mess lol.

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On 1/18/2021 at 7:52 AM, Kalashnikov said:

Howdy partners.


After a lot of deliberation, wifey and I have decided that there is not much of a promising future here for us. We make okay money but buying a house here (Miami) is some bullshit. $350k gets you a shithole in Little Haiti with bars on the windows and a toilet that somehow migrated out of the bathroom and into the yard. We both have jobs here, I work in IT and she does clinical research. Miami is pretty famous for low wages, high rent, and we definitely feel it. It's no secret that we'd both make more elsewhere. We have been tossing around the idea of moving for a while but now we have made the decision to be outta here when our lease is up (end of September, but might need a little more time).


We tossed around a few cities but Houston seems to have what we are looking for. I'm not a fan of the ridiculous amount of sprawl, but the fact that you can buy a house cheap, and there seems to be plenty of jobs (good paying jobs, at that, more than we'd make here fo sho) is very attractive. I have been doing some research and it seems that all of the negatives that people complain about, I'm already dealing with here. Heat and humidity... yeah, Florida. Bugs... yeah, Florida. Traffic, yeah... not only is there a lot of traffic here, you have all kinds of Mad Max shit. People stopping on the expressway because they miss their exit, making left turns from the right lane, etc.


We're both pretty in the middle politically. We're both pretty socially liberal... legalize weed, pro-choice, let the homos do what they want, etc. But also, don't tax the shit out of me, don't touch my guns, etc. Live and let live I guess. It seems that this city might be a pretty good fit because it has a healthy mix of both sides, plus you know, cheap housing and a lot of good paying jobs.


Also the ability to speak Spanish is something I care about, I feel if I go too long without using my Spanish I start forgetting mis palabras and I do a lot of "ehh... mmm... me ... me duele la pinga?"


So what do you guys think? I know we have a few Texans here, hopefully I can trigger @Dirty_habiT by telling him I wanna move over there, buy a Prius, shop at Whole Foods and vote in socialism. Didn't DAO move to Texas too?

You should talk to @psm026since he moved from Miami to Houston. 

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22 hours ago, Kalashnikov said:

I just watched this on the California exodus, lots of it is focused on California to Texas (mostly Austin): 





Really interesting and I mean... I don't see why people are surprised. You tax businesses and workers up the ass, cost of living is fucking ridiculous, and you wonder why you can't hold on to residents.


Problem is these retards come here and vote for the same type of people that made them leave California.

Keep Texas red. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

3 leg deer! Crazy shot, he was in the brush for 30 min at dusk and I couldn't get a good look at him. Kept going in and out. He could smell us. Luckily pops had the binos cause my scope was getting that sunlight. He raised his head for 5 seconds and I took the shot to the neck.hail Mary but got him. I had low confidence and a bruise on my nose. I was at a weird angle w the rifle trying to pan 

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5.) Breast implants

In 1988, an exotic dancer wrote off close to $2,000 for the depreciation of her breast implants, saying they were a “stage prop” that increased her earnings. The U.S. Tax Court allowed the deduction, saying they were used for her work instead of a personal benefit.



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19 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

Texans need some freedom after they just got sodomized my Mother Nature 


I dunno man, I’d take a storm that debilitates the state for a week and then a return to normalcy rather than a devastating fire that obliterates peoples homes and businesses a la CA. There’s no immediate bouncing back from that. 


I you had to choose wouldn’t you go for the storm? 


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