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I drink too much and cause problems, mostly for myself. That's my vice of choice, fuck drugs of any kind. Drugs are a business, not a recreation.


My sister has done every drug in the world, and enough of each to kill an elephant probably, and never been addicted to anything in her life except vikes. She's fuckin BADDDD when she can't get her hands on them, shit is sad

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its no wonder a forum based on complete random bullshit can thrive




The only things I abuse are friends and physics. I dont even take vitamins or aspirin.


I dont even drink too much any more... it's only when the other cures for tiredness such as food, sugar, and caffine aren't working.

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opiates are one of the main drug i stay away from - i ate an oc 8o one time, felt sick, drove home pissed off and played burnout 3 for an hour...


i was prescribed percoset and vikes for 9 months in like o2...went thru horrible withdrawls that lasted months, then decided they were not fun



occasionally i eat a tab or perc because i have scholiosis and it causes near crippling back tension and nerve pain, but its just one like one or 2 days a week when it gets unbearable

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