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AyeBee last won the day on July 30 2006

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  1. Honestly it's much harder to get used to not being able to leave the house then it is to not be able to drink
  2. I'm 21 days sober. 70 left. FUCK house arrest.
  3. ^ Suck it up bitch. Get your ass outta bed and come tonight, only 2 nights of freedom left
  4. My oparyt was fycjin WILD, definately the bets one we've thrown yet Ma dbitches and muthaufckas everywhereeee, i almost beef with a couple of Damu niggas over some old shit but it got swuahesed right before shit popped off, then more fun, lots of alcohol, me and a few homiesd got put down with another crew for some reaosn, which is suually not our steez but fuck it Around 2 the cops shwed up and thre bout 50 people out, I have fucke dup legal situation so i bounced too, and my 2 roomates were supposed to stay and admit to living her ebut they dippedtoo sdo the cops searched the house a bit but everything that needed to be hidden wa shidden alreayd. i'ms till pretty tight sboutbthat, but fuck it I just ate a microwaveable pizz, now I'mma gte some sleep
  5. I took tonight off cuz I went HARD last night, and ended up puking stomach bile all morning til about 4 this afternoon. Actually, I still have a fuckin splitting headache. Tomorrow my boy Chris gets home from 3 months in basic training. Not only that, but it's my last weekend of freedom so shit is gunna be wild. Tomorrow night we're gunna get smashed at my criib, hit some faggy club that my boy hooked us up with VIP for (cuz Chris is a club fag on the low haha), then to the stirp club after Friday night we're having a wild party at my crib Saturday night we're gettin fucked up, hittin the club I got fired from, hopefully causing mad trouble there, then hitting a party at a mad expensive hotel downtown Sunday shall be spent goin out to dinner with a few friends and my family since it's my last day before house arrest, then I'mma prolly have a few birds over and just stay up til court in the morning when I hafta go turn myself in. I'm hoping that, combined with a box of Nyquil, will let me just sleep through my day in jail, otherwise I'mma be bored as a muthafucka
  6. If anyone here is from Boston and hasn't tried this spot Cappy's you're missing out...I'm not a big fan of any of their other food, but the pizza is amazing and the slices are fucking gigantic, like 1/3rd the size of a regular pizza As for my local Rude Island selections...Antonios, Casertas, Tommys, Sicilias, Golden Crust...I could prolly go on for days
  7. I'll pretty much eat any pizza and not complain...obviously some pizza is more amazing than others, but it's all pretty damn good to me There have been MANY times I've eaten pizza for all 3 meals of the day, and I prolly have some at least 5 or 6 days of the week
  8. So I drnasjnk from 7 PM to 3 AM tonight, ad let my rooomate's co-worker who whas a cserious crush on me come over I le tht eug;ly bitch top me off, then afetr I jnutted in her mouth and she kept sucking I start thinking "Fck...how am I gunna get out of this without fucking this bitch?" So while she's stills uycking I al of a sudden g "FUCK...what time is it?!" and I jumped up an dgrab my phone, going "Fuck it's 3:48, I gott abring my brothe rin law to work at 4, fuck!" I threw on some cloth4s, rushed her out, jumped in the car, sped to ehr house, and droppe dhjer off on some "Oh my god, I'm so fuckin sorry, jesus christ" type shit I was lying. She knew it. I didn't care. Scumbag stastus
  9. There's been a JA truck driving around RI as of late
  10. I haven't been drunk since Monday, this is EASILY my longest stretch in over a year It's not my fault though, I've been deathly ill and all that nonsense...tomorrow my boy is having a show, so I plan on being thoroughly wasted for that
  11. Had an insane party at my crib last night, stayed up drinking til about 6, then only slept 4 and a half hours before starting my day with the girl, which is ALWAYS a pleasure :rolleyes: Now I'm bout to head to work for the night, get off around 3, call up this bitch that I got cockblocked on HARD last night, and hopefully polish off the one bottle I managed to salvage from last night with her. While cleaning up I tried to keep count of how many empty bottles I found, and they were as follows; 6 cheap handles of vodka, a bottle of Patron, a bottle of Goldschlagger, a gallon of Sangria, a liter of Brugal, 4 different types of beers, and a liter of Grey Goose, which was half full still and what I plan on gettin down with tonight
  12. I'm buzzin right now but that's gunna be it for me tonight...I start boucning at a new club tonight, so prolly not a good idea to show up wasted on my first night Last night I projectile vomited in the middle of a conversation, and it's still all sittin in the snow in my driveway haha
  13. Last night we had a party at my crib, shit was wild as fuck, good times The cops rolled up around 12:30, I dropped my mom's name (ain't life grand Del haha) and they just told us to keep it down. Two hours later the party is goin STRONG, then 2 different cops show up, and this time the name dropping shit doesn't work. After tellin me everyone hasta go they come barging into the crib, so I end up talkin mad shit to em for about 10 minutes back and forth, which resulted in them writing me $400 worth of fines ha
  14. ASlmost got arersted tonight, prolly noty a surprise to anyoine too drunk/tired to type oit out,
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