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  1. It's been a long time since I've been around here, but it seemed appropriate to post tribute to a friend from ages ago. R.I.P. Percept. You will be missed.
  2. Not sure if linking ebay is kosher or if anyone would be interested in this but.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/160764975559?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_922
  3. I didn't say they were from SF, I said it was like being in SF; all of those people (with the exception perhaps of Sace) have at least a few throws running in SF. And yes, KR has stuff running in both cities. And yes, Saber, Sever, Revok, Hense, Screw, and more, have stuff running in NY.
  4. I haven't been to NYC in... almost a month now. I was amazed at what I saw.... Sacer, Skrew, Saber, Sever, KR... it was almost like being in SF. Yes I saw JA up... but he wasn't holding down the big spots like some people that aren't even from around there...
  5. I have a feeling you haven't traveled much, and are just basing your comments on what you've heard. Try and get out more.
  6. I'm here to fight ignorance, and help you not be a toy. But you're making life difficult.
  7. What the fuck is BMI? Body Mass Index? Jesus. And I promise you, there are more BNE stickers running around the world then JA has bombed in his entire life. Yes, I know who he is. I just can't believe you toys don't know who BNE is. Go outside. Have you traveled this country or the world at all?
  8. 1. Apparently you don't know graffiti history at all. Read his tag, then talk to people who were around in the 90's, or, open your eyes next time you're in SF or NY and you'll connect some dots. 2. That's not his normal style. 3. Sticker? He started these stickers at least five years after he had put in some serious time. He's been painting a long while, he didn't catch fame with toys until he was up everywhere though, and you couldn't help but face his work. 4. I never said you were a "sticker toy". I said you were a toy. You jock JA, but you're too new to know his history, or who would hack him.
  9. 1. You realize that he has the most stickers running in the world. 2. You apparently don't realize how long he has been painting. 3. You apparently are either new to the game, or don't know your history, or you would understand why this happened. 4. In conclusion, we must re-evaluate who the toy is. Congratulations, you win.
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco R.I.P. Percept
  11. Girls with cerebral palsy give great head.
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