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johnny ballbags

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johnny ballbags last won the day on January 26 2007

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30 Good
  1. i know adobe page makr does...... but its been almost a decade since they released a new version....
  2. create/outline a shape in AI or PS and with the shape selected use "paste into" (obviously copying your text from another source/layer first)......... text will fill in your shape........ im rusty as hell b/c i havent used a lot of text in any designs for quite a while, but im pretty sure im right or close to it....... too lazy/busy to test my theory at the moment.....
  3. weird question, but: is there any way for me to record a radio show that is streamed online through a radio stations site? and if so is there any way to make it happen automatically m-f 6am-10am? bonus weird question: any way for me to use a desktop sata hd as an external hd on my laptop with some kind of converter or some shit?.. (im more interested in retrieving data and putting it on an external hd than using it as an external long term type of thing..... just too lazy to put a desktop together and load an OS and then use several different drives as slaves to retrieve what i want....) ps..... im sick of moving all the fucking time..........
  4. wanted to prop you but i guess i gotta spread some around first, so im just sayin this i s my favorite post of yours in this thread so far..........
  5. could work something out.... i like those surround sound semi-invisible ones..... and the zero point is a pretty dope concept.... i actually have a hookup for plexiglass (sp?) that i might have to take advantage of....... theres a ton of shit on that site..... ima definitely waste some time checking it while at work tomorrow........
  6. ........................pagina nueva.................... thanks (thanks)....... checking it out now.... invisible shelves are indeed the business..... what kinda weight you think they max out at though? that site is the newest addition to my bookmarks toolbar....... very nice...
  7. not yet, but hes mobile as fuck.... 8 months old as of yesterday.....he wont even crawl, but he rolls over like crazy to get where he wants, and he gets into everything..... we are moving to a new spot in a couple weeks and we are just trying to keep everything safe from the start cuz time flies and he will be walking soon enough... plus hes got a little brother due in 3 months, so we wanna be able to let him run around and entertain himself while we focus on the new baby....... heres a few recent pics of lil man and the wife.....
  8. it was so bad i couldnt even get the linksys site to load.... but i ended up fixing it by cycling the power and pulling the battery out of my comcast modem, and cycling the router power..... i think something funky happened between the router and modem after the router hit the floor... one thing thats weird though is that although the signal strength is steady 'excellent' the speed of the connection is staying between 11 and 24 mbps....... it was at a steady 54 prior to all this bs...... quick question: i need a wall mount for my 42" lcd hdtv and a surround sound system too..... i have about $300 total to spend at microcenter.com any suggestions on whats i should get? also whats anyone with a wall mounted tv do for holding the cable box, dvd player, receiver, wii, etc...............? keep in mind i gotta keep it child proof........
  9. my internet has been slow past few days.... i just noticed that my router (wrt54g) fell off the desk and onto the floor prolly around the time the net started slowing down....... front cover of it fell off when it fell.... got it back together but still not working right..... how can i troubleshoot to prove its fucked up and/or how can i fix it? if its done then what should i get to replace it? i have a $300 store credit to microcenter but i need some of the money to get a wall mount for my 42" hd lcd tv for my new place and some for a halfway decent surround sound set up........
  10. Re: Music Exchange nah.. thats the homie.. my dude is certifiably insane but talented as fuck......
  11. Re: Music Exchange yo man dont blow up my spot like that.... f'real.... i dont need people seein my real face and shit... bish...
  12. Re: Music Exchange google image t4m: im just sayin...
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