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Dearest Decy...


The expression "KARMA IS A BITCH" took on a WHOLE new meaning for me...I HOPE you NEVER have to get pay back like I did...


I was a real schizo kid...total high achieving nerd in school, skipped 2 years to graduate high school early...started working when I was 11, babysitting for 5 kids for $1.00 an hour.

At the same time, was a drunken-drug-addict-dirty-lo-down-run-around (hella fun too!!!) after school & refused to obey anything my parents laid down. Finally when I was 16, they just gave up & closed their eyes for like 20 years!!!

Sorry MOM!!! Sorry DAD!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!


Truly yours,

Your Now Very Penitent Daughter

;0 xxx

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deart decy...


i used to do that korean tae kwon doe shit as a wee laddie, and karate tae, however, i really don't think fuck all like that shit will ever prepare you for a playground/pub scrap...


plus he'll be so padded up he won't even feel the digs in the teeth, i think it's non-contact up until the age o' aboot 13 or some shit...


i really need to get back into it myself to be honest...


if my knees weren't fucked, but the boys at the last club were fuckin' great cunts. i doooubt they'd mind if i swerved a 10 minute run like ken? you need to watch, a lot o' trainers i've encountered seem to just want to see you get battered, like to test how tough you are, for example, one o' my old trainers wanted to throw me right in the ring with a boy i was at school with, he'd just been released from 4 year in the tin pale for high end coke running... been boxing from the age o' 4... what chance am i gonna have with someone semi-pro, and twice my weight..?



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Dear 12oz,


why you so buggy?





Dear Saturday,


You have to be double awesome to make up for the fact Friday is going to be so boring.


- expectantly yours, (real name omitted)



Dear husband to be aka Realism,


as soon as you make with the sparkly ring and bushel of apples I'll start the wedding planning. I hope you've been saving, it's going to be a very grand affair.


- grd aka the old ball and chain.




Dear you,


your predictability is as much a relief as it is a disappointment.

My lesson is well and truly learned. Your loss, for real for real.


- me

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Dear Rain.


You were lovely last night...

Right now, you're totally fucking up my whole day...


Truce? Thanxxx,




Dear Kitchen Sink Drain,


Do I look like a plumber to you???


Times like these, AND ONLY THESE,


make me almost miss the ex-husband


who could fix ANYTHING.


2nd thought...No, I'd rather live with a bucket under the sink...





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Dear Neighbors,


Who/what the fuck is "dungeon baby"? I go to connect my new laptop to wireless and my laptop sees this as a beaconing wireless network. Fuck type of wierdos am i living around? Bout to start carrying a bat to the mailbox



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Dear Rolf,


you should know better than to trust an english. But...maybe they delievered it to a neighbour by accident?

I've had a huge amount of hassle with Play.com recently because a ps3 game I ordered hasn't come, they told me I should go ask around my neighbours and see if any of them has it! Cheeky cunts.






Dear dears,


if a job's worth doing, don't ask my useless brother to do it.


eternally disappointed, grd

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dear abcs,


it's some strange shit you run up on whilst stealing intranets. agreed.





dear grd,


video games?





dear broad who gave me spanish rice at work today,


bitch. i thought that shit was possed to be yellow.

fake ass rice n beans makin.....





dear self,


you better fucking do something tonight, or else.



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Dear gf,


One day, one day you will die through sexual activities. DEATH BY COCK!!!


Your loving bf,


-Mr. Hawaii


Dear taco bell,


$5 box is on point when you're broke and high.

Thank you for your support in the stoner community.




Dear First day of work mañana,


Please don't suck and get fired. Lol



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