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Ever say some shit and wish you could take it back before you're done saying it?


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i have done that multiple times


while drinking & hanging out with my ex and another couple, a really tall chick walks by. i'm 5'11''

and said: "i would never date a chick taller than me" ...of course my buddies ole lady is taller than

him by an inch or so


hanging out with my lady and her friends we talking about bands/music and someone brought up

deftones, i blurted out: "i like them but damn chino is getting fucking FAT!" ...yea you guessed it

about half the people at the table were porkers and gave me a go to hell look


at subway i was ordering my sammich and the chick making it started joking about britney

spears(this was right after she shaved her head) to my chick that was with me, i damn near yelled

out: "that crazy bald-headed ass bitch!" ...only then did i realize the girl making our food had a

short buzz cut. she was wearing a hat so thats why i didnt notice right away



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was smokin a blunt with a homey and his newly acquired girlfriend.

we go to drop her off, and theres some retarded kid running out into traffic, skipping around with this goofy look on his face.


i said, "someone should do that kid a favor and run him over."


turns out it was the girlfriends younger step brother who's not quite all there.


she wasnt impressed.

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wisetuxedo knows this story but i'll tell it here.


there was a female in one of my classes last year who i fell for. she seemed to be alright with me too and asked to come "study" the saturday before the exam. being the gnar bro that i am i assumed since it was 2pm on a saturday that studying wasnt really her intent so i sent a quick victory text out to wisetux: "The jew girl with huge tits is coming over wish me luck."


She responded "I'm pretty sure you sent that to the wrong person.. and i'm not jewish."


I dated her for 6 months after that B)

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wisetuxedo knows this story but i'll tell it here.


there was a female in one of my classes last year who i fell for. she seemed to be alright with me too and asked to come "study" the saturday before the exam. being the gnar bro that i am i assumed since it was 2pm on a saturday that studying wasnt really her intent so i sent a quick victory text out to wisetux: "The jew girl with huge tits is coming over wish me luck."


She responded "I'm pretty sure you sent that to the wrong person.. and i'm not jewish."


I dated her for 6 months after that B)



Shit man I am the fucking worst for this kind of shit. I once picked this girl up at

a house party. We go back to her tiny ass apartment after i am done plowing Im

walking back to my house I txt my friend " Hey cunt just fucked that funny looking

bitch in a shoebox, hid the jimmy somewhere mysterious" I received a a reply

instantly from her "what the fuck" so I just wrote back "Fuck you"



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making a bad taste joke about domestic violence in the company of a woman whose husband beat her on the regular. found out on way home about it.

now my girlfriend has the stop word

i hear "jellybean" in a conversation when i'm not talking about jellybeans I stop.

saved my arse twice so far

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Done this plenty... A few times when I was really banged up I would accidently say "your mother" etc. to my boy whos mom was killed when he was a kid. Pretty bad.


Another time I was at my friends house with a few people, one of our boys comes through and walks into the living room. After a few minutes of him saying whatsup to everyone and whatnot, I say "so ur girl didnt come tonight? Thank god. I dont know how your with that skeefooza, shes so annoying". Not even 10 seconds after that she walks into the living room, she was using the bathroom (which was up the hall behind me from where I was sitting). Very awkward needless to say...

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Great thread idea, I was talking shit about a girl i know about how she made a shitty life choice by switching schools to follow her faggy hipster bf. Right as her mom and her walk by in parking lot. they were packing up to move to said school. LOL doesnt sound bad but i was ranting all assholish

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i used to sell insurance.


in a conversation over the phone I had to a lady, I had commented on how quiet it was on her end of the line. and that usually i talk with a lady on the phone and she has a ton of kids screaming in the background. and how nice it was not to have to talk over them.


thats when she paused and said, "You know, that would be very nice to have in this house."





we had just got done having a conversation regarding her medical history and her fertility drugs. this bitch couldn't get preggers. i lost the sale.




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god i got so many of these...



ok so one of the last times i kicked it with one of my homeys, we were walking the tracks at like 2am. there was 4 of us. i was out of shape and realized i was in my late twenties and how big of a piece of shit i must be if i get winded just walking to the yard.


thats when i said "Damn, you guys think we'll still be doing this when we're 50 and worrying about testicular cancer?"





one of the homeys walkking with me had been battling cancer for a couple years now. testicular cancer.


awkward walk home.





in my defense it was never discussed, just understood throughout my friends that dude was going thru this shit. i felt like a total ass hat as soon as i said it.



and dude if you're reading this, im sorry bro. also, go take care of your spot by the train station. they takin over.

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i was hanging out with one of my army friends whose mom bailed when he was 11 "going to get groceries." its definitely a demon to him.


i'd just gotten my new puppy and she was being a pain in the ass so i told her, "mabel, if you don't get your shit together i'm going to abandon you just like your mother did."


i felt like a real asshole.

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