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Halloween Costume Thread (too early?)


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someone was trying to get me to right GO CEILINGS! on a white shirt and go as a.....



ceiling fan.




last year the 2 i saw that were the best were a friend who dressed up as Quailman... awesome.

and a dude who wore a huge bow and a gift label that said "to: women from: god." being gods gift to women... clever.

there was also a sluttiest costume contest, that was cool.

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my 4th grade teacher was a giant tallass tube of toothpaste for halloween... little lampshade for the hat & all. she had a bruise on her face for like 3 days once.. told us she fell skating & wore shades all day. how fucking dumb were the other kids believing that shit?!


fuuck, still dont have a costume for this year...


Well obviously you were just on another intellectual plateau at, 9

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Me and the lady were going to be Ceasar and a roman goddess but I think the plan has changed.


I was ganna rock black and white stripes with campaign buttons and a ski mask over a Nixon rubber mask, but I feel like thats not my time.


Kenny Powers crossed my mind too, but I have no idea how many people would know what I was sopose to be isnt a Toby Keith fan.

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