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watson last won the day on January 14 2014

watson had the most liked content!


1,032 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. I don't even know anymore, who's here and who isn't. I miss the times of Adams Block and everyone involved with that.
  2. i'm leaving if the new forum comes back again. it's weak, laggy and horribly designed i don't want to post like i'm commenting on some shitty cnn article/tumblr post
  3. apparently that continuous shot took 7 takes i was betting on sam dying last episode but i lost that guess if ayra dies, i think that's the one death that'll piss me off the most
  4. no one talking about this season? one episode to go. gonna be insane.
  5. if you watch one video from this thread all day, let it be this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmNvLbeOr04
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