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Dear 120z


going to europe in 3 weeks- zurich, berlin, amsterdam, paris. if any of you are out there and wanna kick it or know any really cool people and/or rapletter artists that may wanna link up lemme know.






ps- when i get back, probably going to relocate. thinking away from seattle like..... maine? or virginia? any suggestions? wanna stay near the water, not too big a city but not the middle of nowhere.

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Dear 120z


going to europe in 3 weeks- zurich, berlin, amsterdam, paris. if any of you are out there and wanna kick it or know any really cool people and/or rapletter artists that may wanna link up lemme know.






ps- when i get back, probably going to relocate. thinking away from seattle like..... maine? or virginia? any suggestions? wanna stay near the water, not too big a city but not the middle of nowhere.




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dear girl,


i dunno ya know...it creeps me out that you look exactly like my ex/almost baby momma/highschool sweetheart from ten years ago. the last time you and i hung out was dancing to one of the best fucking dnb sets i have ever heard in my life at a shithole bar in my city.. i almost fell in love as i stood there mid step and watched you do this weird bellydance poplock thing with your hips and hands... possibly it was a mixture of the fact it was Photek's - Ni Ten Ichi Ryu ,the two giant speakers in front of us, the red lights, and my sudden euphoria that was felt by the remembrance of the true reason i got into the rave scene... a freedom only felt by dance and interconnected emotional vibration of all surrounding people that we are all here for only a little while so we should make the most of it because one day the show will end and the lights will turn on and all the beauty and magic is replaced by filth and decay...


ive led a sober life for some time now..although a moderate being at the core my failing was and always will be curiosity and wanderlust . so much time was lost traveling the mind scape from lsd to obscure hallucinogenics no person in their right mind should dabble in.. in the end i learned nothing that i had not already known deep down and the only real truth is that the mass of what i know is dwarfed by the ever expanding unknown ..

i am not sure if was fear at that moment that led to such a state on the dancefloor or relinquishment of control and acceptance of my place in the world....


im prolly just gonna go with the fact that your hella fine to me and i havnt been laid in a few months..



sincerely elis von sies.


p.s 282771_10150232077767882_590902881_7417809_5332854_n.jpg






Photek - Ni Ten Ichi Ryu

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dear edogggy

tomorrow is your birthday. tonight you will eat a delicious meal, homemade enchiladas and peach cobbler, and after that you will get drunk with all your friends. then drive with sister to oregon tomorrow to see brother. then party in astoria. be excited. this birthday may not suck so bad after all.




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Dear girl at the hostess bar,

how is it that you make me feel so loved. Why do I buy you 20 dollar drinks? i know you're playing me with your declaration of love for me in broken english.. But I love hearing that shit... And the nonstop handjobs sway my conscience as well.. Why do I buy into your asian voodoo love spellls?



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dear sunday night karaoke weemin' (woman(z))...


please get a life and get the fuck oot my boozer. you seem to have other arrangements that occupy for the remaining six days o' the fuckin' week... can you not space them oot so you dinna come and fuckin' ruin my beer time every sunday?


you all have faces like the fuckin' rear end o' the back o' a bus... and really, that's a fuckin' compliment... you sing like someone's gave you a swift toe poke in the minge with an industrial work boot... surely the fat lassie turning your microphone every whoorin' time you go up to sing should be enough o' a giveaway that you are clearly utterly, utterly shite...


i really wouldn't mind if it was one of you... that's really to be expected, however a whole table o' you fuckin' caravan dwelling, inbread, lop sided, stroke faced, four foot nothing, banshee voiced minks, on day release from the fuckin' funny farm is just too much to bear...


especially on the lord's day of rest...


you need put the fuck doon... not with even as much dignity as a fuckin' rottweiler who's just chewed the faces off 17 children... just fuckin' shot square in the coupon... no even with a bullet actually... just with some sort o' cannon that just shoots large blunt objects at people, ken like a cannon that would just shoot full on logs at point blank rage?.. you need shot square in the fuckin' curly teeth with that sorta thing like...


curly teeth and green hair... that's what you have...


shave your teeth...



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Dear Rolferino,


Buy them all a drink, dose them with GBH or laxatives at the beginning of the evening, problem solved.


- aunty grd




Dear me,


stop fucking kidding yourself!


- me



Dear Welsh people complaining about the weather,


if you don't like it you know what to do.


later, grd

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dear potential employer...


please take me on, don't let that conviction put you off... i only have to mention it for another month on a CV then that's it...


i'm probaably over qualified for your position. but it looks pretty interesting, and a company phone and car would be handy... pay is meh, but teh bonus sounds rare...


i have things that're gonna save you money... plus i work with all that shite you fix all the time... c'mon man...



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dear whatever,


been drinking too much. too much green top tip, kinda depressed feeling all the

time /noEmo. Not sad depressed, more like feel like going around kicking complete

strangers and hoping they do somthing about it just to make myself feel better depressed.

Need a vacation top tip. Need a break from school. Lower spine pain all day errr day

fuck off



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Dear the 2nd of august,


Please don't suck. This will be the 22nd time we have met. The last few times were a bit rough and the 21st sucked major balls. No fun came out of it and I hope that this changes this year. I'm looking forward to the fat party that is being thrown in honor of my Hawaiianness and the super hot banging Milf of a gf I get to bone afterward. So please from the bottom of my little hipshaking board surfing Hawaiian heart of mine please don't suck.






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Dear asian liver of mine,

You're gonna take quite a beating this weekend for obvious reasons,

hope you mind getting beat for the weekend =)



Dear michahhawaiiiii,

I see you lurking! Miss ya, let's get a drink sometime when you're out

here or when I'm in your area!



Dear law firm,

Please hire me as permanent already, I need to pay off a ticket,

and I need the $ in general. I don't care if you're all the way in Palo Alto either.

2nd interview here I come.


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Dear wasted coworker,


Please keep swigging vodka and Gatorade and making slurred phone calls, it's awesome and hilarious. Please don't get fired for this. Thanks!




P.S. Nevermind, you just passed out and I'm LOLing hard along with everyone else. Great Friday.

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Dear seysey,


I'm down to grab a few drinks!!! I'll keep you posted. And yeah I've been lurkin a little more. I miss the oontz! :(


Dear NBB,


Yeah methdesto pretty much sux! But I got a cool set of friends in my circle so it should be pretty dope this year. But getting out of the valley was in the agenda for the birth week. Bay bound a few days after.



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dear younger brother,


so you found out last week your girl is 5 months pregnant. which i'm still curious about, cause she does not look 5 months pregnant. but you 2 already took care of one screw up, did you not learn? and she didnt know she was prego for 5 months? i think you got had. but thats alright, and i'm sure you'll be fine..


have fun with that shit though, haha.


-soon to be, Uncle JCags.



dear friend visiting home,


i know you usually do, but i hope you brought your drinking shoes. its been a while and i just realized that i haven't had a whiskey sour since you left. whiskey sours R' us. whiskey sours R' also heartburn, but thats cool.



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