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what is the craziest thing you've witnessed?


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I was chillin with my cousin out in the front yard of my grandmas house around 3am! she lives in one of those neiborhoods that was real nice in the 50s but has turned into crack/meth central over the years!


Anyway! were out front chillin 3am and some random tweaker bitch comes up like "can i tell yall something" Then proceeds to tell us her whole lifes story about how her father raped her as a child and how she got into meth and crack! she told us to make good decisions in life then walked off into the night.


About an hour later we were still chillin out front listening to two hood rat ass bitches argue on and on about 4 houses down. Two dudes are on the porch just watching the show! Another 20 minutes go by and we hear a loud ass boom....turns out one bitch decided to smash the others face into the trunk of a car


wish i was there the night a dude stuck a roman candle in a girls face point blank....dude and his girl just asked the fucker to let them get by and the fucker shot her in the face with it....fucked her shit up

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I was chillin with my cousin out in the front yard of my grandmas house around 3am! she lives in one of those neiborhoods that was real nice in the 50s but has turned into crack/meth central over the years!


Anyway! were out front chillin 3am and some random tweaker bitch comes up like "can i tell yall something" Then proceeds to tell us her whole lifes story about how her father raped her as a child and how she got into meth and crack! she told us to make good decisions in life then walked off into the night.


About an hour later we were still chillin out front listening to two hood rat ass bitches argue on and on about 4 houses down. Two dudes are on the porch just watching the show! Another 20 minutes go by and we hear a loud ass boom....turns out one bitch decided to smash the others face into the trunk of a car


wish i was there the night a dude stuck a roman candle in a girls face point blank....dude and his girl just asked the fucker to let them get by and the fucker shot her in the face with it....fucked her shit up


needs more exclamation marks

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ive seen all kinds of crazy shit, just trying to think of something that is worth typing or can match your guys stories lol..


idk.. on my birthday last year after my party some random dude showed up whos a friend of a friend, etc. when he was leaving he shot out the back window of his drivers car up in the air. i thought he shot my best friend at first who was right by him, shit was scary for a second. i still never saw that dude who shot that gun off, i wanna have a word with him lol.

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another story from the memory bank..


when i was about 10, we lived in florida near a lake. this lake was on the edge of a field and had a walk path around it. so every day people would take their families or dogs on walks around it without thinking twice. one day i was with some people from the neighborhood playing frisbee with their dog and threw it into the lake. the dog went in after it and an alligator was chillin in there and got a hold of the dog. the gator ended up eating it in front of me and the owners. shit was crazy to see at that age. they caught the gator later that week and killed it. being a dog person, i can't imagine seeing that if it was my own dog at the time

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the story of Kane McCloud..

i moved to my step brother's school district in 8th grade. his best friend was a crazy bastard with tourettes. first time i met him he said, 'hi i'm jeff and i do bucky balls'. (bucky balls are, raw dough with a dozen aspirin inside) i promptly pushed him down.. he was wearing a trench coat, and a mortal kombat hat. i soon realized that he always wore the coat and hat and that it was awesome he had tourettes because in school he got away with blurting obscenitites all the time. part of his tourettes was uncontrolable muscle spasms and he once cracked a slate lab table with his forehead, not on purpose.. anyways..

he was fascinated with mortal kombat, as we all were, but he was really, really into this shit. he always talked about it and how his favorite character was raiden. when we'd go smoke weed with him we'd sometimes play games like, if you can choose how you die, what would it be. he always said lightning because of raiden.

one summer a storm rolled in while we were at the park and we all decided to go to the arcade to wait it out. dude forgets his hat and runs back up the hill for it. CRACK!! the huge oak tree his hat was under gets hit by lightning and it goes through the tree and hits him too.. he was only covered by some of the branches, and all of his veins were turned black. needless to say, he died instantly and was covered in black lightning from his burnt veins.. RIP jeff aka Kane McCloud

kane mccloud was his alter ego


.. we helped his mom n sister move out of their house that same summer. douchebag neighbor skipped a spot and parked so close to her bumper she couldnt open the stationwagon hatch. a couple of us knocked on his door and asked if he'd back up 5 feet.. he acted douche n said no.. 15 of us picked his truck up and put it in his yard.. shit was kickass

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Yeah...I was in 4th Grade and watched the Challenger blow-up live on takeoff...and I was at the bar a few years ago when the Columbia broke-up live over Texas on re-entry . Pretty weird to think about it .



I was in 3rd or so. Home sick from school. A neighbor lady was watching me and the news came on interrupting

one of my shows. I was a big space buff back then, even got a patch and button from a previous Challenger mission (a family friend worked on a mission).


I was watching so intently when it took off. I still remember staring in awe at the raw power lifting it up. Then it blew.

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went to some uber trendy thai food spot a few years back with a chick.


-table of bull dyke lesbians 5 feet away trying to be slightly loud and laugh it up like they owned their masculine ways. in the middle of their chattering, a chick wearing a fedora falls forward onto the table completely lifeless face first directly onto a martini glass, crushing it with her cheek nose mouth area, and spit her grill wide open.


30 people were stunned for like 5 seconds and the bull dykes showed their female roots real fast and all backed away then the help ran over with a towel and put it to her face while she was seizured up bleeding a puddle and shaking. didnt finish the meal, payed my bill and dipped out.

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Probably already been said in this thread, but the craziest thing I've witness (not in person, obviously) was that 9/11 shit go down and also the columbine shooting. I stayed home from school on both days just by coincidence and saw it all go down on the news.

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not the craziest thing ive seen but i was just in times square over the weekend and there was a snap just standin there beatin his dick across from the little new york police ice cream stand they got there. some lady was just standin there watchin while she was talkin on her phone like 5 feet away like it was nothin.

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Guest Ginger Bread Man
Probably already been said in this thread, but the craziest thing I've witness (not in person, obviously) was that 9/11 shit go down and also the columbine shooting. I stayed home from school on both days just by coincidence and saw it all go down on the news.



i dont know whether to feel bad for you or to desire myself such a sheltered life.

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Probably already been said in this thread, but the craziest thing I've witness (not in person, obviously) was that 9/11 shit go down and also the columbine shooting. I stayed home from school on both days just by coincidence and saw it all go down on the news.


I got into a argment with my girlfriend (now wife) on the morning of 9/11. I was already late and too vexed to go to work so I called in sick. Thank god that happened cuz the mass exodus from manhattan would have sucked.

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  • 1 month later...

what happened today was the craziest thing i've seen...


I was walking across one of the major bridges of my city when a black dude on a cell phone stops me. he says "hey man, you look real familiar, i know i've seen you around". he then hands me his cell phone and says "here, talk to this person". right when i say "what am i supposed to say to them?" he jumps off the fucking bridge to kill himself. i start freaking the fuck out, then hang up his phone and call 911 on mine. i look down at the water and see that he reemerges. he must've landed feet first, cause that's the only way he could've survived. he then swims over to a barge parked on the side of the river where a worker helps him up. and then he fuckin takes off running. the police were able to apprehend him though.


i'm still shook cause this dude tried to kill himself in front of me and have me break the news to the person on the phone. thanks a lot man, i really needed that.

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Ha it was a shitty phone. I handed it off to some dude that called the person he was last talking to.


It was the Birmingham bridge. I actually had to talk another black dude out of jumping off of it a few years ago. I'm guessing all these depressed black dudes are coming down from the Hill and that's the first bridge they see.

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i went to the liqour store after work to get some brews after a rough day, reach down and grab a 12er of some becks. i start walking twoards the counter when i see a guy with a shotgun pointed at the clerk, a few words were exchanged. then BLAMMMM! the clerks head disintegrates into a pink mist, and the gunner grabs some smokes and dips out. some mexican working in the back comes running out swearing in spanish and starts yelling at me like i should have miraculously stoped the shooting. so i spend 6hrs at the police station getting interviewed like 20 times by different detectives, and looking at pictures, sketch artists. by the time i got out of the police station all the places that sold beer were closed, i was fucking mad as hell, and wired from drinking shitty police coffee. so i took the next day off work and got drunk, a few days later the cops found the asshole and i had to come in and point him out in a lineup. dude made a confession, and i didnt even have to go to court and testify

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what happened today was the craziest thing i've seen...


I was walking across one of the major bridges of my city when a black dude on a cell phone stops me. he says "hey man, you look real familiar, i know i've seen you around". he then hands me his cell phone and says "here, talk to this person". right when i say "what am i supposed to say to them?" he jumps off the fucking bridge to kill himself. i start freaking the fuck out, then hang up his phone and call 911 on mine. i look down at the water and see that he reemerges. he must've landed feet first, cause that's the only way he could've survived. he then swims over to a barge parked on the side of the river where a worker helps him up. and then he fuckin takes off running. the police were able to apprehend him though.


i'm still shook cause this dude tried to kill himself in front of me and have me break the news to the person on the phone. thanks a lot man, i really needed that.



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