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when people ask to hit your blunt at a party tell them youre spacebasing


when shorty doesnt know how to dance slowly make ur way to the wall so she can just sloppily grind on ur dick without you having to do anything pretty much.


cook everything at 420 degrees



tell her "conversate, sex on the first date"



i prefer using spoons to spread peanut butter

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Work wear tips:


Boots: Georgia is better than Danner, I recently discovered a heavy duty lace which I like a lot, they are black and like waxed, allegedly fire proof. The brand is "KG" and they seem like they might actually last for a bit unlike those standard boot laces which are crap.


If you work in heavy muck or water go to rubber boots. Extra-Tough is a good brand, commercial fishing supply stores are a good source. To wear rubber boots it is a must to have the extra wool insole and the bama sockets. I cannot stress the importance of the bama socket enough, once you have used them you will see they wick the sweat right away from the sock.


I use a boot dryer, they make em now with no heater which is great because they do not cook the boot just remove the moisture.




I wear Carhartt double kneed dungarees, there are other varieties like the logger pant which have a extra long crotch which is good for mobility if you need to climb around on shit a lot but will make you look like a redneck.


Grundens makes a knee pad for slipping into their fleece pants, I cut a slit on the inside of the leg of my pants and insert the pad so that I always have a knee pad.


On the subject of knee pads it is best to refer to them as your "San Fransisco Slippers" or "Cock Sucking Shoes", everyone always gets a chuckle the first time they hear that one.


I could go on a little more but do not know that many on here are all that interested.


In general if you work in construction or whatever keep it high and tight and spend what it takes to get good shit.


Also, I do not appreciate these half assed little joke posts in the thread. Come up with something productive to add even if you need to dig around in the back of your mind a little or post something random like I just did.



on this note, always get boots with a pronounced heel. helps with being on ladders and shit.

real rawhide leather boot laces fucking SUCK. leave that shit for the boyscout arts and crafts.


if you have a Roses in your town, save your money and get their bear river work clothes. like 8 bucks for double kneed dungarees, as compared to about 40. they make just about everything carhart does, in comparable if not better quality.


herman survivor boots from walmart arent that bad


white fishing boots are a east coast thing, and they are called sneads ferry sneakers, named after sneads ferry NC where every mother fucker wears them, everywhere.

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hit up military surplus stores for every day clothing items. lots of quality stuff for super cheap. a place near me has bins filled with plain colored t shirts (american made) for a buck or two each.


Well, well. Hiking boots, huh?


Let's see what we got.


These are the top of the line.


Scientifically engineered and all that crap.


Guaranteed by some Sierra Club asshole not to hurt a chipmunk. . .


. . .if you step on it.


Personally, I think they're for pussies and faggots!


Now these. . .


. . .are vietnam jungle boots.


Cost half as much, last twice as long and are great. . .


. . .for stomping queers!


When you're done, you gotta clean out the waffle with a stick. . .


. . .but you can't have everything, right?

























And what about the muff divers?


Think about it.

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  • 1 month later...

Painful ingrown toenail?


Try this:


"V Cut Natural Remedy for Ingrown Toenail

To help relieve the pain associated with an ingrown toenail, a great home remedy is to cut a “V” shape in the center of your nail. Using a small manicurist's scissors or a Swiss army knife scissor makes this task very simple to do. The cut should be about an eighth of an inch, but it's ideal to cut as deep as you can without causing too much pain and without causing damage to the nail bed. Once you have cut the “V” into the nail, allow the nail to grow naturally. Eventually, the nail will grown out straight and the pressure on either side of the nail will be alleviated. This is an excellent natural remedy for an ingrown toenail."


I have had an ingrown toenail since 1997, I usually dig it out and cut it down every few months when the pain gets annoying. I just tried the V cut method for the 1st time about 20 minutes ago and am amazed by the quick pain relief.

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always keep cardboard on hand.

if your feeling lazy and just want to eat whatever you heated up in that pot, out of the pot, on your couch, put some cardboard in your lap and it acts as a little table AND absorbs most of the heat.

you can slip it under whatever your sewing, makes shit way easier so you dont sew your pantsleg shut by accident when your just tryna patch a hole.

sleep on that shit, its like a poormans bedroll.

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moar travelling tips;


buy a really good pair of hiking boots if youre going travelling for a while. i got lucky, my mate worked at an outdoor goods store and racked me a pair of top-of-the-line goretex salomons. amazing shoes, after 7 months of walking, running and sleeping in them, theyre still water, vomit and piss proof.


wear said shoes in for a few weeks prior to your trip, saves a lot of pain when youre trying to check out a city.


use websites like hostelworld for your bookings, they are fucking good. BUT, when it comes time to pay, call the hostel instead to make a reservation, you dont pay the websites booking fee's and theres a smaller chance that your reservation will get fucked up.


if you can hold your deuces in when you wake up until about 11am, you can slide in after the cleaner is done with a bathroom/shower and sit on a toiletseat not covered in piss.


if youre a yank in europe, tell them youre canadian and that you hate americans, youll make some friends.


if you take out travel insurance and you have to make a claim, they usually wont pay unless you have original receipts that you can send them and a police report, and it helps to say you were mugged if you left your shit unattended.


dont go to paris. filthy cunts.

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if youre a yank in europe, tell them youre canadian and that you hate americans, youll make some friends.


dont go to paris. filthy cunts.

Agreed, except for these two points.


Canadians are total faggots, don't pretend to be gay. Be proud of being an American, bitches will suck your dick. Despite what others claim, the World is on our jock. Say you're from NY/Chicago/LA and a million (friendly) questions follow.


French are the niggers of Europe, other white people hate them. Sure.. never trust the men, but the females are too fine. Plus Paris... and generally all of France is beyond awesome. Don't let some funny talking southie from a dust bowl sway you other wise.


If I'm gonna walk 20 miles in a day, I prefer to be holding a tallboy. Walk a block or two off the main strips to find corner markets with cheaper beer. Always say hello to shopkeeps in their language.


Get lost. Roam where the locals walk their dogs and take their kids to the park... take in how the locals really live.


Beware the Heathrow Injection, Aussie/Kiwi broads asses blow up in a bad way. Americans put out the most. When you meet an American broad who mentions she has a BF back home, she will still bang you. Don't waste your time on them anyway, bang the French, Spanish and Italian broads. Americans are James Dean to them and they are bored of the local guidos.


Ah, Cheecago. bang bang.





*EDIT: all this depends if you have swagger. As most of you are writers, I'm sure you do. If you are the typical trustfunded gump in a North Face jacket studying abroad with Wake Forest or some shit, yeah, even other Americans will snub you.

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the world is, most definitely, not on the usa's jock. ive met some awesome yanks, dont think that this is my opinion. but europeans: particularly scandinavians, germans, greeks, dutch, french, italians and brits are not fans of, at the very least, american politics.


thats as much as i can be bothered to discuss it, im not american so i dont really give a fuck.


and i didnt let "some funny talking southie from a dust bowl sway you other wise," i went there--and it ate fucking dick--for too many reasons to list.


and what is this heathrow injection? i havent heard of it before.

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paris sucks donkey dick on all levels

france men indeed even more. don't know where they leave it because the donkey dicks will be somewhere at their stummick.


and yanks aren't loved by the muslim population at all, 50% of the white people don't like yanks , but they're mostly undereducated monkey see monkey do people. don't worry about them if you frequent normal bars and avoid the typical tourist bars.

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I don't know if this is still the case, but 15 years ago or so I went hiking in Europe with two friends and we slept in churches the whole way. We weren't rolling up to the Cologne Cathedral or something like that and pitching a tent but small churches on side streets or outskirts of town were usually left open. Sometimes we slept in outbuildings adjoined to or near churches but we were never kicked out even when found. Some churches were even welcoming and invited us for breakfast in the morning. I've been back to europe a few times since but never in hiking mode, if I had to guess you couldn't still do this kind of thing. Anyone know?

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Not illegal goods, but legal goods sold to places where they just don't have the things they need. Wall street does it... why not you?


Know someone in another country that doesn't have "COOL ITEM X".... mail it to them an have the money wired back to you. There are limits of course, before its considered illegal, but here's a small example. Singing christmas cards aren't available worldwide, neither are batteries, contact lenses, etc etc etc. In fact, in other parts of the world have people with disposable income might want them... know someone in another part of the world???. What may cost you $1 here costs $5 there. The shipping cost being your only overhead, you can have the money wired - AND LET YOUR GOVERNMENT KNOW ABOUT IT SO IT'S ALL LEGIT - still make a killing after being taxed at 40%... they get their cut no matter what.


You can literally shuck dollar store wares to third world countries at ridiculous markup.


Grey market oner.

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(*edit - never take my ramblings too seriously.. I just enjoy talking shit, even if it is to a wall)


I didn't much care for Paris my first two trips. I went back with the wife a couple years ago and I have a whole new view on it. Maybe because I wasn't living out of a backpack this time and could afford to do a lot more than before. I really like their museums, the bars & restaurants.


I've never had a problem with the locals. I'm older now and have travelled extensively, so I tend to appreciate local cultures a lot more than I used to. The only time I had bad experiences with frogs is in London, but everyone in London seems to hate the French.


politics. whatever, most Americans don't know shit about politics and don't care.

They can hate on our govt. all they want, we hate our govt. too. The time I spent living, and also extensive backpacking through Europe, occasionally the conversations turn to politics. Mostly it is about our laws concerning alcohol & drugs, and it's affect on the youth. Also they want to know about our police in general since rap music has taught them pigs are pigs.


Most locals are fascinated with America and it is all they want to discuss. The world is on our cultures dick; Our movies, our music, our graffiti, even the english language(although I'm aware it is mostly due to practicality.) Since the Internet, the muslims have been bumping snoop dog, my main man.


Unless I'm mistaken and hip-hop & graffiti was born in Poland. But I don't know shit about muslims since I don't really like them(or anyone fundamentally religious) and refuse to visit their countries.



The Heathrow Injection is when your women arrive in London and turn into fat arses from farting around, eating shit and drinking 2 liters bottles of Strongbow.



Here's a tip kids, never drink this piss:


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^that's cider dude. And the best PET bottle cider is Sainsburys homebrand, lived off that shot for 6 weeks solid in London.


Im like you drue, I like talking for the sake of talking. I agree, no one I've met--yank or otherwise--liked american politics. Yeah culture, you've got that, prett similar to aus I noticed when I was I'm L.A and Florida. Just consumerism.


After being in europe for seven months, I'm not looking forward to going back to western culture, shits annoying. Ironically I really miss English tv shows, mostly because German is a fucked up language to learn and dubbing ruins shows.

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How is the parts of Europe you speak of not western culture? UK, Germany, France?


You missed my point man, I said those countries dislike american politics, not that they are westernised. And they are, to an extent, but nothing as bad as aus or the us. Uk is so multicultural that you barely get any feeling of British culture anymore, it's just an amalgamation of different people drinking in English style pubs.


As for France and Germany; I think you might be linking consumerism to being westernised. Sure they've got mickey d's and Starbucks on every corner but they still hold onto their own traditions pretty tightly.


I think you left off the other countries I mentioned because you dont consider them western countries, my opinion is it's the same for Germany and France, it's just a little harder to notice, particularly Germany- I fucking love this place.

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  • 1 month later...
europeans: particularly scandinavians, germans, greeks, dutch, french, italians and brits are not fans of, at the very least, american politics.


Agreeing with the Scandinavia part. People around here usually have rather strong (and negative) opinions about yanks and specially their politics. Mostly I think that is because the media in here tends to show us only the very extremities of what's happening in your country, not the mediocre and everyday stuff.


The fact that people in here have some sort of grudge against Americans doesn't really matter if you're visiting here. Well, it depends a lot on where you're visiting, but basically all tourists all treated really well. The older generations might have some problems speaking English but they'll try their best. The youth is usually very interested in tourists and eagerly hang out with them and show places and talk about all kinds of stuff.


As someone said, when visiting Europe, it's much better staying away from the very central tourist districts and going to the places where normal people normally hang out.

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