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Since when is Unhealthy cool?


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being fat, fine, i dont think it really bothers me


what bothers me is that it does not happen over night, people want overnight solutions, but dont accept that its their own faults, not some one elses. You dont get fat becasue your great grandpa had a fat goat, you're fat because you have no self control, you're fat because of you


Really fat (obese) people are fat because of genetics.

There's fat people who eat healthy just like thre's skinny people who pig out on McDonalds and junk food and never gain a pound.

It's all in the metabolism. That's why people usually don't start get fat till their 30's.

Being obese has alot more to do with genetics than eating habbits.

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Really fat (obese) people are fat because of genetics.

There's fat people who eat healthy just like thre's skinny people who pig out on McDonalds and junk food and never gain a pound.

It's all in the metabolism. That's why people usually don't start get fat till their 30's.

Being obese has alot more to do with genetics than eating habbits.



nah dude. nah. thats just an excuse the fatty mc fat fucks use so they feel comfortable with themselves not doing anything about being disgusting.

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i honestly am not attracted to fat girls. It's something I'm almost ashamed of, like I'm being too shallow. The thing is that I'm not *physically* attracted to them, but I can become mentally attracted to one, thus my problem. I even shiver somewhat if I try to imagine huggin up on some big bitch with folds.

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im not fit really, i have never been into a gym in my life, but i skate nearly every day, and eat a good diet. so i am reasonably healthy.

i lived with a guy who used to give me shit because i would buy fresh vegetables, while he ate hot dogs every night.

i always found that same mentality in university, when i would put weeks worth of work into assignments and get good marks. people were so quick to say that i was lucky to be smart, totally ignoring the fact that i worked while they fucking did nothing, it has nothing to do with luck, if they actually put some effort into something they would do well too.

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reminds me of...



I like this movie. It has a bit of truth in it.


We're being tricked into eating foods that will guarantee us all a shorter lifespan, morbid obesity, etc etc. We're being fed prescription drugs/antidepressants because we are told they help us. But they don't tell you the real reason why Xanax is so fucking easy to get by prescription. It's a real long story, so I'll just get to the point.

Everyone needs to be aware of the food and prescription drugs they put in their body. Exercise plenty and don't let anybody tell you that there are loopholes to be, 'healthy and fit'.




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