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Dear ________,


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Dear dear__________ thread,

just wanted to share how ridiculous my blood line is.

I go to see my brother's fam today.

he is very redneck-y/white trash-y/ and they look like white power type people.

My fatass brother bought those topsy-turvy things.

thought he had a plan..put hook thing in the ground..hang planter things from them.

well, as soon as he hung the plants on it..the hook hella leaned to the side..almost coming out of the ground. so he was trying to find something to support the hook thing.

He took two propane tanks and tied them together with some rope to hold them together at the base of the hook thing.

sounds ridiculous, right? no, it didnt get ridiculous until (instead of cutting the rope) he used a lighter to burn it off.

heres a pic....



*bonus redneck ass crack.


ps. im drinking.

I told almighty i was buzzed..it might be beyond that.

might do some drunk posted.

shameful/awesome sex thread..here I come.

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Dear channel zero,

I cant sleep tonight and its Easter, so i guess that means i have something in common with Jesus. I feel like planning a trip out of town to experience life from a different angle err perspective. who has a couch to sleep on and tour guide in their blood? It would be GREAT!


This would not be for a couple of weeks, so that gives us time to chat and figure shit out.



I also dont want to go to into south. Let me be more specific, NO FLORIDA OR TEXAS.



Your friend


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Dear SM,

I can relate, I got crazy family for days.





Dear Saturday night,


ummmm wow, let's not do that for a while huh






Dear oontz,


Happy chocolate egg day! I hope the bunny was kind to you



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Dear Almighty,


I'm from the ignore it and it'll go away school of thought for the stuff I do remember so it's all good.





Dear bunny,


that hasn't been my experience




Dear day after the night before,


you suck



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Dear almighty,

Truuue thaaat.



Dear SM,

:lol: holy shieet that's pretty....hood?

I can't really say ghetto, but damn.

That made my day. At least he doesn't

use his teeth to cut things like my fam,

or pick up stuff with their feet....or

point at things with their lips.

Crazy families rule.


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Dear oontz...


now i know how ice cube felt...


today i found out that what i thought was some mild strain of an incurable STD i've had for 6 years was actually a common running injury...


it has been knockin' my confidence something terrible...

good ol' internet. you are better than every doctor/specialist i've been to...


and my mate got oot the pokey two months early!!


today was a good day...



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dear rolf


dont worry. soon youll have a day so shitty that youll forget all about how great today was, and you'll hate life like the rest of us.

dont get to excited.

you'll crash soon




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Dear experimental psychology exam in about an hour,

Pleeeease take it easy on me! You are amongst the hardest

psych class I ever took. Fuck you. I studied all weekend,all day yesterday,

slept early and reviewed some more this morning, you better

give me a decent score bitch.


Please and thank you's,


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dear weedheads,


other than the blunt i hit the other night i havent smoked in a week for the first time in about 6 years of smoking multiple times a day, stuffs making me too fooly these days, too passive as well, thats got to stop. i gotta set some shit straight then maybe i'll come back to the high life i love.. i can already tell im getting spastic again and i cant say i mind. and i can already feel the verbal and physical altercations that are probably gonna/may result from this. i've already been told by like 5 people "god damn man will you got hit a fuckin bowl or something" ..:lol:.. people i know are about to be tossed for a loop..




dear symbols,


it still boggles my mind the shit people tweet and update their facebook status about.. even after all the shit people have caught because of it. i have neither a twitter, facebook account, or any of that shit. the oontz is as close to a tweet or status update or whatever as i get (not that i think anyone here gives a fuck).. people are constantly telling me to make a FB. fuck having to friend idiots i met at a party last night i dont give two shits about, but we have mutual friends.. people making passive aggresive, indirect, childish comments like "you make me sick, i hate you 2 you know who you are" type shit, grow up.. checking in like "so and so is grabbing a coffee at starbucks.. like i give a rats ass haha.




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Dear seyer,


Good luck, exam time is everyone's favorite time of year. I'm buried in research bullshit as we speak. You're braver than I for taking on a science.




Dear strange cold/bronchitis/whatever you are,


I mean, you're cool and all because I can launch into an explosive hacking cough on command, which has proven really useful to get out of certain situations the past few days. However, the seizure like sneezes and following nosebleed this morning were really unnecessary. It's about to be getting warm, and I have to go get wasted for my buddy's birthday this weekend. If you could vacate by Thursday night or Friday morning that'd be cool.



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Dear Realism,

Thanks. For the research bullshit, I'm buried in that myself for this class, plus a another psychology class as well. For both I have to do a research paper that will sum up to 20 pages

when I'm done.

For your multi symptom cold type thing, that sucks. Maybe James Cagney is right, it might be allergies. I know a few people and myself that get that shit this time of year which makes

spring suck. Good luck with that and your research!


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Dear Cagney,


I have mild ones to dust and pollen, but they don't really fuck with me like this. Maybe there's just more pollen than usual where I'm at, dunno.


As I was typing this response, I got hit with nosebleed part II. I do have dry nasal passages so I'm used to those, but now there is blood all over my desk. Fun fact.



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dear edoggg...


fuck sake man, have a fuckin' beer and a wank and cheer up yi miserable cunt...


even when life does shite on my head i can think "at least i don't have the clap..." and realise things could be worse...


dear grd...


glad that cheered yi up hen...



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