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Dear ________,


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Dear dude,

It's my life's pet peeve when someone flakes on me.

It's even more irritating when I spend the whole week

all excited as fuck. I stay up all night cause I can't sleep,

I end up cleaning the house cause I'm all anxious, yet you

flake on a negra. It's not cool to make me cry nigga, fuck you.



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dear seyseysey...


i'll stab that boy in the fuckin' face for yi... but seriously, fuck that cunt...


now go put on some barry white sing along and dance pure mental aboot the hoose. that always cheers me up... (R.I.P Walrus...)



dear stacey big tits... thanks for the pints the night...


dear old wifey in the shop,i can appreciate your interest in saving the whole fuckin' world single handedly by not giving people plastic bags...

but carring 2 litres of coo (milk) and six bottles o beer oot the car with one hand's no very easy. ..

so difficult infact i dropped one o the beers on the road. i am warning you now, if it bursts one o my tyres, i'll be bursting your fuckin' nose...



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Dear seyer,


I'm rarely serious on this site, nor are we dope Facebook friends or any of that shit, but I'm sorry to hear that...very whack of dude.





Dear earl,


I hate that shit too, but I wish even worse things on the people who don't hold the door open for you when they are RIGHT in front of you, and just open that shit enough to squeeze through. Especially if you're holding something, like a drink or your balls to keep them from dragging on the ground. I've screamed on more than one person for this.



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dear seyseysey


i went through this, too many times

i stopped getting excited about shit unless i arranged it.

maybe that's why i loved doing solo vacations so much

meh, don't be bummed. his loss.

and better to find out how flaky people are sooner rather than later.






dear earl,


i thank you.

courtesy and chivalry are dying






dear *********


step your game up. now.



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dear earl



i agree with u o that. its lame not to say something when someone else holds the door open for u. i have held doors open with my son in one hand and food in the other and mutha truckers dont say anything. maybe it is i am getting older or slighty more mautre.. but a lil kindness makes someones day even better..







dear woman friend..



sorry i was up front and told u no on anything more..u are my homie nothing more. yes i think u are pretty but u cant keep and convo about anything other than jersy shore....fuckin lame..


souls of the yeah



dear self



i know i know they are fun but slow your dirty roll




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Dear bunch of cunts,

far be it from me to question your business practices but how the fuck are you still trading?!

You've ruined my day off and for that I'm making it my business to fuck your shit up.



Dear New Guy,

I caught flack for changing my long standing plans for tonight to fit around your work schedule. It had better be worth it.

Sincerely, grdinnit

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dear WORK,


not excited for you tonight.

lemme get through and shit without problems.


dear wall,


i dont have a sketch for you but im itching to paint so bad it isnt even funny.




get ready! first (real) one.



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Dear 12 oz people,

This is the fucking craziest thing that has happened to me in recent memory.

Feel free to cool story bra me or tldr me now.


So i was minding my own business.

I drive past these dudes think nothing of it.

Park and start walking to where i need to go.

Minding my own fucking business going to where i need to go.

Walk by these stairs and some dude says nice tits.

Minding my own business.

I mean, boy said it and i heard it but i kind of just keep walking on by.

Plus he has another guy chilling with him.

Im not trying to have a conversation. Ya feel me?

Anyways, Walk past and move along to where i gotta go to handel my business.

So Im walking up this hill and handle my shit whatever

Ok holy shit not even gonna lie

I got so fucking stuck i could not even move

I am standing where Im at and i see these guys fucking swarm

Im like WTF

These guys are about to get jumped

I could not even move. Ok dont judge me. These 5 dudes has their shit out and cocked. I was like holy fuck. I shit you not. I just started thinking of my baby brother and my baby sisters and my big sisters wedding. I was like holy shit i got shit to do today, like cook my moms dinner tonight.


This guy looks up at me and is like hey, thats that chick.

We all just stare at each other.

Im so fucking scared i could fucking have a heart attack

But for some reason i smile and thats it.

They fucking put their shit away and left.

Then it was just me and my car and these three dudes.

I just hopped in my car and left.

Minding my own business


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yeah, i've had a gun pointed at me twice and i've been shot at once. it sucks.

and once i was jumped by a gang of kids and beaten up pretty badly. (stitches to the dome piece)

definitely a scary experience.


i'm hoping nothing like that happens to me again. or you.

glad you're ok gurl.

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Like so stuck i couldnt move. Like frozen.

And yeah it was business like for work. I was in like work clothes going to see like this 85 year old dude.

I mean the area is kind of hood but i dont live in oz and this old man cant help where he lives.

I was like in a white button down and jeans or maybe slacks. I was like fuck i am not ready for this right now. Just got done eating lunch and shit.

Shits weird. Damn symbols that makes me hella bummed on the world though. Like i thought id seen some shit and heard some shit but that makes me hella sad to hear(or read)that

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i've been living in a dengerous city for awhile now though


when i was shot at, it was someone i knew

i've had a gun pulled on me once while i was on a bus

and another time i was in a pizza shop while it was robbed, and everyone got the gun pointed at them (it was only a counter and a small space to sit, there were only 3 of us in the store)


the gang of kids that jumped me was kind of stupid. i'd lived here for so long and i'm not afraid to go anywhere, but this wasn't even a bad hood. they were from around the way (some low rise housing projects) and were out looking for trouble on a friday night

i was just inthe wrong place at the wrong time. i got bitchslapped in the head with my steel Ulock, and then they all ran off because i was bleeding so bad. didn't even get my bike.


i'd say all things considered, this is just life in the big city

however, move on over to crossfire where we are discussin the implosion of the middle east, and you'll see i've commented that in my older age, i'm coming to realize that the heart of man is nasty. people are cruel and unusual, and we just do our best to get by.




dear life


you are up and down and all around

sometimes i hate you

sometimes i love you

and i have no idea what, if anything, comes next.



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