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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2009 in all sections

  1. setup: k so i lived with my girl (goin back about 7 yrs)but we shared a bedroom with her sister. i kno shit was awkward all the time...always smashin when we "thought" she was sleeping. constantly gettting "shushed" while boning stealth mode. little sis was fine though and stacked which always had me on some perv shit to start soo anyways... story: so lil sis (16yrs old) would get up first and take a shower, when she was done my girl, (18yrs old) would take the next shower, while i stayed sleeping. one day i hear some noise and wake up a lil early to see lil sis bare ass right in front of me putting on lotion. im talking 5 ft. way, so im a lil stealthy about it even though now im at full salute and really wanted to just pop out of bed and get it crackin. we both know we have a good 20 mins until my girl is back...btw parents already at work. being the gentlemen that i am, i leave it alone and store the image up in the spank bank. a few days go by and i happen to wake up early again ( a little less of an accident this time) only to see lil sis bent over right in front of me pulling her thong up and then blow dryed her hair topless. now we all know that is not a quiet task. so at this point im thinkin this girl wants me to wake up and do the damn thing. again against better judgement i held off. this happened maybe one or two more times and it was all i could think about now. i kept having this mental battle like "dude she obviosly knows your right there, stop being a pussy" and then id be like "dude your fucked up she has no idea you been watching her"...sidenote: me and big sis already have a child together hence why im living there, i kno i kno we were young. anyways it happens again and finally im like dude dont be a bitch she knows your right there just go for it!!!...so she does her routein, gets in some lil slutty outfit for the day, takes it all off and puts on another one, not satisfied she starts to go back into the first outfit......and finally i man up and poke my head out of the blanket and say "i like the other outfit better" (its all i could muster out at that point)..and she absolutly freakked out on me!!! she was like "why the fuck are you watching me change ect.."....AWKWARD!!!....i acted groggy and was like wtf i just woke up. she didnt believe me but she never told wifey on me and still flirts with me years later......
    3 points
  2. got up at 5:30am to take the folks to the airport i actually had time for breakfast before work ate while reading this lunch after work went to 7th son to check out some artwork george campise is pretty sick lol @ bathroom donkey show flash
    3 points
  3. Walk into the room wearing nothing but a condom and some tennis shoes, and then bust a niggaflip on them.
    3 points
  4. what are these blocks under my name?
    2 points
  5. Give it to your little sister.
    2 points
  6. "Crooked Cops Caught Plotting To Frame Motorist" http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7eb_1248892629 (Smash the reporter) Power tripping cop pulls over an ambulance http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1b4_1248386847 Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into A Coma http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=36d_1243274033 One of my favorites, "Soccer fans fighting back against police brutality" http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=22f_1243275971
    2 points
  7. a few pics from my recent vacation. teh greyhounds then to baltimore, what a shithole.. cool churches though then to so.MD yep. it was good.
    2 points
  8. john motta always gives me hope for the future. propped.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Walk out with a mangina tuck while blasting Goodbye Horses, then turn to the crying friend and moan "I'd fuck me!" wearing a jacket of human flesh is optional but highly reccomended
    2 points
  11. south park destroys any other cartoon simpsons king of the hill family guy american dad futurama drawn together NOT EVEN CLOSE some adult swim is good, but nothing has changed cartoons as much as south park has
    2 points
  12. + + + + bring the wagon in front of them and tell em it aint gonna make itself
    2 points
  13. Cleveland got a show because he's black... and white people like to watch negro sitcoms
    2 points
  14. Should I walk out there with my dick hanging out the leg of my shorts? Any ideas?
    1 point
  15. at first i was just gonna post this in the O RRY/ IM IN UR... PICTURES thread but seeing as it combined two things which people on here seem to can't get enough of haha. i figured why not make a thread for it. the web sight is hear http://www.kittigraffiti.blogspot.com/
    1 point
  16. haha...make suki take you tubing. suki, will you be in reno during the rib cook off?
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Oh, and that 411 on AfterSchoolSpetzel is pure gold. Gold like the urine dripping off a Max Hardcore video vixens face.
    1 point
  19. Naw, you remember the name. There called 'Grown ass adults. Its just the way it is(speaking to the Ned's that pretend to disagree) Chicks go for older dudes, dudes go for younger chicks. As for Swindle, homie. Tap dat ass or forever regret your missed opportunities. The older you get, the less opportinity (in a respectable way) to get yourself these prime coming of age girls. Comes a point in time where, ya just can't do it no more. Trust me. I'm almost 30, I'm there. So 'Get er done homeboy. Yer young, have fun.
    1 point
  20. Simpsons and South Park are fucking legendary shows. Family Guy will never fuck in that same league. That said, Family Guy probably makes me laugh the hardest and most intensely. It's like the nitrous oxide of cartoon shows. I enjoy shots of random humor, it will always be funny to me.
    1 point
  21. find the music from the party boy skits from jackass and play it as loud as you can untill they get pissed and bang on the door.. then open it and yell "party time" and proceed to dancengraff all around the house...
    1 point
  22. this. vulcan is a herb. i got my prop count immaculate, post count fantstic. which actually means i have more than people who have been here way longer than me. its sad in a way. 5270 point(s) total over a dozen are for what i posted in that "txt a girl asking if you can tap that" thread
    1 point
  23. its best to play in a room full of people who like shit like dane cook, and watch how uncomfortable and confused they become by the show. shits almost better than the show itself.
    1 point
  24. Walk out and say "whats on the television tonight?" then wipe your finger on the tv, glance at them dissaprovingly and say, "hmm, it appears to be dust."
    1 point
  25. i wouldn't normally brag about this but it seems appropriate. i'm on a fucking roll ive gone up 4 tictacs in 4 days theo's packed the biggest punch must've been something like 120-140 points
    1 point
  26. king of the hill & south park rules all
    1 point
  27. You missed out on an epic thread. Nigga posted her myspace trying to get 12oz to bring the wrath down on her for giving him genital warts, then dumping him for some other douche. Nigga was heart broken, and stalking her. Bitch was ugly as sin too. Eventually the other douche that she dumped him for made an account on here to publicly call dude out and tell him to stop stalking and harrassing his girl. Then one of the mods eventually deleted the thread. But anyone who was here back in 05 or 06 or whenever this was can still remember ASS aka Level 75's legacy.
    1 point
  28. Naaahhh.... naaaahhhhh.... watch yo mouth kid. Don't even mention this gay ass show in the same breath as Southpark. Southpark is the best cartoon show ever. I'd go as far as to say that Southpark even shits on the Simpsons.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. WOW. I feel like an asshole for not mentioning it. Definitely one of the best shows out.
    1 point
  31. I always thought this show was gay.
    1 point
  32. I never met the late Oil personally, but like many others on here I basically feel like I somewhat know a good bit about the man. From the other writers of my generation and their "stories" that were passed on, to the old schoolers who have mentioned him, and me growing up seeing his tags and fills all over Kendall and such, I always figured he was something else. For some reason, no matter what had been said of him, before reaching a conclusion the speaker always had something good to say about Oil at the end, and this I sincerely mean it. Coming from Miami and temporarily relocating up North, I have met many talented writers from in between and when mentioning my roots he was one of the main 5 guys who was always mentioned, ironically. I always admired the letters of course, and strongly assumed he had heart, but after reading through all these pages I realize there was way more to this person besides all that and a good heart after all. All this to say that after all it is a big loss to us all, some more than others, but believe me we all felt it for he was like our 2pac or Eddie Griffin because graffiti is a passion and a sport for a lot of us. I hope his family and friends overcome all their sorrow, and I do not doubt his eternity in the Miami Graffiti history and more. We (the crew and I) offer you all our most sincere condolences, and assure you that is a lost for all of us as well. live on.
    1 point
  33. You can make any mirror fog free by rubbing a small amount of soap over the mirror. You need to prime your face with hot water to have a proper shave, you do not see them pulling towels out of buckets of ice water for the gangsters at the barber shop in the movies for a reason.
    1 point
  34. calm down there. why are you so offended "mr. i negaprop everybody that disagrees with me?" all i'm saying is it's not that hard to mute the video. it's just a click away..
    1 point
  35. walk into the livingroom and fart really loud and stand there with a little smile on your face
    1 point
  36. go in there and demand they cook you dinner and vacum something time to moderate
    1 point
  37. I hear you, but I'm just staying in the bedroom smoking weed and being a nerd online. I don't mind. I'm just letting them cry themselves to sleep. I have a feeling I'll walk out there and they'll both be curled up asleep on the phone. That's when I'll pee on them.
    1 point
  38. now would definitely not be a good time to ask them if they poop while they pee.
    1 point
  39. A Happy Medium. One of my new favorites. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5214618904815283474
    1 point
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