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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/18/2000 in all sections

  1. I've been urged by a few fellow 12ozers to make this post. On December 26th I was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal adenocarcinoma. This cancer of the lower esophagus was caused by acid reflux, something I never even knew I suffered from. It spread to my stomach, liver, and other spots. Back in the late-summer I noticed there was a pressure and constriction in my mid-chest after eating food. Foolishly I waited until early October to mention it to my physician. I was put on an over-the-counter acid and heartburn reducer. In November I met with a gastroenterologist who recommended an upper endoscopy. Mid-December the endoscopy revealed a 2" growth in my lower esophagus. The biopsy results came back a few days later and revealed it was cancerous. I did a CT scan and met with an oncologist a week later where I was told that the cancer had spread. I was told that without treatment my life expectancy would be 6 months. With treatment, 1-2 years. Surgery and radiation would no longer be an option at this stage. Chemotherapy begins January 6th and I am fucking terrified. This is not meant to be a pity post, but more of an open dialog about cancer and how much it fucking sucks. I'm sure in some way we've all be affected by cancer either personally, or through family and friends. What's your story? Also, I urge all of you to get screened or tested for cancer. Even if you don't show any signs or symptoms. It could save your life. On a positive note, I bought a new digital camera and lens as a "Fuck it, I have cancer" present to myself. My goal is to document what little time I have left. When it's all over my digital archive will go to a trusted friend who will see fit to publish a book.
    29 points
  2. What’s up guys? Used to post in here often years ago. Maybe we can get this thing rolling more again. Posting some current stuff I’ve been making.
    18 points
  3. As promised, you guys get first peek at it. Might see some small refinements, but this is the design. Will likely come with a free sticker, but going to also add a small sticker pack for sale along side this release. This program is intended to spread awareness and build the brand, while also being my contribution back to the community, culture and fans. Buy it, or don’t buy it’ll release this coming Friday at noon EST for $12. Limit 2 per order. Bernie would have loved this one. CrudeOil Rest in peace.
    17 points
  4. Not sure anyone gives a fuck, but I’m still kicking. Been doing chemo now for FOUR AND A HALF fucking years. How’re y’all doing?
    17 points
  5. @misteraven @One Man Banned @Kults @KILZ FILLZ @NightmareOnElmStreet @SMdoubleXL @morton @Keepitrail @mr.yuck @Dirty_habiT @Hua Guofang @Schnitzel @abrasivesaint @Mercer @DETO @Drue_Down
    17 points
  6. My name is IOU. I like long walks in dark alleys while spraying rap letters with various types of crack heads, pookie puffers and needle ninjas.. I used to mad oontz, now it's broken. If I heard correctly this just some virtual test lab to see the Rap Letter Sprayers outside of their normal hate on everything enviornment.. Anyways, good to this fucker still alive and kicking. Can't front it definitely play a roll in my life that actually still to this day influences my life. Much appreciated to all the cats at 12oz.. I've seen other graffiti sites and never spent any time or even made an account other 50mm.. I met up with a bunch of random people from here years back which for me was a big thing, cuz fuck people. I used to not do things like that. At all, but that's definitely changed. Made me more comfortable with myself, which had a lot to do with the people I met not being shit bags. Except for Soup, he's a bitch. This place helped to fuel my interest in photography, which is still in my life. I usually don't leave my house without a camera. That slowed my ass down and got me looking at things differently, you know like actually taking in where you're at. Seen a lot people grow from this place. Some didn't of course but we laugh about them later... Through it all definitely made some friends but the one constant has been home slice Sookie.. Mad appreciation and love for her. Freaking Cali, dude is just good people through and through.. That's my words for now. So yeah, I appreciate this place and the mad men behind it. Respect!
    17 points
  7. Quick story. While I was removing the cast iron vent stack from the trap house there was a big ass moose knuckle fitting in the pipe that was getting hung up on something in the wall. So I cut out a piece of the wall to see whats going on and low and behold it was a piece of 2x4 I used to pull the wall board together tighter. Now the pipe is free and everything is all gravy. Except there is a hole in the wall now. It's not a big jank but hot ass stank air from the attic is blowing out and triggering the thermostat to do all types of crazy shit. Anyway so there's this little hole in the fucking wall, right, and I don't feel like patching it right away cuz fuck all that. So I tell my wife to just stuff a towel in the hole or something. So she or something's alright. What did she stuff in the wall? So anyways I'm pumped for the new gear.
    15 points
  8. I'm still playing Street Fighter. I actually imported a machine a couple of years ago from Japan, sitting next to my desk. I've been working remotely for the past 7 years so getting in lots of gaming in between actually working.
    15 points
  9. Hey everyone, my name is Sean Devine and Danny Devine @yinz n'at was my big brother. Back in the day I was a 12oz member and just wanted to be like my brother (6 years older than me). I wrote for a minute but wasnt even a small shadow of what Danny did and accomplished. It's super dope and super sad reading people's memories of him - very bittersweet. My family is very close and watching Danny's art and graffiti career was a great thing. Couldn't find someone nicer and more kind than Danny. From seeing him just bench and take flix, to he and his boys starting JYK and getting in tight with our boy Brick from Time Bomb (who is in the next room from me right now at my shop) to seeing him put on 100 art shows and make 1,000 acquantances and friends it was just straight inspiration. When we started our business Refresh PGH, a sneaker shop in Pittsburgh, he did all of our artwork. When we became a part of Daily Bread and eventually completely took over the company he did countless design and hands that we used for our core designs. When Danny did hand drawn artwork that needed to be vectored / imaged traced he turned to me. We always had each other's back and it was true brotherly love. He would always tell you I love you and give you a huge hug. He helped me run my shop and introduced me to a million people. He did the 'Smoke Mad Weed' canvas that is in the beginning of Mac Miller's 'Senior Skip Day' video. He did it all. I feel like he left pieces of himself with everyone over the years. He just loved so hard and always took the time to chop it up and talk - and actually cared about you. I was at the hospital when he passed. My sister and I gave his eulogy and I helped carry his casket with some of his closest friends. I miss him so much and I'm crying right now writing this. Thanks to everyone keeping his name, moniker, artwork and positivity alive. It's been hard. We have released a lot of his artwork and clothing designs - including the tees above in this thread. Thank you for the support and for caring. My mom and dad get sad all the time of course but I tell them a lot of people pass on and no one seems to care - with Danny, people care and still put his name up. And that means everything to us. I'm partial to his first Cres tags and pieces but Vick, VCR, Vcrock etc. are all up over the city. We had his boys do a mural on the side of our building recreating the Pittsburgh design he made. I've given out paint, mops, markers to anyone who says they'll keep his name up. I just wish I could hug Danny one more time. I haven't said this to anyone, even my wife, but as he was passing on in the hospital bed I told him that I would keep his name and artwork alive for the rest of my life and gave him one last hug. I meant it. He passed from organ failure. In my opinion it was a combination of his immunodeficiency, hard graf living, boozing over the years and the consistent exposure to spraypaint 25+ years. It just sucks man. Been hard to put it behind me because so much of my life is based on following in his footsteps and pretty much having my respect based on just having an ounce of the respect he had. I just miss him so much. We have been making products and prints of his artwork and we also worked with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust to create a Retroactive art show in his honor. Shout out to all of his friends for helping it come together and honoring his name - all love. Here's the article for the art show running until June 12th: https://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/extraordinary-exhibit-pays-tribute-to-pittsburgh-street-artist-danny-devine/Content?oid=21208223 Here is the instagram that we started and run for the Danny Devine Foundation: https://www.instagram.com/dannydevine4ever/ If anyone wants any of his art prints, has any questions or wants to know any info about the Danny Devine Foundation please feel free to hit me up on IG (@sdevine70), email doubled.contact@gmail.com or text me 4127089129. Sorry for the rambling post but I feel like I just had to get it all out and rep for my big bro. RIP Danny Devine aka Danny Yinzer aka Cres, VCR, Vick. Danny Devine Forever.
    15 points
  10. Hey all. I'm still here. The cancer is still very much present. I was feeling good during the summer thanks to the weather and keeping myself occupied around the house/yard. In the summer I was on oral chemo meds and they had zero side effects. Unfortunately, my most recent CT scan showed some new growth. With the recent downgrade in health I am back to intravenous meds and I forgot how much they knock you on your ass. I wish I were an optimist, but there's no surviving this. Nothing I've made recently is worthy of a standalone thread. Not being able to travel doesn't lend itself to being truly creative behind the camera. I might post some stuff in the Photography Thread in a few weeks though. I wish this were an option if COVID wasn't fucking shit up right now.
    15 points
  11. Dudes hands are backwards. Thats gangster as shit
    15 points
  12. Chopped the top side off my 74 VW Bus so I can turn into a bar for my business. Fuck Im old I cant believe this site is even around still!
    15 points
  13. Why protect yourself? Google logs and analyzes so much information about a chrome user's browsing habits, it can tell who they are, out of billions of people, without even needing them to log in most of the time. A lot more than targeting an advertisement can be done with your browsing history and info which is stored indefinitely. Along with the companies that pay to access this info, random google employees/contractor, hackers, or even government representative with no warrant can access it, and potentially know you better than you know yourself. With that said, the browsers that don't log user info also aren't safe. Most sites, and the advertisements on them run so much javascript they don't even need to have access to your browser's source code to track your browsing habits, and build psychological profiles. What happens to all this data? Some is used to build profiles for highly profitable targeted advertisements. For example, the department store Target uses a system to identify pregnancies, using simple inputs like buying unscented lotion, and other small innocent factors. They can predict with a great degree of accuracy when a woman has entered the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. They send her targeted coupons so she'll start buying things like diapers and potentially become a lifelong repeat shopper at a time when her spending habits have the greatest potential for change. Other things can be done with your browsing/shopping data. For example, if you pissed off the wrong person in the government, your data can be used to build a profile and find anything possible to against you. Roger Ver once made a speech condemning the ATF. Little did he know there was a group of ATF agents in the audience. They basically investigated him by building a profile of all his online activity, found he was a prominent Ebayer and looked at everything he sold, eventually finding commonly availiable firecrackers that he sold, commonly used to scare of birds. This somehow violated a bullshit law and they ended up using this info to send him to federal prison for a little over a year. Considering many ebayer's sold these, along with sporting goods stores like Cabellas wasn't important, this was clearly targeted enforcement. Basically, everything you do online can also be used to build a psychological profile on you, and you can also be targeted for mind control techniques to influence your political views like in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. With that said, protecting yourself from data collection is more important than most people realize. Protecting Yourself 101: Download and use the Brave Browser, it blocks all advertisements by default, no plugin needed. Unlike Adblock, it doesn't sell a backdoor to advertisers to circumvent their block and serve you the advertisements, and deliver harmful tracking scripts. It blocks everything by default which can sometimes fuck up the way a site works/looks, but you can obviously choose to lower your shields if you trust/need the website that's fucked up. They even have iphone/android apps.It also uses https:// everywhere it can as opposed to http:// Erase any unnecessary personal data stored by google by going here: https://myaccount.google.com/dashboard It will give you a list of google services you use, go through and delete anything you feel isn't in your best interest for them to have. Stop using spyware like Google Chrome/Safari, and most other browsers that send google/apple your data in the background. Even Firefox is questionable these days and the need for add ons like ad blocking software etc. lowers the chance of spyware being slipped in. If you must use social media, try to keep your accounts unlinked, and for gods sake delete any app from your phone that you're not using. I have a special browser I use that's built into my password manager on my phone that I'll log in and out of facebook if needed,. The app itself sends data in all day, even when you're not using the app. Keep unnecessary apps to a minimum on your mobile. There's currently a lawsuit against Bose(I should get in on it) because they used their iphone app to listen in on your conversations via bluetooth connection to make a little extra money on the side selling their customers data for targeted adds. Ever had a conversation about a topic and get an advertisement for a related product immediately afterword? Start using duck duck go as your default search engine. It's as good as google 99% of the time but without the intrusive strings attached, and without logging your data. If you look at anything like anti government sites, anything involving illegal stuff like the dark web, or something you don't want to run the risk of the government, your ISP, or anyone else finding out use TOR, what TOR is is complicated but I've dropped a video below that explains it more. Use a VPN, I'm using Nord VPN, paid $99 for the 3 year plan and can't complain. Protip: If you're using the brave browser just click: [ File > New Private Tab With TOR ] and boom, you're now browsing using TOR. Brave Browser: A video explaining the future features coming to the Brave Browser: I'll probably edit this later to add/clarify some points.
    14 points
  14. Giving first crack at this to the peanut gallery here on the forum... We are officially hiring several positions for both 12ozProphet and 12ozCollective. Link to job listings: https://12ozcollective.com/careers/ As all of you following along for more than a minute know, we quietly shifted into building out a screen printing facility about two years back. Well, I'm happy to say that things have been going super freakin well, despite the rest of the world being a dumpster fire and we're at the tail end of building two nice new buildings and have placed orders for two new auto presses and a grip of super high end manufacturing equipment that is presently being shipped over from Holland, Portugal and Italy. Likewise, we'll be expanding into embroidery in house, as well as automating a ton of stuff including the ability to fold, custom pack and label products, as well as all kinds of cool automation for screen reclaim and developing. We are also preparing to push into cut / sew, as well as dedicating the second building to white glove fulfillment services. Anyhow, most of these jobs require that you move out to our location, which is an awesome idea for most people after seeing what pandemic life is like in most parts of the country. If interested, check out the 12ozCollective Careers link and apply or hit me up if you have questions. We plan to start putting these jobs on blast so don't sleep. Some positions are immediate, rest will be filled when the buildings come online in the first half of May. xoxo, Misteraven
    14 points
  15. Up at usual time. One of the dope things is that Adelaide and Tokyo are only ½ an hour apart so jet lag was nil. Our apartment was pretty bloody close to train tracks IMG_5916.mp4 Skatepark in this wicked spot under the train tracks for several blocks Took the train into town Graffiti at Ebisu as per usual. Shibuya scramble not as hectic as it used to be with one street closed off. Schnitzel with bandages to hide the tats/provide much-needed support to left knee. Fuck this was a nice coffee and so sorely needed. Hit up the Gashapon place. Big mistake because my daughter got so hyped about it and we spent a lot of money in these places throughout the trip. The Iceman MQUE Tower Records Good lord the older fatter me loved fried stuff on a stick so I was pretty hyped on this one. Takeshita street Harajuku Corn dogs or what I imagine corn dogs are. Some Korean hotdogs Animal café (very dubious animal welfare standards I suspect) Gigantic fairy floss is another big mistake from me. but the kids loved it and they crashed hardcore when they got home. then because the kids were cactus and Disneyland was tomorrow we headed back for some relaxation with the kids hitting the Ipad and schnitzel trying to convince mrs Schnitzel to add another stamp to our passport so to speak doradao day is a couple days in future
    14 points
  16. Working on my timing while these cars scream past
    14 points
  17. Haha that trip fell through due to weather unfortunately so I definitely didnt fall off a cliff Have been still been getting down on some adventures though, this was down close to the border of @Schnitzelhome state
    14 points
  18. Im posting a pic off my phone. Lazy
    14 points
  19. I straight up haven't posted or visited this Forum in 10 years and just get an email notifying me I've been mentioned in this thread... I'm currently in the process of opening a pizza shop and just got the keys to the spot yesterday.... life is fucking weird yall. Wonk saggin.
    14 points
  20. I've been building models for a long time, and then one day I got bored and started taking photos of them attacking my brother's cat. This project has evolved over the years and my hobby has reached the point where I have gotten some illustration work out of it.It's been a really fun project that offers all kind of opportunities for experimentation. You can find my work at http://armymenaroundthehouse.ca https://www.instagram.com/armymenaroundthehouse/ https://www.facebook.com/armymenaroundthehouse/
    14 points
  21. Started to build a shed that will fit into my gangway (aka-space between my garage and fence) about 4 feet wide. I’m not a builder - never built anything actually. Got some tools and lumber and got started. More to do still. Pictured - said gangway and noob tools.
    14 points
  22. Grocery store bagger Franks nursery and crafts cashier(free paint and christmas trees) Tacobell (fired 5 days in a row) William sanoma Oilchange place Started my first business selling stolen merchandise (clothing, cigarettes, alcohol, electronics) Life got put on hold. Caught a lot of cases that landed me behind bars for just a little bit. When I got out I had no plan including how I was going to get home once I stepped out a free man. Just like in the fucking movies my homeboy was sitting on the trunk of his car and said "whats up motherfucker? We live in tennessee now!" I could have fucking cried man. I took a hit and took a lot of heat off of other people when I got locked up and wasnt sure if anyone was gonna look out when I got out. Homie spent a lot of time with my grandparents explaining to them what was going on and reassuring them that everything would be alright. So I stop by my grandparents house, packed up whatever clothes I had and smashed out to Tennessee. My homie had started a whole new smaller selling stolen shit and finacial aid fraud system to secure us a nice 2 bedroom 2 bath apt in the burbs. I was hesitant to get back into this life as I had nothing over my head and wanted to keep it that way. So I walked to the McDonald's and got hired immediately. This is when my work history starts to get interesting. While getting ready to close one night an order comes through the drive thru for 3 coffees. This blacked out suburban pulls up and 3 italian looking gangsters pull up to the window talking shit. Flashy jewelry, sharp suits, all that. So I take their money and they are like "where's the coffee?" I kinda look up at them and say "i havent even started to make it yet." They start talking shit while im making the coffee complaining about how long they have to wait and wanting free shit. I tell them they get nothing for free. One of them says "Just throw in some free ketchup packs." I look at him and say "nah." They start laughing and roll the window up talking amongst themselves. They roll the window down and the driver says "hey kid, where's the manager. I want to talk to the manager." I told him "sorry the manager is busy. Guess you just have to deal with me." They start laughing again rolling the window up talking amongst themselves. They roll the window down again and the driver says "hey kid, you wanna come work for us?" Im standing there thinking to myself "I'll climb out this window right fucking now," but the words come out "I'll kill anybody." They errupt in laughter again and one guy in the back seat lets out an audible "jesus fucking christ," and another "this kid is perfect." They handed me a business card and told me to come check them out the next day. They worked for the largest chevy dealer in nashville. That interaction was the beginning of my confidence building in a professional environment. They taught me how to deal with the general public, that sales was about finding a way to relate with people on a personal level, they taught me how to commit bank fraud to secure loans, they taught me everything. Solid skills I could take anywhere. While there I met one of the Titans that was put up for free agency. People were falling all over themselves to talk football this and football that with him. He wasnt really impressed and seemed kind of annoyed by it. So he finally ducked around everyone and finally ended up in front of me. We didnt talk about football at all and actually became pretty good friends. One of the major regrets I have in my life was he was trying to steer me back onto the right path and was willing to pay for me to go to any art school I wanted but I turned it down to pursue hoodrat shit. He took me out for my 21st birthday and we hit strip joint after strip joint getting the royal fucking sports player treatment. Eventually I got burned out working 80 hours a week at 21 years old and bounced on the dealership job. I caught a DUI lost my license, couldnt go back to dealership so I got a job at burger king. Shit wasnt going right, my homie stopped doing hoodrat shit and couldnt pay his half with his gas station job. So we talked about it. He said he was gonna bounce back to Indianapolis and I was like fuck that, I'll end up dead if I go back there. So I rolled to Virginia to live with my parents. The guy that lived next to them died and was a total shut in creep job. This lady that owned her own business selling antiques was cleaning out the house handling the estate. There was this cute girl working with her so I strolled over to introduce myself. I had a straight school boy crush on this girl. I ended up working with the lady clear out this house. Turns out this old man restored art for the museum at the end of the block. This house was packed floor to ceiling with art. Shit was rediculous. Either way it was a cool little gig. The girl introduced me to a lot of cool people here and my hoodrat tendencies started to flare back up. I started making drug connections and it was off to the races. Once the house was cleaned up a contractor bought the property and started remodeling it. Once again I strolled over and introduced myself. He put me to work as a general laborer and I did this and that. There were some really knowledgeable people working there and when I was done with whatever task they would start putting tools in my hand and dropping little nugs of info here and there. I caught on quick and they took a liking to me and I really enjoyed the remedial building tasks they were letting me do. One day the contractor came in and some one obviously pissed in his cornflakes because he looked right at me and yelled "hey! Get your hands out of your fucking pockets!" I looked at him and said "Yo, who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" He ran away and when he was a safe distance away yelled youre fired. I ended up finding a school that specialized in trade work so I joined up. Turns out it was a class for felons to teach them how to read a tape measurer and get them into anything but the streets. I made more drug connections. And when the class was over they found me a job in NC as a trim carpenter. I did that for about 3 months before I had enough of trying to maintain a pretty fresh relationship with this lady that was a good 6 or 7 years older than me. So I moved back to VA and bullshitted my way into a job with a large local drywall company. I stayed there for about a year and stayed straight and narrow legally because we lived together and she had kids that I didnt want to jeopardize with my fuckery. She ended up breaking my school boy heart and I moved back to Tennessee. To a small town. Super small. Homie found himself a fine young piece and wifed her up and set up shop doing more stufent loan fraud to finance his life. My give a fuck was at an all time low. I took all the money I had saved up and started an empire trafficing drugs from Indiana back to this small town in Tennessee. I got a job at the only 24 hour gas station in town and started integrating myself with the locals. Homie had a lot of family in this little town so we had a ready made work force in place. Everything was going swell for a little while. Barney fife didnt have a clue what was going on and then the wheels fell off. One dude we were fronting that was having trouble moving Os calls up one day and says he needs 5 bricks. Im thinking yeah okay buddy and I say over the phone "I dont know why you are calling me, your brother is the one with all the weight." The next day his brothers door gets kicked in. Hoodrat tendencies are flaring and my homie steals a gamecube game from the local video rental spot. We get home and detectices are there within 10 minutes. It was so fast I just opened the door when I heard the knock. The detectives let themselves right in and said "oh here it is. They picked up the game case and started asking how did you get this security case open without destroying it? My homie says he doesnt know what they are talking about and some one left it over here. The det says we have you on camera stealing it. You can either confess or we'll come back with a warrant. I tell them to come back later. So later that evening after cleaning out the house my homie says "man, theyre full of shit. They arent coming back." I started laughing and said "oh theyre coming back." I jumped in the shower and while I was in there, he had brought his personal stash back in the house. Before I got out of the shower i heard thunder beating on the front door. My house was now surrounded by the entire towns police department. They already have homie in hand cuffs, they yank me out of the shower and they arent talking about stolen video games anymore. They let me put clothes on becuase they are good ol country boys and the first question after I get my go to jail outfit on is "where are the pounds and where are the guns," while our house is being turned inside out. We're all just shrugging our shoulders lookin like we're doing a shoulder bounce to some club banger. One of the cops pulls me aside thinking he might have better luck with the only white guy there and said "you look like a smart guy. What do you know?" I told him "yeah im smart." He said "good." Then I told him I went to all the best schools. He didnt think that shit was as funny as I did and they took me straight to jail for theft and my buddy shortly after me when they found his half ounce of weed. They ended up charging him with theft, possession with intent, and like 15 counts of paraphernalia. Homies mom paid the $600 to get me out that same night. My homie took the wrap for everything but they didnt let me know so I copped to the theft to make things go quick as possible. When court was wrapped up they asked me how I wanted to start making my court payments I told them I dont want to make any payments. I just want to give you all the money. I gave them their $700 out in the hallway and the prosecutor put the money in his pocket, tore up all of my court papers and said "get the fuck out of our town." I agreed and left the next day Virginia bound. When I got back I set up shop in Richmond with a new young lady. She was everything I needed and I got another job with a drywall company. Now with actual experince under my belt I was able to negotiate a wage high enough to support my own place on my own. It was a smaller company and the other finisher there would take me along to his side jobs for extra money. I was making more money working these part time side jobs than I was all week for this outfit. I started to see the dollar signs in construction and i actually enjoyed what i was doing. This fucking succubus turned out to be a raging whore so I paid off the balance of the lease to save my credit and bounced back to the beach. I set up shop once again with my hoodrat tendencies and got back to business. Things were going great. I stayed moving from spot to spot, kept a lowish profile, and life was good. At the time I was smashing this giant titty girl. The really funny thing is this giant titty girl was using her friends phone to get in touch with me and I thought it was her phone. 90% of the text conversations I was having with her was really with her friend. Thats the story of how I met my wife. Eventually me and the wife moved in together in one of the drug spots. She's a down as bitch but even she was like "you are 27. You need to get a job." I agreed and found me a little bullshit 1 man opperation looking for help that would keep me out of trouble during the day. This guy taught me everything about the business side of things and I stuck with him for about 2 years. He knew about my other business and could tell towards the end that I was wasting my time with him and was losing money to these streets by fucking off with him all day. I quit and turned my house into a 24 hour drug convenience store. We rolled this way for 2 years and I almost never left the house unless it was to go get more drugs. I was robbing other drug dealers, i was straight wylin. I woke up one night in the middle of the night and told my wife "we need to get the fuck outta here." I started packing up the house instsntly. First thing in the morning I called my landlord and told him fuck you, fuck this crappy house and Im out. He literally moved a new family in 2 days after we left. I got a call from him 3 days after the new family had moved in. He said some one kicked in the door tied up their whole family and said they were looking for me and drugs. He said the police are really interested in talking to you but I cant find your paperwork with your name on it. I said "thats fucked up. If I can be of any help, I will." I then tossed the burner phone out the window into a storm drain and forgot all about it. I found a new spot and went to get right back to business. My wife was like "you need to chill the fuck out." Everyone was getting knocked off by the feds, snitchin was wildfiring around so I agreed. One of my old customers got me on with his company doing drywall repair work. I lasted there about a year before me and another employee decided we could just do this for ourself. We did fairly well togerher but he was so god damn unprofessional it was scary. Pissing on the side of customers houses, throwing lit cigarettes onto their roofs. Shit was rediculous. We parted ways after about 6 months and a lot of bullshit. At this time craigslist was jumpin and free to post ads. So I stayed on my grind posting highly polished ads getting brow beat by everyone but still making better money and working less than I would 40 hours for a company. By sheer luck I got a call from craigslist from a guy asking me if I wanted more work than I knew what to do with. He introduced me to doing insurance construction work. I have been doing this ever since. Over the course of 7 years I have moved from doing small patch and paints to turnkey restoration on house fires. I currently have 4 house fire jobs running in various stages. Total jobs running are around half a million dollars. There have been ups and downs in this industry. There is a high turn over rate for project managers so you have to continually build new relationships and its a challenge to find the right one. Finding large claim managers is key. Last year I got stuck when 1 guy quit and his replacement was the low man on the totem pole. That about ruined me. Shit. Sorry this turned into story time. Moral of the story is you can achieve whatever you want if you put your mind to it. I would have loved to have been introduced to this line of work 15 years ago.
    14 points
  23. Here’s some extra old school shit... Out taking graff flix with my dog. Believe this was 1985 or so. Rocking them cool vans and my sporty SoCal skate look. First piece I was truly proud of, even if they were just simple blockbusters. Copyright 1989. Can’t remember the exact year, but about halfway through college when I took a year off to do graffiti and drink lots of malt liquor in Savannah GA. Suppose that would make this 1993 or so. Freights there were easy and I got into doing clean readables most of the time. Cool group shot the day after hitting more freights. Went back the next day for clean day shots. Shie, me and Jel (Inkheads) around 1993. Fun little wall featuring a Bode mouse. Also Savannah, so still 1993. More readable freight shit. 1994.
    14 points
  24. Friends and Fam - I am back. Misterraven and several others have dug me out of the homo dungeons of solitude and breathed fresh air into my woefully bankrupt lungs. Good timing - and thank you. So here it is. I just got out of rehab. 30 days of a 90-180 day program in Berkeley. Long story short - "long story short". If that makes sense. They wanted to keep me but I did not want to be kept. That being said - I left on good terms. Anyways... Medi-Cal covered everything - Thanks Obama! A lot has gone down this year. A lot more than I ever thought possible. But it is what it is. Big changes... I'm once again homeless and single. Well - not all that single. I just picked up my doggies from the kennel. I had to board them for the 30 days I was in rehab. Bankrupted me. $50 a day... But I needed to get sober and detox from my crazy as fuck girlfriend of 6 years. I'll write more about how the past 6-7 months unfolded in a bit. I'm in Nevada City, CA at the moment, staying at a friend's crazy ass compound. Deep in the woods, Saunas hot tubs pools and cabins, all in solitude. In the coming week I'll return to SF, pimp out my van a little more, and start driving to Wyoming to clear my head and get the fuck out of dodge. I finally realized after breaking it off with this girl and losing my mind that I fucking hate living in the bay. I haven't been happy in five plus years - ever since I moved there. So fuck it. Done with my abusive partner, done with living in a giant city. Ready for new adventures.
    14 points
  25. Think it’s been far too long since we had a travel pic thread and since I’m all for generating new content on here and avoiding the “back in the days” nostalgia thought I’d put my photos where my mouth is. It was a gloomy rainy day last April when I looked at flights. And since I have the right combo of a bit of spare cash and a TOTAL lack of long term planning Ibooked some flights for last September to Japan. The plan was to fly to Tokyo, then to Okinawa for one week where we would drive around, and then to Osaka before flying home from Tokyo. This way we hoped to combine Japanes-y stuff ( for me) with tropical warmth (my wife), Japanese food (me), Disneyland/colossal aquariums (kids), bullet train (my son), and J-Pop and kooky fashion (my daughter), animal cafes (my kids). So, hope you enjoy. Had a crazy moment when my wife (for some reason I cannot fathom) packed my daughter’s old and new passports but forgot my son’s and we nearly had a big old argument. Had to fly to Sydney and overnight there. 7 years ago when I left Sydney I was stoked to see a tag on this wall but the scene has gotten way more hardcore. Flying over PNG Sunset ooks cool through the Polarised windows Landed. Japan really doesn’t trust gaijins you have to give some of your fingerprints before you even get to immigration. NOTE the stupid fucking sushi soft toy my daughter insisted we take Made it to the house. Kids to bed Schnitzel to 7/11 for beers
    13 points
  26. Oh hai guyz, Long time no see. I’m still alive and well. Got tagged in this post so I figured I’d pop in. Glad to see y’all are still Oontzing. I’ll try to not be a stranger! if anyone wants to follow my art endeavors, check me out on instagram at bob_peck_art
    13 points
  27. Alright. The fiction, architecture, gardening, bonsai, Graff, pin-up, half the art, tattoo, and misc other are mine. But well over half is the wife's, she also has another 8' of shelves upstairs and a bunch at her studio.... I only took a few highlight pics or author's collections I'm most proud to own. Do we all own Papillon?
    13 points
  28. @Wyeast @cancelculttourist @SMdoubleXL @Joker @LUGR @mr.yuck @Dark_Knight @DETO @P O N Y R I D E R @Deine Mudder @Corpseinarug
    13 points
  29. Okay so we've all been reminiscing and LOLing in the 80's-90's MEMORIES thread... Definitely a blast from the past and good fun to look back on. A recent post by @SMdoubleXL(and her response) got me thinking that it would be way more fun to actually post personal photos, rather than skim shit off the interwebz. So in honor of the Oontz and the opportunity for laughs, I decided to start this thread and will even post the same photo for you all to make fun of. So the way this works, is you post a personal photo (bonus points if its the age before digital) and add a little background to it. Here's me in High School. I think it was about 10th grade, so that would put this at about 1989 or so. I'd already been going to punk shows for a few years wuith friends, was deep into Misfits and Sam Hain and started really getting serious about graffiti after being accepted into Free Agents, a graffiti crew presided then and now by @dekayfa that was super unique fort its time since it was all punk and skater kids ( @diggity) would join this crew many years later when Dekay had moved to Georgia and inspired a whole new wake of skater type kids to pickup graffiti and eventually join). Anyhow, these were some great times... Not quite a kid, but not quite an adult, listening to everything from punk, hardcore through to new wave and progressive music. Doing graffiti, going to parties, going to shows and just having fun at the expense of my High School education, which basically sucked right up until getting kicked out of High School about a year later. (Dekay also got kicked out). Believe by about this point I had my first car, which was a 1972 El Camino Classic that was painted white and orange with house paint when I got it for something like $275. I spent about $20 for several cans of grey primer, another $20 for some Bondo and a yard worth of generic black carpet and switched the bench seat out for some bucket seats I stole out of another car somewhere. The car was a complete shit bucket that maybe got about 8 miles to the gallon. I never bothered insuring it and matter of fact, never even bother to register it. Those were the days when you could just steal a plate off a wreck out behind a mechanics shop and just hope cops didn't end up at a stoplight behind you. Good days and long before smartphones and internets. Kinda wish progress unrolled a little slower.
    13 points
  30. ⚪️⚪️ The Early 12oz Winter Gala Show ⚪️⚪️ 🎶⭐️ Your Host: T4M* 🌟🎶 ⬜️⬜️ Today's Line Up⬜️⬜️ ⚪️ @+plus+ ⚪️ ⚪️ @Mauler5150 ⚪️ ⚪️ @SukiSukiNow ⚪️ ⚪️ @misteraven ⚪️ ⚪️ @Deine Mudder ⚪️ ⚪️ @LUGR ⚪️ ⚪️ @Dark_Knight ⚪️ ⚪️ @SMdoubleXL ⚪️ ⚪️ @One Man Banned ⚪️ ⚪️ @KILZ FILLZ ⚪️ ⚪️ @fat ralphy ⚪️
    13 points
  31. I love how Channel 0 is basically like 8 of us with 6-10 more characters that pop in to support from time to time. Truthfully 12oz has hellllla potential. I enjoyed the brief return of @DRUNKEN ASSHOLE ONER
    13 points
  32. As far as I know (and the attending Doctors) my condition began from acid reflux (GERD) and must have evolved into what is called Barret's esophagus. Essentially, stomach acid eroded the lowest part of the esophagus and cancerous cells grew around the lining. I had not clue this was happening. I rarely ever had heartburn. It wasn't until I had difficulty swallowing food/drink and some intense chest pain that I sought medical advice. At that point it was too late and the cancer had metastasized to other spots (stomach, liver, and lymph nodes). Stage 4 for esophageal adenocarcinoma means surgery and full recovery/remission is no longer possible. My only option was/is chemotherapy. Radiation and immunotherapy would not be effective. My chemotherapy treatments initially began (Jan 2020) with a mix of three intravenous drugs called FOLFOX (Folinic acid, Fluorouracil, and Oxaliplatin) which I was on for 6 months. It was not fun, but those were able to shrink a lot of the growths. During the summer I was on Capcitabine which is an oral chemotherapy drug and had zero side effects. Unfortunately, the medication was not as effective and some spots had growth, so I was put back on intravenous drugs, this time a new drug that targets specific cancer growths (Trastuzumab). It seems to be helping so far, so I will continue on this path for now. My oncologist gave me 1-2 years, but every person is different. 14 months since my diagnosis and I've been doing well. I am back to my original weight (I had lost 30+ lbs). For all I know I could be around another 5 years. Who knows. I can say that in the 14 months of chemo I haven't vomited once. As long as I take the anti-nausea meds around when treatments are scheduled I can manage. I guess that's a plus. 🤷‍♂️
    13 points
  33. Yo, so I was 5 hours late to work today because the forum clock was broken, please fix it.
    13 points
  34. New plant that is already dying I’ll try not to kill. Breakfast game is always strong and hella greasy strangler. Snow in April. Ridiculous New England. (Also latergram aka maybe 2 weeks ago but my life is the same most weekends so applicable) New boots, who diss. Hikes. Though this was hand painted. Was not. Liquor stores will never be the same. Impossible to rob. **bonus perveract** Extra points given to myself since this broads dude was easily 2 ft taller than i. She had them cakes. could not resist.
    13 points
  35. Inspired by @misteraven's 70s-00s thread I started digging into some recently digitized family slides. I was born in Qalandarabad, Pakistan in the Himalayan foothills in 1984 to christian missionaries. Here are a bunch of family pics (mostly embarrassing) and random shit from my childhood over there. Some of these are before my time, order is fucked, and I'll probably slip a duplicate or two in, but you get the idea. Obviously my parents were not photographers... City pics are likely Karachi. Mountain pics are either Murree, Qalandarabad, Abbotabad (where they killed OBL), Rawalpindi, or some random spot in between. People are either my family, family friends, or complete strangers on the backs of some poor animal. I have to assume my love of brown women started here.
    13 points
  36. High School, rolling in my hot pearl raspberry 64 Impala SS. Circa 1989. Press sheets of 12ozProphet issue #6. Circa 1998. Probably my favorite piece I ever did. Go figure that it’s also the only one I ever freestyled and was drunk as shit while I did it. Characters by a very young Os Gemeos. Brazil circa 1998. Framed cover artwork from 12ozProphet issue #3 by Barry McGee circa 1994. Out take artwork for an AKA x Stussy collab that we’d been working on. Circa 2006. Handstyle by Crude Oil (RIP). Some jewelry we shot for Mikimoto in the old AKA studio in Soho. This necklace was 1 of 1 and was $2 million dollars. Not seen is the armed guard that sat watching us the entire time. Mikimoto 1 of 1 ring. Something like $900k. Some photos we did back in the AKA studio days for the Supreme Book. Mark Gonzales artwork (top) and Rammellzee (bottom). Myself and @psm026 Old AKA / 12ozProphet studio in Soho was lit.
    13 points
  37. Haven't released details of this yet, but figured I'd give you guys a first look since this is 12oz. New series I'm playing with that is intended to push the experimental side of the design and production process a bit (here and here). This one is Experiment No.001 and features a Black (tonal) ink, as well as white, fluorescent red, reflective and discharge, which is like printing with bleach instead of ink. Each shirt is individually numbered in an edition of 100 (left bottom side) and also has a little message for Zuck, as well as a QR code link back to the forum like I did with the Forum Reunion tee. Unsure when this will drop, but will be released together with a murdered out, black on black subdued version of the 12oz Stacked Logo tee (also limited). Anyhow, I'll keep you guys posted, but here's some crappy iPhone shots...
    13 points
  38. Thought you guys were proposing we change the name of Channel Zero. Was about to start ban hammering the fuck outta people.
    13 points
  39. 13 points
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