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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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12 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

i know a lot of people think it's just mass hysteria, and mind you i have never known a single soul to catch it, but cases here are seriously recordbreakingly on the rise.


I know a handful of people that have had it. One friend of a friend of a friend idiot caught it twice, I don't know how this guy didn't die. He shoves alcohol and blow into his body like it's going out of style and had an issue with pissing blood before he caught it. Somehow he made it... twice.


It's definitely real. We have turned this into a political game in the US instead of treating it like a virus that needs to be eradicated. We sit and go back and forth about how whether or not it's the government's job to take control and make people wear masks, close shit down, etc. So this is where we are now.;


Honestly I'm tired of it all. I'm doing my part, only going out when absolutely needed, still buying food in bulk and cooking at home, etc. That's all you can do. I just wish these idiots that you see at the bar/club would do the same.

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40 minutes ago, misteraven said:

point still stands. 

Could be that one state is surging at a higher rate than the other two




oldish data, not updated since 5:30 last night. 






Or it could be that it was predicted that TX would surpass CA and now it’s happening so it’s being reported




A one month old chart, 10/15




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I've been blithely wandering around thinking my state was covid free but we've got 17 cases.


How bad is it going to be in 10 years time when health insurers are going to start cutting included cover for respiratory ailments.

Premiums will be going up like a mofo because you lived in New York City in 2020.


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1 hour ago, Schnitzel said:


I've been blithely wandering around thinking my state was covid free but we've got 17 cases.


How bad is it going to be in 10 years time when health insurers are going to start cutting included cover for respiratory ailments.

Premiums will be going up like a mofo because you lived in New York City in 2020.



this is 100% gonna be a preexisting condition someday. freedom! 

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8 hours ago, Elena Delle Donne said:

it's been very satisfying to see the various geniuses who were saying "corona will go away when biden is elected! it was designed to damage my sweet baby president!" get real quiet as we continue to talk about this ongoing avoidable disaster and it only gets worse 

maybe, maybe not. He’s not in office yet, so jury is still out as far as possible m concerned. 

being honest, I’m really not sure. I know one person personally that had it for sure and he only knew after mandatory testing and said he’s not sure he felt anything except maybe things tasted off.

two other people I know of, didn’t know them directly. one died, but it’s all been here say as far as details. I know several people directly that died this year (2020 has been pretty nuts) but none had anything to do with Covid. I keep hearing about this or that, but have seen zero for myself except a lot of lost jobs and tons of news articles that point to Trump being responsible for all of it. 

as such, I’m personally not sold on it, which doesn’t mean that none of its true. As stated, jury is still out from where I sit. 


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2 hours ago, misteraven said:

maybe, maybe not. He’s not in office yet, so jury is still out as far as possible m concerned. 

being honest, I’m really not sure. I know one person personally that had it for sure and he only knew after mandatory testing and said he’s not sure he felt anything except maybe things tasted off.

two other people I know of, didn’t know them directly. one died, but it’s all been here say as far as details. I know several people directly that died this year (2020 has been pretty nuts) but none had anything to do with Covid. I keep hearing about this or that, but have seen zero for myself except a lot of lost jobs and tons of news articles that point to Trump being responsible for all of it. 

as such, I’m personally not sold on it, which doesn’t mean that none of its true. As stated, jury is still out from where I sit. 



i mean we're going to have some kind of vaccine this spring. that was estimated earlier this year and early in this pandemic; has nothing to do with who's president, though. [donald trump could have run on "there's gonna be a vaccine, we're doing a great job and i did it" but he refused to acknowledge that it was a thing until he got intubed]


and i'd say that due to your relatively remote location, you're likely to simply not see much of it. 

Edited by Elena Delle Donne
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2 minutes ago, Elena Delle Donne said:


i mean we're going to have some kind of vaccine this spring. that was estimated earlier this year and early in this pandemic; has nothing to do with who's president, though. [donald trump could have run on "there's gonna be a vaccine, we're doing a great job and i did it" but he refused to acknowledge that it was a thing until he got intubed]


and i'd say that due to your relatively remote location, you're likely to simply not see much of it. 

our local population of full time residents is around 5,000. With tourism, it peaks at 50,000. there’s actually bidding wars on periphery for the first time since anyone can remember because so many rich people are coming in from CA and NYC (mostly CA). 

it’s not the usual rural situation and there’s a huge spike in infections being reported. just not seeing anything about sick people and though the death count has ticked up, I think it’s like low 20s overall. So a fraction of 1% assuming it’s all true, which pretty much follows the overall national average. 

again, I can very well be absolutely wrong but so far this isn’t anything like the Spanish Flu, which is was initially compared to early on. CDC has changed their position radically on a couple key points. General MSM has absolutely sensationalized this entire situation. Politicians have mostly politicized this entire situation. Nobody has a straight answer on anything or we wouldn’t still be discussing it in the context we are. Death count is still a mouse fart and when the last “surge” was being called out by the MSM, we saw a lot of hospitals lay off staff cause they were empty. 

At this point, to not be skeptical of the shit you’re being told by both media and government just shows how easily you can be manipulated in my opinion. Not the same thing as being all lies, but far from trustworthy and accurate. 

Suggest people go back through this thread and look at old links (if they’re even active) and review what’s been said and judge it from hindsight. What I’m seeing now sounds an awfully lot like “isolate for two weeks to flatten the curve” and we saw what that became. 

Believe what you want and govern yourself accordingly. Personally I’ve grown to enjoy masking up in public and have engineered my entire life around distancing from people. Still not sold on the idea that this virus is a killer of real significance that justifies the trillions in lost money and productivity as well as all the consequences of that. But that’s just my opinion and I welcome anyone to prove me wrong on it. 

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Just a thought I recently conjured up as one of those 'what if - conspiracy theories.   Which my post in short but you get the idea.

So basically Trump disrupted a lot of the global economy with tariffs and such, backed out of geopolitical groups, swamp cleaning, ect, ect, ect...


Anyhow, there was a lot of financial disruption and a lot of people didn't like that. 

So could it be possible china took one for the team and did release a virus around election year (biological coup), along with engineered civil unrest  (alternative coups) just to name a few to as a tool to de-throne Trump?  


Honestly, it does seem very plausible, specially considering draining the swamp thing.  

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48 minutes ago, ndv said:

Just a thought I recently conjured up as one of those 'what if - conspiracy theories.   Which my post in short but you get the idea.

So basically Trump disrupted a lot of the global economy with tariffs and such, backed out of geopolitical groups, swamp cleaning, ect, ect, ect...


Anyhow, there was a lot of financial disruption and a lot of people didn't like that. 

So could it be possible china took one for the team and did release a virus around election year (biological coup), along with engineered civil unrest  (alternative coups) just to name a few to as a tool to de-throne Trump?  


Honestly, it does seem very plausible, specially considering draining the swamp thing.  


Yeah, we can go through rabbit holes all day long and there isn't likely ever going to be a true smoking gun. We know that even with a smoking gun, shit gets spun and then devolves into the same old tired partisan debates. Likewise, we can look at all kinds of recognized precedents that show what level and what extent governments (including out own) will go to to get what they want. When there's literally trillions of dollars at stake, I doubt any of us can fully fathom to what extent an ambitious party with expansive resources would go to.


So yes, absolutely possible. True... Who knows, but its a reasonable theory if anyone takes a look at history.

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On 11/12/2020 at 9:03 AM, misteraven said:

 Personally I’ve grown to enjoy masking up in public and have engineered my entire life around distancing from people. Still not sold on the idea that this virus is a killer of real significance that justifies the trillions in lost money and productivity as well as all the consequences of that. But that’s just my opinion and I welcome anyone to prove me wrong on it. 

It's funny you say this.  I don't like the masks at all except for the anonymous aspect of them.  I was just discussing with my gf this morning about how I think a lot of people on 12oz are ok w/ the masks because of the fact that it hides their face, not necessarily because anyone thinks they're protecting anyone.


I still say a dust mask doesn't do shit.  If we were "really protecting eachother" from this "deadly virus" we'd be wearing hepa filters on both inlet and outlet gases that we breathe while out in public.


Fact of the matter is, the yard worker dust mask that all the white knights are wearing to "protect me because they care" actually just shows how retarded they are about science and how particle physics works.  I'm not an expert but I would think that if these kinds of masks protect anyone from anything then you'd see the dudes dealing w/ Ebola using these and being like it's cool we're protected.  But no, since they're dealing with things that are actually dangerous, observe how the ingress of oxygen and egress of co2 happens in those suits.


THAT is safe.

I do like not showing my face out in public though, i'm kinda ok with that but I hate the fact that our nation looks like China when you go outside now.... because fuck Chinafornia.

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9 hours ago, ndv said:

Just a thought I recently conjured up as one of those 'what if - conspiracy theories.   Which my post in short but you get the idea.

So basically Trump disrupted a lot of the global economy with tariffs and such, backed out of geopolitical groups, swamp cleaning, ect, ect, ect...


Anyhow, there was a lot of financial disruption and a lot of people didn't like that. 

So could it be possible china took one for the team and did release a virus around election year (biological coup), along with engineered civil unrest  (alternative coups) just to name a few to as a tool to de-throne Trump?  


Honestly, it does seem very plausible, specially considering draining the swamp thing.  


i mean "drain the swamp" didn't happen unless you believe in Qanon drops. government agencies just got abandoned to institutional rot as the republicans played a favorite game: defund and brain drain and then point at an organization of any kind and say "see, it's not working." they appointed lobbyists and corporate execs to oversee the agencies that allegedly regulated them. steven fucking mnuchin! dc's trump hotel became the oozing center of the swamp, a place where influence and favor was traded and curried in side rooms; nations rented out blocks of rooms for weeks, leaving them vacant, to gain a sympathetic ear with the president. look at the 2016 inauguration! his presidency was an incredible onslaught of grift that we'll never know the extent of. there was just too much at once. 


that said—i am on board with this being a chinese bioweapon. but i don't think they would have released it to take care of trump. china could control him; the next four years of a trump presidency would have been good for them. he and mitch mcconnell and his chinese shipping magnate wife would've kept selling americans down the river and smiling about it.  

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8 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

It's funny you say this.  I don't like the masks at all except for the anonymous aspect of them.  I was just discussing with my gf this morning about how I think a lot of people on 12oz are ok w/ the masks because of the fact that it hides their face, not necessarily because anyone thinks they're protecting anyone.


I still say a dust mask doesn't do shit.  If we were "really protecting eachother" from this "deadly virus" we'd be wearing hepa filters on both inlet and outlet gases that we breathe while out in public.


Fact of the matter is, the yard worker dust mask that all the white knights are wearing to "protect me because they care" actually just shows how retarded they are about science and how particle physics works.  I'm not an expert but I would think that if these kinds of masks protect anyone from anything then you'd see the dudes dealing w/ Ebola using these and being like it's cool we're protected.  But no, since they're dealing with things that are actually dangerous, observe how the ingress of oxygen and egress of co2 happens in those suits.


THAT is safe.

I do like not showing my face out in public though, i'm kinda ok with that but I hate the fact that our nation looks like China when you go outside now.... because fuck Chinafornia.


undoubtedly masks that aren't N95s/aren't filtered, leak. but they're better than nothing? i think that's the point. you need to breathe in thousands of viral particles to get sick and that becomes harder when one or both parties are wearing a mask, even a cotton one. you don't project spit or aerosols as far when you talk through a mask. masks are a relatively cheap and scalable effort to temporarily make things less bad. 

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So we have been social distancing and wearing masks since may and covid is on the rise again.   So clearly these non medical grade face coverings are senseless, social distancing is a joke, our workplace is where the spread is happening.  


I am banking on all three aforementioned not effective, MSM is bs, or the health industry is forging cases to collect.   


Anyone of you have an opinion on this second rise?  



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nobody has been listening to shit.. theres a group on fb called "stay open stay strong illinois" and its a bunch of karens basically dry snitching on all of the restauraunts that are refusing to close and defy orders.. the ironic thing about it is that its not even for support of the industry or small businesses theyre defying orders cause they wanna bitch and moan about "MaH LiBuRtEeZ MaH OpPrEsHuN" which is fucking stupid.. ive had a couple friends thats been out and about and whos gotten it recently.. what a shocker.. others are on this self righteous "you dont pay mah bills you dont tell meh what ta doooo" shit as well.. 🙄


honestly, this is my theory here, with winter coming up people always complain about being out in the cold or driving in the snow right..? with numbers rising again and it getting cold and like nothing being fuckin open anymore i hope that both whatever stay at home orders are going on in each state and the fact that people are gonna be like "brrr its cold ima stay in" and through the winter we crush these numbers down, FOR REAL this time.. this shits getting really fucking annoying...

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11 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:

devastated my state has started to rise in case numbers again.

Only 17 cases but it was enough to slam the borders west closed again.


And to fuck my plans to go to auckland for the work christmas  party.


Man, that sucks, I thought it was just the other day that @Hua Guofangwas trying to drag his nuts all over the place here talking about how things were going great over there "because of the fantastic leadership".


I hope you and the fam are ok, you know sideways shit w/ Hua aside. 😉

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5 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

Is it possible that covid and the flu are being detected in the recent testing? I don’t know the science behind any of it at all, but it’s flu season, and flu cases appear to be lower as well


"It's flu season, don't forget to come get your govt mandated flu shot."  😉 😉 😉

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