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Ok , I once got tricked into playing that Magic The Gathering game . I wasn't too happy with my friend Josh . Came over to pick his non-driving ass up , and there he is sitting artound with a bunch of dorks playing it...well I got bamboozled into wasting 5 hours of my life with that shit . hahahahahaha .

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Just heard this for the first time the other day.

They are like the new Slits!







I'm singing it right now at work.



edit: I too, love my mom.


i have no idea what youre talking about...im still on file one of two. its all about jique now and sayin fuck rapidshare.

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i have no idea what youre talking about...im still on file one of two. its all about jique now and sayin fuck rapidshare.


They have this one slow jam were that^^ is the chorus

and all they talk about is sex and weed.


And its all cutesy sounding.

The song made my day when I first heard it.

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I've done...


-Tabletop Games (Warmachine.... I still do, infact)


-Realized that "Grandmofftarkin" was a star wars reference when I saw it.


-Take screenshots of stuff in computer games


-I ALMOST made a full stormtrooper costume out of stuff... look at it here.


-Swindled people into looking at Tubgirl


-Have internet friends, that I tell people about in real life.




That's all I can think of right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

wow, bump from the past.


comics, space nerd, archaeology nerd (so bad that in 7th-10th grade I was checking out

books from the college library b/c the normal stuff bored me), doom 1 was my favorite game

for the 486, big computer dork since my fam bought an ADAM computer (tape drive, all that) in

1985, made love to a girl and thought about teh h4x.




I rock.



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What are some of the dorkiest things you do/ have done in life? Here's a few of mine:


1. Played in Laser Tag tournaments as an adult.

2. Played Dungeons and Dragons religiously through my teen years.

3. Built a custom action figure so it would be more movie accurate.

4. Created a Wikipedia page.

5. Transformers


star wars

magic the gathering

generally being socially inept

used to fruitboot for like a year

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- Would pass on sex to go bomb/smoke weed

- Frequent 12oz since the tender age of 15

- Tried D&D more than once... and enjoyed it

- Pokemon (games) were awesome

- Like to escape from reality thru sci-fi movies/tv shows


After reading all these posts tho this seems kinda standard so I dont feel so dorky anymore. Thanks Ch0 !!!

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-i play video games all the time..


-when i was real REAL little, like 4 years old or someshit i used to take off all my clothes and run around town.butt naked haha.like jumpin on cars and shit i didnt give a fuck.one time i got my mom in trouble because i crossed the highway in my underwear so i could go to the gas station to get a soda and the cops pulled up and took me home haha.that was my first run in with the laws...at four.FUCK YALL NIGGAS.


-i used to be into werewolves and vampires and shit.and would wear sunglasses inside and at night.even though i cant see for shit.


-i used to rock these ugly ass walmart shoes.like 3 dollar kicks i got outta bargain bin haha.they were slipons.and on the tag it said "made with genuine leather" and at the time i didnt know that all shoes were made of leather so when some guy in school accidently stepped on them in school i did what everyone else would have done in that situation and got into a fist fight with the kid in the middle of the hallway...talking bout "HEY FOOL THIS SHIT IS GENUINE LEATHER,BACK THE FUCK OFF"


-my mom used to hide all the kitchen knives from me because when i was little (like3 to 7) i would try and cut myself with them.not on some emo shit or anything,i just really thought scars were cool,so when i would walk to school instead of knives i would carry around this screwdriver and shit.and when people would try to jump me or rob me or anything like that i would pull out this screwdriver and shit.i remember running into these big ass black fools,like 6 foot tall and shit,trying to take my bookbag and i pulled out this screwdriver on them,it was pink too haha,and those fools just laughed at me and ended up punching me in the face and bustin up my glasses.that was in middle school too,like sixth grade maybe.


-i used to wear harry potter style glasses,like before the book even came out haha.


-i still watch cartoons to this day.like nicktoons and all that shit.just got done watching avatar the last airbender.fuck what you niggas thank.


-i never owned a belt so i would take shoe strings and tie up my dickies that way.like i would pull them through the loops on the side and tie the string in a not so that they would stay up.


-i wore skinny jeans before they were cool.in fifth grade i was doing that shit haha.i always had highwaters on.not because i wanted to but because my mom was too cheap to go buy me new jeans so i would end up wearing my jeans way after i had outgrown them..


my first girlfriend seduced me with balogna.i wasnt too in to her at the time and she came up to my screendoor asking if i wanted to go out with her and i was like "no" and then she pulls out a piece of lunchmeat and was all like "but i got balooognaa" i was sold after that haha.


-i used to rock a cadillac necklace and think it was cool...it wasnt.


-i used to sell rocks.not crack rocks but actual rocks.when i was really little i used to find rocks and try to clean them up and sell them to people.i would put them in my little red wagon and carry them around my neighborhood knocking on peoples doors and shit.asking them "you wanna buy some rocks?" it didnt go over so well...


-i once tore my bed apart and nailed it to a tree so that i could make a lemonade stand...my mom beat the shit outta me for it.


-in 2nd grade i would hang around the basket ball court and after the games i would go to the court and pick up all the loose change people would drop when they would play.i made like 60 bucks over the summer doing that shit.its actually not a bad racket hahah.




more to come if i can think of anything...


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Bought a filing cabinet to save every receipt and bank statement I have ever received 10 years ago, still in my apt today.


Wear un-matching argyle socks on purpose everyday (reaction at airport)


80’s new wave music trivia master. (I just punched myself in the face for acknowledging that to myself)


Stamps, coins, old bills matchbooks tiny condiments from hotel room service.


Bought hair clips around the world for my sister in evey major city ive been to.


Always use spell check.




I could go for days ill be sure to be back…..

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i got kicked out of mcdonalds for stealing ketchup from them.i would go in and try to fill up my ketchup bottle with ketchup and go back home..i didnt even buy anything i would just start pumping away with the ketchup and then the lady at the cash register was all like "sir you need to leave or i'll have to get the manager'





so now im forced to steal all my condiments from burgerking and taco bell...

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