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Jimmy Jump

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  1. Dee, everytime i roll through here, something of yours always seems to catch my eye. do you do trades? how about with a random 12oz'r? hollar if you're willing or interested. Thanks.
  2. nice. the second time i went to watch dolls, i snapped the dvd in half trying to get it out of the case. i was so pissed i considered writing an angry letter to the distributor fuck (i think this is the second time im posting about this, too) anyway... (based on a haruki marukami short story) and im sure its been mentioned but im watching it now__
  3. DOLLS don't buy it though, there's something wrong with the case. i broke the dvd trying to get it out for a second watching. :mad2:
  4. yes, you do...several slow scenes but dillon is great as bukowski
  5. i thought the ending was great for the movie...he starts seeing his kid in everybody and lets the viewer fill in his nearing collapse (well thats how i see it playing out). bill murray is one of my favorite actors too and i dig him in these "artsy flicks" because, like roger ebert said, dude is one of the best actors at doing nothing on camera. :lol:
  7. (8"x11" watercolor_acrylic_ink) nice work dee.
  8. id love to but unfortunately my funds are tied up in replenishing Jimmy Jump's ...ummm... growing.... stash of euro paint.
  9. i really liked the first Kem piece (the "bugs on the lightbox" one). there seems to be a lot more going on with the placement of the items than "because it looked cool". the rusted cans, the empty bottle, what i would like to think is used condoms (or better yet unwrapped condoms to give the impression of used) in the jar: they appear as possible remnants of a wasted life taken in with all the insects (cockroach especially) attracted to the manufactured light and the bottle of poison with no visible signs of decay. anyways thats something that i would display along with the Chris Silva canvases.
  10. i dont know if it comes standard or not, but get a firewall or some sort of internet protection program.
  11. check out Quicksilver jeans. most washes are around $60. Quicksilver.com
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