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Harpo Marx

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  1. And ah, where would we be without the obligatory diagram of the Hegelian model.
  2. Yeah. I know that just because I'm majoring in philosophy it doesn't make me an absolute authority, but what's going on with that page is all sorts of crap. It treats art as some form that's adherent to some inherent and common definition, while it's just some odd character forcing some objective stance on it. I'm all for using philosophy as a tool for understanding and exercising one's reason, but dumping high flying terms on everything that exists is just a complete waste of time. I realize there's a place for criticism in art in terms of historical context and its relationship to culture, etc. but to explain and define in such a particularly obtuse way just ends up moving everyone away from the initial point of looking at art in the first place.
  3. The design/fill in the white space in that first one is on point.
  4. I've got The Y2K 7'' from their European tour a while back. I also have the downpour 5'' and their split with coalesce on red. other stuff: Lincoln 7'', Piebald stuff starting with their first demo tape up to when life hands you lemons, a bunch of Usurp Synapse (including that ridiculous penis tour record), both of A Trillion Barnacle Lapse's hardcore 7''s, the first Daughters 7''... and a few other random things
  5. Would anyone here be at all remotely interested in hardcore records such as Saetia, Volume 11, Converge, Orchid, etc. I'm not looking to make bank, just giving them a proper home. PM if insterested
  6. A lamp post drawn in squiggly lines is not an abstract lamp post, it is merely a poorly drawn lamp post.
  7. Just so there's no confusion, I didn't do that page, Beardo was kind enough to.
  8. Why make us look if you won't bother to put any time or effort into it? This is 100% repeating what everyone else is saying but instead of making a million half assed outlines, scanning them and posting them in pretty much every sketch thread, take that time to work on only one. Slowly and thoughtfully, otherwise you're wasting your time posting rushed and shitty work and you're forcing us all to look at it. If you don't even give yourself a chance to do what you're most likely capable of then you'll have no possibility to progress or make any sort of changes. Slow down then maybe people can offer some other forms of criticism.
  9. it's not working for me either. It appears Noble's site is cursed with ghosts!
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