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  1. Mensa


    Props for getting him out. Are they still going to CA? Because hahahahaha... Your landlord rocks
  2. God dammit, I was honestly going to post that exact same thing. Beaten on the first post. For real though In-n-out burger + mcdonalds fries. I'm about it.
  3. Mensa

    google earth

    Google earth noodz http://googlesightseeing.com/2006/11/28/top-10-naked-people-on-google-earth/
  4. Good morning 12oz. I was just at the dentist. Wasn't bad.
  5. Hells yeah, i was just going to post this. The super-concentrated version is dope. Burrrns
  6. pics or it didn't happen. And yes.... vag punch for sure
  7. Alright, what advantages do you think there are?
  8. This is true, if you view "helping" someone as throwing money/whatever at them. It's that act that takes away the incentive to work, as i'll be addressing later on... In my mind, it's disrespectful to throw money at someone. It insinuates that they can't make it on their own, which is insulting. I have two responses to this A. People have tried and failed to start businesses for years, through all of history. And really, is the problem actually solved by giving people a handout? A better way to decrease the risk of your business failing would be decreasing your losses. We Need Tax Reform. B. What's to stop them from getting employed? Why do they have to "start a business"? For point 3: see my "A" response. For point 4: "more willing"... maybe, but we really need to see evidence that they actually do if that claim holds any weight whatsoever. and... IsayedGIT is on point.
  9. I'm not so sure about it being "evolution at work" because the entire "survival of the fittest" concept would fuck these people over big time. Sure they might "interact with their surroundings", but they don't have an advantage over the "normal" people. The concept of evolution is based around mutations (autism, in this case) providing an advantage to the people effected. Not so. SO: It might be "evolution" as in a mutation, but it's not "evolution" in the fact that the mutated (that feels harsh) are not given any particular advantage.
  10. Mams, that "in my language video" is pretty crazy.
  11. i've been saying food network is dope for a long time. Bobby Flay's the man. /nh
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