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wayne hits

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wayne hits last won the day on September 12 2009

wayne hits had the most liked content!


66 Excellent
  1. he got banned? he sounded like hed be so cute;)
  2. SAN FRAN the city of big gay DaNcE n' GrAfF!!!
  3. Third World is the very first music i remember listening to as a kid. Sense of Purpose. i like burning spear alot.
  4. you are my least favorite n00b on here. well besides toecutters.
  5. maybe the internet isn't for you. EDIT*table scraps
  6. i would like to hear table scraps talk in real life.
  7. learn to CONJUGATE A SENTANCE fag.
  8. i got shitfaced an posted on 12oz. now im finding comments that don't make sense, that i don't remember.
  9. ive never heard of much less seen a juggalo, but if i did i would punch it in the head.
  10. check out the toys on this fucking board http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=121124
  11. wayne hits


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