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Dear someone with a bigger imagination than myself,


My girlfriend at work gave me her card from her phone to pull some pictuires off it for a little project. I came across this picture, and am puzzled. She does do waxing, (face and body), so it's obvious this is hairy body parts getting waxed...but I'm not sure which part.

Anyone recognize this? I have an idea, but something still doesnt look right.


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Dear Summer,


Listen here summer baby, I just believe it's the right thing to do

I gotta brand new bitch, corporate America

She showing me a lot of action right now

And I know you put me on my feet and all, but

I mean, it's time for me to grow

You gotta let me go baby, you gotta let me go


I'm done for now, so one for now

Possibly forever, we had fun together

But like all good things, we must come to an end



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Dear 12 oz friends,


Thank you all for the congrats!!! We just got back form our honeymoon, a week in Aruba, all inclusive.

Pics will be posted as soon as we can upload them, got nearly 500 so i won't post all of them.

There's a lot of fuckin iguanas down there... and free booze!!! It'll be hard to slow back down after startin at 11 am daily.



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Dear bfish,


thank you again so much for inviting me to your wedding!

you guys make an awesome couple.

the wedding was awesome, the food was great, and you have really cute homegirls! (and cousin) :)

enjoy your honeymoon, you deserve it!!




dear suki,


those were nectarines, not peaches. :)




dear SM,


definitely a gooch.



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Dear good friend's wife,



SHUT THE FUCK UP. Stop being so overly fucking joyful about everything on facebook. Specifically, "My hubby!!" "My love!" "Je t'aime ________ ♥" " Hello my friends! Hehehe!"


You're always tired. Like a fucking four year old wanting to be carried you suddenly buzzkill on the entire night. And always right before we're about to 'kick shit up a notch'


And you got fat.


Your two 24min walks on the treadmill vs your daily intake of 8 zebra cakes





Sincerely your good friend,




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Dear world (A follow up),


Thanks for getting rid of crackhead across the street temporarily. Eventually his fat

ass baby mama will kick him out and he'll be right back across the street at his stupid

parents house. Oh, and thanks for replacing him with his older crackhead prison brother.

I will shoot that fucker if he even looks like he's going to fuck with my shit. Fuck some police. They will be useful cleaning up the mess I make with that motherfucker.


I'm going to work out and listen to death metal.






P.S.- Congrats Bfish and husband. You sure do make a cute bride.

Also, congrats Redeyed. I saw your pics on FB. Honeymoon looked


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