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methamphetamyne last won the day on September 9 2011

methamphetamyne had the most liked content!


267 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. At work. Sitting inside a trailer in the middle of the desert.
  2. Second day in Tucson. Currently relaxing by the pool after a night in downtown.
  3. Days in Pie actually makes me want to keep posting, not gonna lie. Especially not having any sorts of social media. I’ll be slowly gearing toward a more active approach to this site again. Anyway, here’s a pic from this past weekend; somewhere in downtown Phoenix. As the wife said, “go look at the bathroom for the cumshot wallpaper.”
  4. I’ll find time to be here more frequently. Last time I checked in I was living in SoCal, but currently living in AZ. 1.5 years now, I think… and I dislike it.
  5. I’m never too far from here, honestly. This place lingers in the back of my head.
  6. quietly browsing AirBnb for a short getaway weekend soon
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