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Are hard drugs chill if you use them in a controlled, responsible fashion, or na???

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I am a avid Breakfast Club listener (thats black radio for those who don't know lol) and every now and again something comes along topic wise, I wish everyone i know would talk about more and this one I was especially interested in. Wanted to bring it to yall because I know a lot of mf's in here have either dabbled or had a problem at some point and if not, you definitely know someone who has. Personally, my stance on the matter has always been kind of cut throat and hasn't really changed much. Idgaf what the junkies do or why or how, just keep that shit to yourself and stay out my face in these streets. Now that I have become aware of shit like agorism and voluntaryism all kinds of shit i've always believed in make more sense now with how many fucks i have about things like this and why SO MANY people fucking care what other people do. We're all brainwashed to some level about drugs and the levels of extremism on "what they do to communities" or people in general. I am guilty of this for sure. This dudes book sheds light on a lot of interesting shit and he's caught massive flack from media for obvious reasons because most people cannot wrap their heads around responsible drug use or they just refuse to think it's even possible. The interview disappoints me as a huge listener but i already knew how much these dudes wouldn't understand what the dr. is trying to say about the shit. 


So the question of the thread is the same the radio people asked the public? They asked for people to call up and share if they use hard drugs regularly and maintain a career. Do you think it's possible to have a work life balance that involves serious drug use in a controlled manner? lol I know you extra private ass for no ass reason people probably wont say but maybe you could weigh in if you think na or not. The interview is so corny the way dudes are just not hearing his stance and have such close minds to the ideology. Idk. Just thought i'd share my thoughts and what'yall think. 



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I used to do a lot of uppers. Cocaine is prevalent in many professional circles.


I met this cat years ago. He was interesting. He had a wife and a couple kids. He really really liked drugs. He liked drugs to the point that he started frivolously applying for disability so that he could quit his job and just get fucked up all day. He was finally granted disability benefits and this was right around the time I met him. He had been trying to get approved for the better part of a decade.


Well anyway his wife wouldnt let him do drugs in the house or around the kids. So he built a shed in his backyard to get fucked up in. It was fairly large and there was enough room in there for some couches and recliners. It seated like 6 or 7 comfortably. But the guy would just get slam fucked up all damn night in his shed. When 7 am rolled around he would go inside and cook his kids breakfast high as gas and send them off to school. He would crash out all day while they were gone. When they got home from school he would greet them clear headed, help them with their homework, and do family shit. Then when the kids were put to sleep, it was back out to the shed. I would say he was maintaining fairly well.

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26 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

I used to do a lot of uppers. Cocaine is prevalent in many professional circles.


I met this cat years ago. He was interesting. He had a wife and a couple kids. He really really liked drugs. He liked drugs to the point that he started frivolously applying for disability so that he could quit his job and just get fucked up all day. He was finally granted disability benefits and this was right around the time I met him. He had been trying to get approved for the better part of a decade.


Well anyway his wife wouldnt let him do drugs in the house or around the kids. So he built a shed in his backyard to get fucked up in. It was fairly large and there was enough room in there for some couches and recliners. It seated like 6 or 7 comfortably. But the guy would just get slam fucked up all damn night in his shed. When 7 am rolled around he would go inside and cook his kids breakfast high as gas and send them off to school. He would crash out all day while they were gone. When they got home from school he would greet them clear headed, help them with their homework, and do family shit. Then when the kids were put to sleep, it was back out to the shed. I would say he was maintaining fairly well.

Would be interesting to know how he is maintaining today.

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Only drugs to take at my point in life is cocaine.
price means I use it in a controlled responsible fashion (or take other people's) but even so it's been 18 months.


though I've been tempted to dabble in mushrooms for a little spice in my otherwise humdrum existence.


when I worked in kitchens I took a halfweight (split between a couple of capsules) of amphetamines each day.

half about 8:00 and half about 12:30.


 but that got really old after a couple of years.





Edited by Schnitzel
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this interview! touches on much of why the breakfast club gets on my nerves. still entertaining though. no shade to you noes


my perspective on this is informed by a few things—i have friends who are active and former "soft" and hard drug users, friends who used 'til it killed them, and am in recovery myself for alcohol, not for drugs. i never had a big drug habit really. little weed, some oxy when i could get it. 


a lot of the drug debate ("debate" : should we penalize and criminalize drug users into the ground or treat them better with things like supervised injection sites) is a series of morality and not-in-my-backyard type arguments applied mainly to the habits of desperate people whose lives have been ruined by addiction. they are unsurprisingly bad at actually changing drug consumption habits. naturally this morality/superiority is pervasive in american culture because there is nothing we love more than castigating people. 


aside: the dirty secret of addiction and recovery (and the rehab industry) is we know nothing about how to get people off drugs when they love them and have a problem. we really don't understand addiction or alcoholism at all; i am in a 12 step program but the long term success rate is like 5%, depending on what studies you look at. it's wild. 




i believe it's possible to use "hard" drugs and still perform at work and in your personal life. (don't use any heavy machinery, maybe.) i don't know how likely it is, and thats the important line here. and the author is 100% right that alcohol and other substances are addictive and harmful, despite being legal. in my experience, it is unlikely at best that you can use hard drugs and still maintain important aspects of your life, but it is possible. especially if you modify these other aspects of your life to fit your use. is that addiction? is that sustainable? an individual question. 


i could never use/drink and work, or maintain relationships, or even walk safely, really. can't trust me. 

Edited by Elena Delle Donne
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8 hours ago, LUGR said:

Would be interesting to know how he is maintaining today.


Ive often wondered that. I only met the dude twice like 13 years ago and he left an impression on me that I still remember his name. Also at this point his kids would be in their early 20s I would imagine. 


I also wonder how the husband and wifes entire relationship started and unfolded to what it became. I wonder if they both got fucked up together, then she got pregnant and had to clean up and he just kept on his mission.

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I don't believe that anyone can use any hard drug without becoming an addict. Being an addict is nearly defined by irresponsibility. 

I struggled myself and was smart enough to cut off ALL of the people in life that wouldn't propel me forward and up.  Many of them are still losers to this day and will be for the remainder of their lives. 

There are so many better things to spend your time, resources, and efforts on than doing drugs. 

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I have friends that still drink and do cocaine multiple times a week and get up and go to work and lead normal lives. I also have friends that dabble in hallucinogens and are fine.

Some of these people manage dealerships, work in hospitals, have masters degrees.. as long as your “responsibilities” are taken care of, who gives a fuck. If you’re feeling holier than thou about the way others chose to live in their free time, keep your bullshit to yourself.

Alcohol is a fucking hard drug and nobody bats an eye at the average user of it. Alcohol can seriously fuck your life up and yet it’s incredibly socially acceptable and often encouraged.


TLDR; TCOB and who gives a fuck after that.

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As long you're not fucking up anyone else's life (that didn't volunteer for it) your boy Mercer will always put some respect on your name no matter what. I mean if you're about living that life it's on you, for me it would be a waste but what's good for me sure as fuck isn't how I expect other people to live.


I've tried just about anything you can think of including shit I don't even know what it was lol. Only physical addiction was tobacco. As far as mental addictions go, I've had an almost life long mental addiction to weed that I still enjoy, and a bunch of other non drug shit that were full blown addictions like graffiti, snowboarding, and other shit that didn't let me start an actual career, or keep a job for long until I was in my 30's. 


Kind of hard to accomplish certain things like successful friendships, good marriage, raising kids but that doesn't mean they're mandatory goals, or impossible for an addict to accomplish either. Less important stuff like earning money, and being productive is also fully possible and quite frankly the norm. That said, none of that shit is anyone else's business but your own, unless you've committed to a partner, or a family. That's when that respect starts coming off your name. Not so much because you do drugs, just based on how you're treating your family. To me that's everything, if you're not taking care of your own family, traumatizing them I just can't fuck with you until I'm convinced you're trying to fix it.

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35 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

Some of these people manage dealerships, work in hospitals, have masters degrees.. as long as your “responsibilities” are taken care of, who gives a fuck. 


I think it’s a terrible idea that leads nowhere good but it’s hard to argue with that. I question how many people can really pull that off long term though 

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Been shitfaced for a more than a decade now. Most of my circles dabble in harddrugs, mainly cocaine, amphetamines and mdma. 

However, i noticed im starting to notice a shift in myself. Im taking less frequently and starting avoiding heavy users. 


Can i borrow 50 bucks by th way

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7 minutes ago, Kults said:

I question how many people can really pull that off long term though 


Think of all the famous people, top of their game that have pulled off insanely difficult shit on Drugs (that you know about) then times that by like a million because 

22 hours ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:


I am a avid Breakfast Club listener (thats black radio for those who don't know lol) and every now and again something comes along topic wise, I wish everyone i know would talk about more and this one I was especially interested in. Wanted to bring it to yall because I know a lot of mf's in here have either dabbled or had a problem at some point and if not, you definitely know someone who has. Personally, my stance on the matter has always been kind of cut throat and hasn't really changed much. Idgaf what the junkies do or why or how, just keep that shit to yourself and stay out my face in these streets. Now that I have become aware of shit like agorism and voluntaryism all kinds of shit i've always believed in make more sense now with how many fucks i have about things like this and why SO MANY people fucking care what other people do. We're all brainwashed to some level about drugs and the levels of extremism on "what they do to communities" or people in general. I am guilty of this for sure. This dudes book sheds light on a lot of interesting shit and he's caught massive flack from media for obvious reasons because most people cannot wrap their heads around responsible drug use or they just refuse to think it's even possible. The interview disappoints me as a huge listener but i already knew how much these dudes wouldn't understand what the dr. is trying to say about the shit. 


So the question of the thread is the same the radio people asked the public? They asked for people to call up and share if they use hard drugs regularly and maintain a career. Do you think it's possible to have a work life balance that involves serious drug use in a controlled manner? lol I know you extra private ass for no ass reason people probably wont say but maybe you could weigh in if you think na or not. The interview is so corny the way dudes are just not hearing his stance and have such close minds to the ideology. Idk. Just thought i'd share my thoughts and what'yall think. 





BTW I saw this on twitter and thought it was amazing. Dude is a recreational heroin user and mad successful. Massive balls to say that considering the field he works in. Propers.

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8 minutes ago, Toiletseat said:

Been shitfaced for a more than a decade now. Most of my circles dabble in harddrugs, mainly cocaine, amphetamines and mdma. 

However, i noticed im starting to notice a shift in myself. Im taking less frequently and starting avoiding heavy users. 


Can i borrow 50 bucks by th way

You are flushing your life down the toilet.


























































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2 minutes ago, Mercer said:


Think of all the famous people, top of their game that have pulled off insanely difficult shit on Drugs (that you know about) then times that by like a million because 



BTW I saw this on twitter and thought it was amazing. Dude is a recreational heroin user and mad successful. Massive balls to say that considering the field he works in. Propers.


I guess you're right. There's got to be some for sure. Think of how many more of those famous people on drugs have crashed and burned though.


I think I'd even posted a meme about that dude awhile back? If not I've seen some and heard about him but always brushed him off as some loon. I'll check it out, if he really is handling his life while being able to use hard drugs recreationally hats off to him. It does take a massive set to be that out front about it and not be worried about a potential career suicide

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literally me rn. 

Hyped to have so many responses. From all angles. Definitely enjoyed the @mr.yuckstory and @Elena Delle Donnewas on the money and @abrasivesaintso many good points. 
I definitely agree with the alcohol thing. Near everyone I know is “addicted” to booze. Yet not a damn nobody scoffs at it even HALF as much as say heroin. Even though it kills far more people every year. Shit, even the government let liquor stores stay open during the height of the scamdemic. 

I don’t necessarily agree or disagree that one could use smack or coke on a regular basis for any extended period of time while also maintaining a “normal” life but people definitely do it. It’s crazy. 

Miles Davis and Nina Simone were “functioning” heroin users for a long time before they weren’t. So was a good friend of mine. We were roommates and brothers for a couple years. Dude was a electrician. Made great money. Was ALWAYS poor but paid rent on time and went to work everyday. We partied normal at bars. Went hiking. Grilled and chilled. I always joked that he was “Rich-Broke” and thought but never said aloud dude was on drugs. Turns out he most definitely was. I told the story over ten years ago on here somewhere in the channel zero archives. Found out dude was on heroin for years and found out hard when I got a call from police telling me some kid overdosed and died on my rent-a-center leather couch. 

So. I guess it’s possible but I’ve never really heard of that type of lifestyle ending or just staying chill forever. Obv because then they’d be dead or something obviously but you get what ims sayin. 

Edited by NightmareOnElmStreet
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