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The 12ozProphet Podcast Discussion


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Could have sworn we had a good podcast thread somewhere but didn’t pop up. This is sort of a different take, so...

Anyhow, I’ve been a fan of podcasts for a while. Used to listen to them a ton when waiting and riding the subway back when I was still in NYC and still regularly listen to them now. I’ve even occasionally linked you guys to podcasts or podcast episodes when they were relevant to a topic.

Lately I started assisting an individual that has a pretty successful podcast (basically his full time gig) that he started after being interviewed by Joe Rogan (another famous podcaster in case you live under a rock).


Over the years I’ve had a lot of people approach me about a 12ozProphet Podcast (nice ring to that), but have sort of dismissed it based on generally being busy as fuck and perpetually behind as is. But I had a conversation the other day with @Grassy Knowlesand another yesterday with @psm026that has me almost convinced on doing this. Right time and maybe right situation. 

I won’t go into full details on my reasoning for doing it, but the short version is that something @Grassy Knowlessaid that resonated... We need to stop relying on what 12oz was and instead start thinking about reinventing 12oz for what it needs to be moving forward. In other words, connecting and creating relevancy in this era. We had an amazing thing back in the day, but that was back in the day. I still believe the forum is important and I still believe that long form, free discussion will become increasingly relevant in the future (this whole global quarantine situation is a sort of wake up to that). I’m unsure what form online discussions will take, but I do believe a podcast is very relevant and becoming even more so and could be a tremendous compliment to the forum, brand and all else. The cost of entry is low and if we can execute at a level 12oz has done historically, we’d probably be ahead of the game. It would circumvent the stupid games and algorithms of social media and allow a very simple and free method to reengage and connect with old and especially new audiences. 

Anyhow, I’m most likely going to give this a shot. I have a very early, very loose idea of what I’d like to do and how I’d like to approach this. I’d love to hear your thoughts and maybe pick your brains a bit on this. Those that really participate in here will be given behind the scenes access to the project as it unfolds. Most likely, we’ll do a few rest episodes as a beta I’ll share with select people for feedback, so if you know anything on the subject or are genuinely interested, join in. 

Again, I’m in the earliest stages of this process but likewise, I’m going to hold back a bit to give me time to process my thoughts and ideas. I’ll also likely move this discussion to a private discussion if we get a good crew and active discussion going in this thread. 

The premise as it stands, is a flexible format, likely including 2 - 3 “hosts” plus guest(s). The subject matter will be varied from expected topics (graffiti, art, etc) to obvious topics (photography, fashion, etc) to timely topics (privacy, politics, etc). I think a big part of the success of Joe Rogan is he’s a representation of the ‘every day man’ that listens to him. Very down to earth and very relatable. I’m considering something similar for the 12ozProphet Podcast. Covering a range of subjects, spoken through a voice and lens that people in our demographic can relate to. Same way we were covering broader social topics back in the day (Think the Os Gemeos) interview which was little to do with graffiti if you actually read it), I’d like to keep exploring from that direction. Because 12ozProphet Magazine was actually inspired by Magazines like George, Colors and Wired, we were sort of trying to do something along the lines of Vice, long before Vice existed. Anyhow, it’s early in the process and m sort of brainstorming out loud right now, but this is where I’m at and how I’m currently thinking about it. 

I welcome your feedback, ideas, references, suggestions, insights, knowledge on this. Here’s your chance to speak up and perhaps influence a whole new direction for 12ozProphet. 

Thanks for reading and hearing me out. 

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2 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

I love the idea.

@misteraven are you familiar with Legends Thursday? I would use that as the baseline standard for what a rap letter podcast ought to be. The Alski Show is hit or miss, but I, in general, have a hard time listening to people that are that "new york"...

I can google it, but might as well drop links for everyone. Glad you like the idea, hopefully we can bring this concept to life. 

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I think this is a dope idea. Especially rotating hosts that cover a variety of topics. I feel a lot of podcasts pidgeon hole themselves into a very specific thing, and while they might be interesting, they dont gain any traction and fade into obscurity. 


I have been listening to the lava flow for years now but if you arent a libertarian or one of its many offshoots, you will probably never listen to it. 


I think this is a dope work around to that problem. Im tuned in for sure.

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there's a few podcast threads out there

http://www.benchtalkpodcast.com/ aeon


also this one

but I got over waiting for follow up epsidoes so unless there's some bobm shit I'm unlikely to listen again





12ozpodcast would be dope especially if you can put smash or trash in there somehow....



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This isn't graffiti related but design related. I really like how every show has notes and there are links to things that are discussed, books, music, etc.


I think visuals need to go along with a graff podcast.

Another evolution would be to do a video that could be streamed, recorded and posted back to youtube.




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Cosign @diggity100%.  In the post-social-media era faces are rarely of concern, so video would be entirely feasible.  And if guests weren't into it they can wear corona masks... the number of people that watch Joe Rogan demonstrates the demand for visuals. 


A channel for the podcast and then threads dedicated to each episode would be a good way to create forum traffic, too. 


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49 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

... the number of people that watch Joe Rogan demonstrates the demand for visuals

I think this can be an important point for certain podcasts. I know people that ONLY watch podcasts and will not listen to them. I often listen at work so watching isn’t an option. 

The skateboard podcast called the Nine Club has a great thing going. Monday’s they drop an episode with a specific special guest and go over that skaters history, stories, whatever. There’s a host and 2 co-hosts. 

On Wednesday they do what they call the “Experience.” They have an additional 2 co-hosts, bringing the total to 5, and sometimes shuffle in special guests if one of the co-hosts is out of town or whatever. This episode basically covers what happened during the week in skateboarding. 

While the Monday episodes can generally be listened to, the Experience episodes are far better when you’re watching them on YouTube because they play skate clips and there’s a lot more visuals. They also raffle products every week that get donated by various skate related brands and they drop the episode as a live stream on YouTube. You can interact with the hosts during the live stream/live chat and this is where you donate money. 

If you’re into skating i would highly recommend it. 


But that’s just a couple ideas i’ve seen that podcast do that i thought i’d share so maybe you could repurpose them to fit whatever you have planned. 

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I think a diverse guest list/ list of topics is very important. I also think when podcasts are over produced and have shitty advertisement placements is a huge turn off. The rawness of Rogan’s podcast is what makes it so great, as has been mentioned here. 

I think you also live in a unique location to potentially have some interesting guests that may otherwise not fit the “mold.” Some of my favorite podcasts have been random guests that live lives completely opposite of mine and have interests, hobbies, careers or life paths i’ve never paid mind to.


Jocko Podcast is a great example. Tangentially Speaking is also a good podcast for stuff like that. There was an episode with a guy that’s been studying rattlesnakes for almost 2 decades. I always thought a rattler bite was a death sentence, turns out it’s not. It’s not even the venom that generally kills people it’s the infection from bacteria in the snakes mouth. If you get bit by a rattler you can choose to go to the hospital, or ride it out if you’re a healthy adult. I think the dude said he’s been bit a handful of times and only went to the hospital once.. fun facts. 

But back to podcast structure stuff.. Rogan reading his ads at the beginning is a great way to do it because you can skip through if you choose to. The way Bill Burr reads his ads is incredible and i look forward to the laughs, but thats a hard model to copy, haha. 

When podcasts stop every 10 minutes and read an advertisement it’s fucking annoying and i’ve stopped listening to podcasts because of it. Just some food for thought if you get to that point. 

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7 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

Cosign @diggity100%.  In the post-social-media era faces are rarely of concern, so video would be entirely feasible.  And if guests weren't into it they can wear corona masks... the number of people that watch Joe Rogan demonstrates the demand for visuals. 


A channel for the podcast and then threads dedicated to each episode would be a good way to create forum traffic, too. 


We have discussed filming while recording. Definitely something we can do once it has budget. Cant do it on all instances because it’s likely that many will have to be conducted remotely. 

Also, this isn’t a graffiti podcast. Though I’m sure we’d cover related topics and people for some episodes, I’d like this to be far broader than that. Not sure showing faces would matter, especially with the caliber of individuals I’m hoping we can get on the show. 

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6 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I think a diverse guest list/ list of topics is very important. I also think when podcasts are over produced and have shitty advertisement placements is a huge turn off. The rawness of Rogan’s podcast is what makes it so great, as has been mentioned here. 

I think you also live in a unique location to potentially have some interesting guests that may otherwise not fit the “mold.” Some of my favorite podcasts have been random guests that live lives completely opposite of mine and have interests, hobbies, careers or life paths i’ve never paid mind to.


Jocko Podcast is a great example. Tangentially Speaking is also a good podcast for stuff like that. There was an episode with a guy that’s been studying rattlesnakes for almost 2 decades. I always thought a rattler bite was a death sentence, turns out it’s not. It’s not even the venom that generally kills people it’s the infection from bacteria in the snakes mouth. If you get bit by a rattler you can choose to go to the hospital, or ride it out if you’re a healthy adult. I think the dude said he’s been bit a handful of times and only went to the hospital once.. fun facts. 

But back to podcast structure stuff.. Rogan reading his ads at the beginning is a great way to do it because you can skip through if you choose to. The way Bill Burr reads his ads is incredible and i look forward to the laughs, but thats a hard model to copy, haha. 

When podcasts stop every 10 minutes and read an advertisement it’s fucking annoying and i’ve stopped listening to podcasts because of it. Just some food for thought if you get to that point. 

Please drop links to your references. Jocko is one of the people I’d love to cover actually. The individual I’ve been assisting is actually a good friend of his, Andy Stumpf. His podcast is Cleared Hot and he was on Rogans episode this last Friday. Anyhow, really good dude that I’ve gotten really cool with. I’m sure he’d be willing to help out since he’s already been helping me out and sending over a fair bit of business. 

Cleared Hot Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cleared-hot/id1247300054


Rogan Episode 1445 with Andy Stumpf - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-joe-rogan-experience/id360084272?i=1000469088229

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That's good--I think you'd paint yourself into a corner by being only graff. 


I don't know how you address the ads piece. Sam Harris recently switched to a format where the public gets the first half-or-so of a conversation, and members get the full thing, allowing him to be ad free. I have my qualms with the system, but I appreciate a principle of refusing to potentially be associated with something you disagree with. 



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3 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

That's good--I think you'd paint yourself into a corner by being only graff. 


I don't know how you address the ads piece. Sam Harris recently switched to a format where the public gets the first half-or-so of a conversation, and members get the full thing, allowing him to be ad free. I have my qualms with the system, but I appreciate a principle of refusing to potentially be associated with something you disagree with. 



I’ve been discussing this topic as well. I’ve tried to be respectful in this regard, at least in these recent years. Forum is essentially ad free, but to be honest it’s painful to run it like this and definitely is stunting growth. I pay out of my pocket to run all this and put in a lot of time. I get quite a bit of help from @Dirty_habiTwith the server, but so far, there’s not enough purchasing on the web shop, especially being driven from the forum to even scrape the surface of the hard costs of the software, let alone servers or time that goes into keeping this alive. 

Not that being said, I am hoping that a podcast serves to raise our profile; both the brand and forum and maybe helps boost things. But likewise, I’m also hoping to develop a sustainable model in which this isn’t another version of me asking for volunteers and all of us running this contributing our time and me having to dig deeper into my pockets to bank roll it. Not saying it’ll be profitable from day one, but establishing a business model that makes sense is every bit as important to me as developing a concept and content I can wrap my head around and get excited about. 

It does seem to integrate very nicely into what we already have though. It’s very likely that the forum will be integrated in a big way as an avenue to discuss recent and upcoming episodes. It’s likely that this will be the catalyst to bring back a real membership system that in turn will allow additional access, participation and content. As we also have the screen printing company, my thought is that I can make it more appealing as it ramps up by designing an exclusive shirt that goes with membership so that a person gets a little more in return up front. As far as the membership benefit itself, I’m still thinking it through, but it’ll likely be a tiered membership system that allows varying degree of content and “membership” gift / product and perhaps something along the lines of being ad free or something. I’m unsure about those details, but there will be obvious monetization and you can count on it not being intrusive. 

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1 hour ago, misteraven said:

Please drop links to your references. Jocko is one of the people I’d love to cover actually. The individual I’ve been assisting is actually a good friend of his, Andy Stumpf. His podcast is Cleared Hot and he was on Rogans episode this last Friday. Anyhow, really good dude that I’ve gotten really cool with. I’m sure he’d be willing to help out since he’s already been helping me out and sending over a fair bit of business. 

Cleared Hot Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cleared-hot/id1247300054


Rogan Episode 1445 with Andy Stumpf - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-joe-rogan-experience/id360084272?i=1000469088229

Right on, that’s awesome. I had a feeling that's who you were referring to because i think you had mentioned his name somewhere in the past. Definitely a good dude to know. 

Tangentially Speaking



Nine Club



edit: correction on the rattlesnake guy, it was 50 years not 20. It felt wrong as i was typing and i just looked it up to confirm. 

double edit: i actually started listening to Andy Stumpf’s episode earlier but am going to save it for work tomorrow. 

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9 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

That's good--I think you'd paint yourself into a corner by being only graff. 


I don't know how you address the ads piece. Sam Harris recently switched to a format where the public gets the first half-or-so of a conversation, and members get the full thing, allowing him to be ad free. I have my qualms with the system, but I appreciate a principle of refusing to potentially be associated with something you disagree with. 



Is a pre roll before the content that much of an issue?

I mean it's an ad, you listen it's 30 seconds long you get past it knowing it helps to fund the podcast producer.


I will admit those podcasts where it stops every 10 minute for more are pretty horrible


I'm not a fan of host reads for podcast advertising.

I think Claw Money does that and hearing a graff person being all Like "today's interview with tkid is brought to you by alkaseltzer which always keeps down your reflux" just give me the ad straight up make it an ad.


might not be for everybody but the few episodes I listened to were pretty sweet.





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1 hour ago, Schnitzel said:

I'm not a fan of host reads for podcast advertising.

I think Claw Money does that and hearing a graff person being all Like "today's interview with tkid is brought to you by alkaseltzer which always keeps down your reflux" just give me the ad straight up make it an ad.

Not a podcast, but Howard Stern reads most of the ads on his radio show, but he reads them however he wants in the moment.  Makes it much more easy to listen to, somtimes even funny.

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On 3/21/2020 at 6:21 PM, Fist 666 said:

I love the idea.

@misteraven are you familiar with Legends Thursday? I would use that as the baseline standard for what a rap letter podcast ought to be. The Alski Show is hit or miss, but I, in general, have a hard time listening to people that are that "new york"...

RIP legends Thursday’s but idk about a baseline standard. This goes right on back to the seemingly forgotten about thread on how to reach out and engage new members and keep them here. We all know how much other shit this platform has to offer. Time to put down the rap sprays and pick up the mothfuckin guns and Willie Nelson records LOL!!! J/P. 


Yo Raven, first off lemme start by saying....C8C2ED84-3434-43F1-BEDE-DDD4EFE1A54E.gif.51adee13eacd7f25e50b1cc1c11bb21d.gif




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